Zorzini Adina on Mon, 3 Dec 2012 19:47:54 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] ZORZINI Gallery presents a Solo Show by Andrei GAMART | 12.12.2012 | The ERROR

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*ZORZINI Gallery prezinta The Error*

*Un Solo Show de Andrei GAMART*

*Curator Adina Zorzini*


*Opening 12 Decembrie ora 19.00*

*Str. Thomas Masaryk nr. 31*

Andrei Gamart este unul dintre cei mai promitatori artisti emergenti ai
Scolii de Arta de la Chisinau, Republica Moldova, orasul in care artistul
s-a nascut si a activat pana in anul 2008, momentul mutarii sale la
Bucuresti, in Romania. Andrei Gamart stapaneste tehnicile picturii,
desenului si pe acelea ale gravurii, iar lucrarile pe care le-a prezentat
pana acum publicului reprezentau *storyboard*-ul unei minti inconstiente,
obisnuind sa descrie contra-realitatile interioare ale artistului intr-o
atmosfera bizara, nelinistitoare.

Expozitia The Error, primul solo show pe care Andrei Gamart il prezinta in
spatiul galeriei Zorzini, reprezinta un moment de turnura in cariera
acestuia, in care constatarile interioare ale artistului se transforma in
asertiuni despre lumea exterioara: astfel, Andrei Gamart isi intoarce
privirea dinspre realitatile sinelui si de la universul interior inspre
faptele realitatii concrete, schimband perspectiva lucrarilor intr-una
exterioara, fapt care ii conoteaza picturile ca pe un bastion din care
artistul priveste asupra lumii inconjuratoare.

In solo show-ul The Error, Andrei Gamart statuteaza sfarsitul acestei lumi
asa cum o cunoastem, lasandu-si personajele si privitorii in egala masura,
sa descopere noi orizonturi dincolo de zidurile unei realitati care se
prabuseste si se destrama sub privirile noastre. In acesta ordine de idei,
artistul descrie un peisaj post-apocalitic, in care oamenii se misca si
reactioneaza la stimulii cotidieni intr-o maniera obisnuita, fara a
constientiza faptul ca fiecare experienta ii aduce mai aproape de un timp
al apocalipsei acum.

La finalul zilei, practica lui Andrei Gamart il califica pe acesta ca fiind
un artist de atmosfera care nazuieste sa devina candva, in viitor, un
artist vizionar.

(Adina Zorzini)


*ZORZINI Gallery presents The Error*

*A Solo Show by Andrei GAMART*

*Curator Adina Zorzini*


*Opening 12th of Decembre 7 pm
*31 Thomas Masaryk Street

Andrei Gamart is one of the most promising emerging artists coming from
Chisinau School of Art, Republic of Moldova, city he was born in and active
as a young artist until 2008, when he established to Bucharest, Romania.
Andrei Gamart masters painting, drawing and engraving techniques and the
images he used to represent by now were like the storyboard of an
unconscious mind, displaying the artist’s counter realities in a bizarre
and twilight atmosphere.

The Error exhibition represents a turning point in the artistic career of
Andrei Gamart, for this first solo show in the space of Zorzini Gallery
turns his inner ascertains into assertions regarding the world: the artist
turns his eyes away from his inside realities towards the outside ones,
changing the point of view from upon an interior universe towards the
conjuring facts and transforming his artworks into an observation bastion
from which he looks upon the world.

In The Error solo show, the artist states the end of the world as we know
it, leaving both his characters and his public to discover new horizons
beyond the falling walls of this reality which dissipates and crumbles
without knowing. Thus, Andrei Gamart describes a post apocalyptical
landscape in which people move and react in the same common way they are
used to, without realizing each experience brings them closer to a time of
the apocalypse now.
At the end of the day, the art practice of Andrei Gamart qualifies him as
an atmosphere artist thriving to become a visionary one in the years to

(Adina Zorzini)
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