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[Nettime-ro] Iasi – Prezentare si workshop cu Nebojsa Milikic

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* <> Iasi â Prezentare si workshop cu
Nebojsa Milikic*

Incepand de luni, 22 iulie si continuand marti, 23 si miercuri, 24 iulie, <> Iasi va invita sa va alaturati
pentru o prezentare si un workshop de doua zile impreuna cu muncitorul
cultural, cercetatorul si activistul Nebojsa Milikc. Continuand seria de
prezentari in care fiecare invitat ar putea discuta subiecte foarte
specifice, chiar de nisa, legate de practica artistica,<> Iasi
a invitat oaspetele nostru sa faca o prezentare despre paleontologie,  un
subiect cercetat de Milikic atat in studiile sale de licenta cat si in cele
de masterat in Belgrad, dar si in anii urmatori. Aceasta va fi prima
prezentare de acest fel in activitatea sa artistica si culturala. In zilele
urmatoare el va conduce un workshop despre ceea ce el numeste scrierea
"(auto)biografiilor politice".

*Privind si vazand - prezentare*

*22.07.2013, orele 19.00 *
cladirea Iasitex, Etajul 7, B-dul Primaverii nr. 2, Iasi

âCum ne invata paleontologia sa vedem ceea ce privim? Disciplina
stiintifica neglijata in invaÈamantul primar actioneaza ca un ghid in
trecutul pamantului si ca o lupa cognitiva a istoriei naturale. In scopul
de a accepta postulatele paleontologiei, inclusiv intelegerea timpului
geologic, a aparitiei, dezvoltarii si extinctiei organismelor vii, precum
si logica si scopul schimbarilor in crusta Pamantului, suntem aproape
obligati sa dezinstalam sistemul invatarii cerut pentru cele mai multe
dintre apoi instalarea unui nou sistem care are si el
efecte secundare neplanificate...â (Nebojsa Milikic)

*Workshop de scriere a (auto)biografiilor politice cu Nebojsa Milikic*

*23 - 24.07.2013, incepand cu orele 11.00 *
cladirea Iasitex, Etajul 7, B-dul Primaverii nr. 2, Iasi

Nebojsa Milikic este dornic sa ajute locuitori ai Iasi-ului posibil
interesati sa-si scrie propriile autobiografii politice sau biografii
politice ale unor persoane pe care le cunosc. Workshop-ul intentioneaza sa
urmareasca si sa discute istoria credintelor politice, a comportamentului,
a activitatilor, a dezamagirilor, a indoielilor, a sperantelor persoanei in
discutie. Metoda de lucru implica una sau mai multe intalniri care se vor
sfarsi prin realizarea unei notite scrise despre fiecare persoana. Dupa un
timp considerabil, notele pot fi discutate in continuare. Poate ca vor fi
arhivate. Poate ca vor fi trimise unor anumite persoane pentru confirmare
sau confruntare. Poate ca vor fi uitate sau distruse. Totul depinde de
situatia politica. Astfel, pe de o parte, workshop-ul sugereaza ca toata
lumea are propriul trecut si viitor politic. Pe de alta parte, se joaca cu
o teama existenta fata de serviciile secrete, fata de âBig Otherâ care vrea
sa stie si stie âunde am fost si ce am gandit sau am facutâ...

*Nebojsa Milikic* (Nascut in 1964)

Muncitor cultural, cercetator si activist, traieste si lucreaza in Belgrad,
Serbia. Implicat in practici organizatorice, artistice si curatoriale in
artele vizuale si relationale, el este activ in proiecte de cercetare si
campanii publice. Milikic scrie despre productia culturala si artistica si
 lucreaza la Centrul Cultural REX din Belgrad ca initiatorul si
coordonatorul programelor de dezbateri si a programului de democratizare si
descentralizare a culturii. Aceasta va fi cea de a treia sedere in Iasi,
locul in care s-a indragostit de arhitectura modernista din Romania,
inclusiv de cladirea IASITEX si de fabrica TESATURA (acum demolata). A
fost, de asemenea, impresionat de tratamentul public civilizat si tolerant
fata de cainii strazii. Studii: Master in paleontologie in cadrul
Institutului pentru Geologie si Paleontologie regionala din Belgrad (2000),
Scoala de istorie si teorie a imaginii (Centrul de Arta Contemporana,
Belgrad) (2001) si Studii Queer (Centrul pentru Studii Queer, Belgrad)

