Valentina Iancu on Tue, 25 Jun 2013 21:09:50 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] Fwd: Syria, Never Gonna Be The Same Again - Expozitie in cadrul Noaptea Alba a Fotografiei, joi 27 iunie, ora 19.00 - 02.00

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From: Make a Point <>
Date: 2013/6/25
Subject: Syria, Never Gonna Be The Same Again - Expozitie in cadrul Noaptea
Alba a Fotografiei, joi 27 iunie, ora 19.00 - 02.00
To: Iancu <>

     Never Gonna Be The Same Again. Syria, o noua fata, o noua arta -
Expozitie in cadrul Noaptea Alba a Fotografiei,
joi 27 iunie, ora 19.00 - 02.00
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         *Never Gonna Be The Same Again
Siria, o nouÄ faÈÄ, o nouÄ artÄ. * vernisaj @ Noaptea AlbÄ a Fotografiei 27
iunie, 19:00 la Make a Point
[image: Syria, new Face, new
|RO|  for English, please scroll down.
*Never Gonna Be The Same Again. Siria, o nouÄ faÈÄ, o nouÄ artÄ.*

*âEu sunt artist, iar viziunea mea despre un razboi Ãntr-atÃt de urÃt ca
Ästa (din Siria) este prezentÄ Ãn lucrÄrile mele. Iar asta este forma mea
de luptÄ, Èi e o luptÄ importantÄ, este mÄrturia care Ãi rÄmane viitorului
despre prostia Èi murdÄria acestui razboiâ.* (Samir Sroi)

Conflictul care devasteazÄ Siria de mai bine de doi ani Èi care a produs
pÃnÄ acum peste 97 000 de morÈi (conform UN), a schimbat pentru totdeauna
chipul unora dintre cele mai vechi orase ale lumii. A schimbat radical Èi
felul Ãn care artiÈtii sirieni vÄd aceastÄ lume.

*Make a Point propune o privire digitalÄ asupra acestei agonii. *

Ce se ÃntamplÄ Ãn lumea ÃnregistrÄrii Èi difuzÄrii digitale a imaginii,
cÃnd oricine fotografiazÄ Èi este fotografiat, iar imaginea este arÄtatÄ
lumii aproape Ãn timp real?

SelecÈia de fotografii implicÄ o dialecticÄ Ãntre normalitatea Siriei de la
Ãnceputul lui 2011, cu bazarele Èi turistii ei, Èi aceleaÈi locuri Èi
oameni imortalizaÈi doar doi ani mai tÃrziu. Doi ani Ãn care, Ãn teorie,
totul a fost Ãnregistrat, fotografiat, transmis lumii, fiecare explozie,
fiecare ranÄ, fiecare victimÄ ÃÈi are undeva mÄrturia ei vizualÄ. Doi ani
Ãn care lumea a fost suprasaturatÄ cu mÄrturii vizuale din Siria.

*De ce, atunci, mai este nevoie de o expoziÈie? *

ParticipativÄ Èi interactivÄ, expoziÈia de la Make a Point propune o
selecÈie de fotografii prin care ÃÈi trimite vizitatorii Ãntr-o cÄlÄtorie
Ãn timp, Èi Ãi aduce foarte aproape de o parte nevÄzutÄ a conflictului: cum
ÃÈi duce existenÈa mai departe o familie obisnuita din Siria? Dincolo de un
conflict politic Èi armat care a angrenat forÈe politice mondiale, dincolo
de segregÄri religioase, genocid Èi cifre, dincolo de zidurile Damascului,
cÃt de aproape de normalitate mai este viaÈa sirianului, dincolo de toate

Fotografiile provin, Ãn majoritate, din arhivele personale ale cÃtorva
artiÈti Sirieni (graficieni, pictori, ilustratori), a cÄror artÄ Èi fel de
a vedea lumea s-au schimbat Èi ele radical Ãn ultimii doi ani. Ãn paralel
cu expoziÈia de fotografie, Turnul de ArtÄ din curtea Make a Point oferÄ un
inside Ãn aceastÄ schimbare brutalÄ de mijloace, mediu Èi tematicÄ.

Din aceleaÈi raÈiuni pentru care este anonimÄ majoritatea artei (inclusiv
fotografice) care se produce Ãn acest moment Ãn Siria, Ãi protejam prin
anonimat Èi pe cei mai multi dintre artiÈtii participanÈi Ãn "Never Gonna
Be The Same Again. Siria, o nouÄ faÈÄ, o nouÄ artÄ".

ExcepÈie face pictorul Samir Sroi (n. Siria 1950), ale cÄrui lucrÄri vor fi
expuse Ãn Turnul de ArtÄ de la Make a Point.

