Club Electroputere on Mon, 5 May 2014 16:12:47 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] Inscrieri atelier Complex de Vitamine 8 / Andi Puiu: Cine se teme de justiÈie?

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Andi Puiu
Cine se teme de justiÈie?

*Atelier pentru descoperirea identitÄÈii judiciare *

SÃmbÄtÄ, 10 mai, ora 17.00

Club Electroputere Craiova
Calea Bucuresti 56

Dragi prieteni,
Centrul pentru CulturÄ ContemporanÄ Club Electroputere anunÈÄ deschiderea
atelierului âCine se teme de justiÈie?â din cadrul programului Complex de
Vitamine. Invitatul nostru pentru aceastÄ ediÈie este avocatul Andi Puiu.
El ne propune un atelier pentru descoperirea identitÄÈii judiciare care are
ca scop tratarea temerilor legate de actul procedural juridic.

Este justificatÄ spaima pe care o trÄieÈte aproape orice persoana implicatÄ
Ãntr-o procedurÄ judiciarÄ, fie cÄ este vorba de magistrat, avocat,
poliÈist, inculpat, victimÄ, reclamant sau pÃrÃt? Care sunt cauzele unei
astfel de frici? Cum ÃÈi pune aceasta amprenta asupra procedurilor

ExistÄ prea multÄ dramatizare judiciarÄ? Este legitimÄ aspiraÈia
soluÈionÄrii tuturor conflictelor sociale pe cale juridicÄ?

Scenariul propus pentru aceastÄ temÄ este performativ. Cei care doresc sÄ
participe vor trebui sÄ ÃÈi anunÈe prezenÈa prin e-mail la adresa Primii 20 ÃnscriÈi vor fi ÃmparÈiÈi Ãn douÄ
tabere, - acuzaÈi Èi acuzatori â, pentru a simula dimensiunea Èi dinamica
juridicÄ a unei sÄli de judecatÄ.

Complex de Vitamine este un program de workshop-uri, conferinÅe, dezbateri
Èi ateliere, ce cuprinde o arie foare variatÄ de domenii.PlecÃnd de la
constatarea cÄ astÄzi relaÈiile interumane sunt alienate de cÄtre factori
care privesc societatea de consum, mass media sau tehnologie etc.,
programul Complex de Vitamine ÃncearcÄ sÄ scurtcircuiteze aceastÄ situaÈie
creÃnd un spaÈiu alternativ, nonideologic de relaÈionare Èi dezbatere.
Complex de Vitamine urmÄreÅte sÄ ÃmpÄrtÄÅeascÄ publicului, prin selecÅia
invitaÅilor Èi prin particularitÄÅile temelor prezentate, atÃt aspecte ale
cotidianului care scapÄ criticii cÃt Èi un ansamblu de idei cu o importantÄ
componentÄ practicÄ.

Proiect cultural finanÈat de FundaÈia ERSTE
Parteneri: Teatrul pentru copii Èi tineret Colibri, illy



Andi Puiu
Whoâs Afraid of Justice?

*Workshop for discovering judicial identity *

Saturday, May 10, 5 pm

Club Electroputere Craiova
56 Calea Bucuresti

Dear friends,
Centre for contemporary culture Club Electroputere invites you to the
opening of âWhoâs Afraid of Justice?â workshop within the âVitamins
Complexâ program. Our guest is Andi Puiu, lawyer. He proposes a workshop
for discovering judicial identity which aims to treat our fears related to
judicial procedures.

Is it justified for any person involved in a legal procedure, from judge
and lawyer to policeman, defendant, victim, prosecutor or co-defendant, to
feel fear? What are the causes that generate this feeling? What does
influence the judicial procedure?

Is there too much judicial drama? Is the intention to solve every social
conflict using the law legitimate?

The scenario proposed for this meeting is performative. Those who wish to
participate are welcome and kindly required to announce their intention
using the e-mail address In order to simulate
the dynamic dimension of a court of law, the first 20 participants are to
be divided into two opposite groups â defendant and prosecution.

âVitamin Complexâ is a workshop and conference program which contains a
varied area of domains. Starting from the fact that the possibilities of
development of the human relations in the contemporary society are limited
through the creation of multimedia communication channels and spaces
specially created to serve the market of consumerism and control, the
âVitamin Complexâ programme tries to shortcut this state of facts, aiming
to create an educational alternative space for debates and socializing. CV
wants to share with its public, through the selection of the guests and
through the particularities of the presented themes, both aspects of daily
life that escape criticism and also a kit of ideas with an important
practical component.

This event is supported by ERSTE Foundation.
Partners: âColibriâ Children and Youth Theatre, illy

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