Inscrierea la workshop poate fi facuta in ziua prezentarii de pe 22 iulie
sau prin email:

Acest program face parte din proiectul Fiction, Rhetoric and
Facts dezvoltat de<>
2012-2013 si din seria Fapt Brut, dezvoltata de<>

* <> Iasi â Presentation and
workshop with Nebojsa Milikic*

Starting on Monday, 22nd of July and continuing on Tuesday, 23rd and
Wednesday, 24th of July, <> Iasi
is inviting you to join a presentation and a two days workshop with the
cultural worker, researcher and activist, Nebojsa Milikic. Continuing its
series of presentions, where each guest could disscuss very specific,
sometimes niche subjects related to the artistic practice,<> Iasi
invited our guest to give a lecture on paleontology, a subject researched
by Milikic both in his BA and MA studies in Belgrade, but also in the years
after. This will be his first presentation of this kind in his artistic and
cultural activity. The days after he will conduct a workshop on what he
calls "writing political (auto)biographies".

*Looking and Seeing - presentation*

22.07.2013, 7 pm
Iasitex building, 7th floor, B-dul Primaverii no. 2, Iasi

âHow paleontology teaches us to see what we look at? The scientific
discipline which is neglected in the primary schooling, acts as a guide to
Earth's past and a cognitive magnifier of natural history. In order to
accept the postulates of paleontology, including the understanding of
geological time, of the appearance, developement and extincions of living
organisms and the logic and scope of changes in the Earth's crust, one is
almost obliged to deinstall the system of learning required for most of the
other knowledge. And to install the new system, which also has its
unplanned side effects...â (Nebojsa Milikic)

*Workshop in writing  political (auto)biographies with Nebojsa Milikic*

23 - 24.07.2013, starting with 11 am
Iasitex building, 7th floor, B-dul Primaverii no. 2, Iasi

Nebojsa Milikic is willing to help all possibly interested inhabitants of
Iasi to write their own or the political biography of persons they know.
The workshop intends to trace and discuss the history of political
believes, behavior, activities, disappointments, doubts, hopes of the
persons in question. The working method implies one or several meetings
which end up in making the written note about each person. The notes could
be further discussed, after considerable time. Maybe they are archived.
Maybe they are sent to the given persons, for confirmation or
confrontation. Maybe they are forgotten or destroyed, it depends on the
political situation. Thus, on the one hand, the workshop suggests that
everybody has his-her own political past and future. On the other it plays
with an ever existing fear of secret services, of the Big Other that wants
to know and knows "where we have been and what we've been thinking or

*Nebojsa Milikic* (born in 1964)

Cultural worker, researcher and activist, lives and works in Belgrade,
Serbia. He is involved in organizational, artistic and curatorial practice
in visual and relational arts; also he is active in research projects and
public campaigns. Milikic writes about cultural and artistic production and
works at Cultural Center Rex in Belgrade, as the initiator and coordinator
of debate programs and the program of democratization and decentralization
of culture. This will be his third stay in Iasi, where he fell in love with
the Romanian modernist architecture including IASITEX building and the (now
demolished) TESATURA factory. He was also impressed by the civilized
tolerant public treatement of stray dogs. Studies:  MA in paleontology at
the Institute for Regional Geology and Paleontology in Belgrade (2000), The
School of History and Theory of Image (Centre for Contemporary Art
Belgrade) (2001) and The Queer Studies (The Center for Queer Studies,
Belgrade) (2013)

This program is part of Fiction, Rhetoric and Facts project developed by<>
2012-2013 and Hard Fact series developed<>

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