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[Nettime-ro] Vernisajul expozitiei Femina Subtetrix, Ivan Gallery, joi 10 septembrie 2015, 7 pm

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Femina Subtetrix

Larisa Crunteanu si Sonja Hornung 

Curatoare: Xandra Popescu 

10.09 - Â03.10.2015
Vernisaj: 10 Septembrie, ora 19.00

Galeria Ivan va invita la vernisajul expozitiei Femina Subtetrix, un proiect colaborativ al artistelor Larisa Crunteanu sii Sonja Hornung.

Termenul latinesc immurare reprezinta o forma de intemnitare in care o persoanÄ este zidita intr-Âun spatiu inchis. Cuvantul este format din im (in) si murus (perete). Zidirea nu lasa nicio urma, ci doar un spatiu neted, un halou invizibil -Â un perete prea gros, o fereastra Ãn minus, o tencuiala prea neteda. Privat de orice dovada, corpul ascuns transgreseaza in legenda sau speculatie, bÃantuind locul: acesta este locul unde..., fantoma ei poate fi auzitaÌ.... Zidirea implica netezirea unei suprafete, trecerea suferintei din planul vizibil in adancul materiei. 

Pentru a intari cimentul in conditii extreme de vreme, forme incipiente ale acestuia contineau compusi organici precum grasime de animal, par de cal, lapte, sange de bou, orez, banane fierte si ouaÌ. Originea oricarui edificiu era organica si pe jumatate - daca nu chiar de tot Â- uitata undeva in permanenta amnezie a progresului. 

Toate acestea formeaza o legatura intre materialitatea progresului (ciment, caramizi si masinarii) si originea acestuia (munca) -Â o legatura situata intre mit si materialitate. 

Larisa Crunteanu si Sonja Hornung au inceput sa lucreze impreuna in 2015, pe si in jurul terenului parasit de vizavi de fabrica APACA. 

Larisa Crunteanu a studiat Fotografie si Video in cadrul Universitatii Nationale de Arte Bucuresti. In prezent candideaza la pozitia de doctorand in cadrul aceleiasi institutii. Lucreaza la intersectia dintre video si performance, cercetare si speculatie, adeseori in colaborare, creand contexte si situatii de auto-Âgestiune. Din 2012 coordoneaza impreuna cu Xandra Popescu activitatea spatiului de proiecte Atelier 35 din Bucuresti. 

Sonja Hornung este artista vizuala. Prin instalatie, desen si text investigheaza dileme generate de natura spatiilor (ne)ingradite. In prezent este masteranda in cadrul programului Art in Public Space la BerlinÂ-WeiÃensee School of Art. 

Proiectul este posibil cu sprijinul ARCUB, prin programul de finantare Esti Bucuresti. 

www.ivangallery.com <http://www.ivangallery.com/>


Femina Subtetrix

Larisa CruntÌeanu and Sonja Hornung

Curator: Xandra Popescu 

10.09Â - 03.10.2015
Opening: 10th of September, 7 PM

Ivan Gallery has the pleasure to invite you to the opening of the exhibition Femina Subtetrix, a collaborative project by Larisa Crunteanu and Sonja Hornung.

The latin term immurare designates a form of seclusion in which a person is walled into an enclosed space. The word is formed from im (in) and murus (wall). An immurement leaves no trace except a smooth space, an invisible hollow â a wall too thick, one window fewer, the mortar too seamlessly laid. Shorn of proof, the hidden body passes into the form of a legend or a speculation that marks the place: this is the spot where... â her ghost still can be heard. Immurement involves the smoothing over of space, folding suffering out of visibility and into the hidden depths of matter. 

To strengthen against cracking in extreme weather conditions, early forms of cement often contained organic compounds such as animal fat, horse hair, milk, oxen blood, rice, boiled banana and eggs. The origin of every edifice was organic and half -Â if not completely Âforgotten in the permanent amnesia of progress. 

This speaks of a nexus between the materials of progress (concrete, bricks and machines) and its origin (labour) - a nexus situated between myth and material itself. 

Larisa Crunteanu and Sonja Hornung began working together in 2015 on and around a wasteland opposite the factory once known as APACA. 

Larisa Crunteanu has studied Photography and Moving Image and is currently a PHD candidate at the National Arts University of Bucharest. She works at the intersection of video and performance between research and speculation, often collaboratively, creating contexts for the emergence of new practices and selfÂ-organization. From 2012 together with Xandra Popescu she powers Atelier 35, a project space from Bucharest. 

Sonja Hornung is a visual artist. Working with installation, drawing and writing, she investigates dilemmas generated by the (un)bordered nature of space. She is currently studying Art in Public Space (MA Raumstrategien) at the BerlinÂ-WeiÃensee School of Art. 

This project is made possible with the support of ARCUB, through the financing programme âYou Are Bucharestâ. 

www.ivangallery.com <http://www.ivangallery.com/>

Ivan Gallery

Dimitrie Grecescu 13, 
Bucharest, 050598
Tel +40214100139

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