ExpoziÈie realizatÄ de Alma Cazacu, MÄdÄlina RoÈca, Miruna Stoicescu
Èi Reem (Siria)

Acesta este al doilea proiect realizat de Make a Point cu Èi pentru
creatorii vizuali sirieni, dupÄ "*AjutÄ artiÈtii sirieni sÄ lucreze mai
departe! **Design your Graphics in Syria**"* (<>)
- proiect ÃncÄ Ãn desfÄÈurare.


ExpoziÈia poate fi vizitatÄ Ãn weekend-uri cu programare pÃnÄ pe 11 iulie.

Mai multe informaÈii despre proiect gÄsiti pe:<>

Mai multe informaÈii despre Noaptea AlbÄ a Galeriilor gasiÈi pe:<>


*Make a Point*

*Make a Point este o AsociaÈie culturalÄ ÃnfiinÈatÄ Ãn anul 2009 de cÄtre
trei oameni de artÄ: criticul de film Viorica Bucur, regizorul de film
documentar MÄdÄlina RoÈca Èi artistul vizual Alma Cazacu, care aduce
cultura mai aproape de oameni. Geografic vorbind. *
*AsociaÈia organizeazÄ expoziÈii, spectacole, proiecÈii de film, seminarii,
workshop-uri Èi este un spaÈiu dedicat expunerii de lucrÄri Èi mesaje ale
creatorilor contemporani Ãntr-un loc aparent inaccesibil artei: o fostÄ
halÄ a PostÄvÄriei RomÃne. In 2012, Make a Point a cÃÈtigat Premiul al
II-lea pentru CulturÄ la Gala SocietÄÈii Civile.*

*Pentru detalii vÄ rugÄm sa ne contactaÈi la*

Daca nu ati mai fost la Make a Point, asa ne gasiti:<>

*|EN| *

 *Never Gonna Be The Same Again. Syria, new Face, new Art.*

*âMyself, I am an artist, and my own vision about such an ugly war as this
one [in Syria] is very present in my works. This is my very own fight, a
meaningful one, is the proof which remains for the future about the
stupidity and dirtiness of this warâ* (Samir Sroi)

The conflict which devastates Syria for more than two years now and which
made no less than 97 000 human victims (according to UN), forever changed
the face of some of the oldest cities in the world. Moreover, it radically
changed the way in which Syrian artists see this world.

Make a Point tries to give a digital insight to this agony.

What happens in the world of digitally recorded image, when everyone
photographs and on his turn is being photographed, and thus recorded image
is shown to the world almost in real time?

The photographical selection implies dialectic between Syriaâs normality
from the beginning of 2011, with its bazaars and its tourists, and some of
the same places and people recorded just two years later. Two years in
which, theoretically at least, everything was witnessed, photographed,
passed on to the world, and every explosion, every wound, every victim has
somewhere its own visual proof. Two years in which the world was
oversaturated with visual testimonies from Syria.

So why than, one might ask, is an exhibition necessary?

Participatory and interactive, this Make a Point exhibition offers a
photographical selection which attempts to send its visitors on a journey
through time, bringing them closer to a rather unseen part of the conflict:
how does an average Syrian family carry on its existence? Beyond a
political and armed conflict which engaged worldâs powers, beyond religious
segregation, genocide and numbers, beyond Damascusâs walls, beyond all
this, how close to normality can the Syrianâs life still be?

The photos originate, most of them, from the personal archives of a few
Syrian artists (illustrators, painters, graphic designers), whose art and
way of looking at the world radically changed in the last two years.
Parallel to the photo exhibition, The Art Tower at Make a Pointâs courtyard
offers an insight to this brutal change of mediums, means and thematic.

For the very same reasons for which most of the art emerging from Syria
today (including the photographical) is anonymous, we protect the identity
of the artists participating in the exhibition âNever gonna be the same
again. Syria, new face, new artâ.

An exception is Samir Sroi (b. Syria 1950), whose paintings will be shown
at the Water Tower at Make a Point.

Exhibition created by Alma Cazacu, Madalina Rosca, Miruna Stoicescu
and Reem (Syria).

This is already the second Make a Point project realized with and for
Syrian artists, the first one being an ongoing one: "*Help Syrian Artist
work on! Design your Graphics in Syria*". (<>

*Opening hours*: June 27, 2013  // *19.00 p.m. - 02.00 a.m.s*

The exhibition remains open until July 11 and can be visited by appointment.

*Adress*: Sos. Morarilor 1, within Postavaria Romana, sector 2, Bucharest


*Make a Point*

*Make a Point este o cultural association founded in 2009 by three people
of art: film critic Viorica Bucur, documentary director MÄdÄlina RoÈca and
visual artist Alma Cazacu, which brings culture closer. Geographically
speaking. *
*The association organizes exhibitions, shows, film screenings, workshops,
public talks and it is a dedicated space for exposing the works and
messages of contemporary creators in a place apparently inaccesible to art
- a former hall of Postavaria Romana Factory. In 2012 Make a Point won the
2nd Prize for Art and Culture at the Civil Society Galla. *

*For more details, please contact us at

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