PAVILION [journal for politics and culture] on Tue, 9 Oct 2012 14:31:45 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] PAVILION lecture Ana-Maria Nistor


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Ana-Maria Nistor
Deformatori de opinie si manipularea prin presa

Joi, 11 octombrie 2012, 19.00
Pavilon, Sos. Nicolae Titulescu nr.1 (Piata Victoriei)

Cu umor, despre virusul nostru cel de toate zilele.

Despre efectele nocive si deformarea punctului de vedere in goana dupa rating a presei a scrisâ toata presa. Despre orizontalizarea valorilor si manipularea grosolana pentru a obtine senzationalul cu orice pret stie toata lumea. Despre coloana vertebrala a formatorilor de opinie se pot scrie studii anatomice. Interesant insÄ nu e ce fac, ci cum obtin rezultatul dorit.
Nu va propun o lectie docta, nici o teorie searbada, ci o calatorie prin cele mai importante puncte de atractie ale mass-media: o stire in cinci variante, tabloidizarea si manelizarea, demitizarea si puterea derizoriului, asa-zisi lideri si non-lideri, show-ul nimicului, hipernaturalismul si voyeurismul din presa, tacticile femeilor si ale barbatilor in manipularea opiniei publice. O discutie cu haz despre cea mai importanta putere din casa: âinformatia pe surseâ si cum ne modifica ea vrand-nevrand.

Ana-Maria Nistor este lect. univ.dr. la Facultatea de Teatru din cadrul UNATC I.L. Caragiale unde preda Istoria teatrului universal si un curs unic in tara de playwriting si analiza textului dramatic. Este critic de teatru, scenarist, autorul unor studii de specialitate, al unei carti despre public si receptare âTeatrokratia â si al alteia despre Povestea celor mai frumoase piese de teatru. A colaborat cu ziare si reviste importante, a fost redactor sef adj. a doua publicatii, a scris scenarii TV, dramatizari, a lucrat cu cei mai importanti actori si regizori ai momentului, a organizat evenimente culturale si nu numai, a participat la cele mai importante festivaluri de teatru, este membru in diverse jurii. Printre alte distinctii, a primit Premiul Studentilor ANOSR â Profesor Bologna â Marii profesori care ne inspira.


Ana-Maria Nistor
Distorting and manipulating public opinion through the media

Thursday, 11 October 2012, 19.00
Pavilon, Sos. Nicolae Titulescu nr.1 (Piata Victoriei)

About our everyday virus, in a humorous manner.

All the press has written about the harmful effects and the distortion of the general point of viewâ in the press. It is common sense to have knowledge of the horizontality of values and the rude manipulation nowadays, in the sick hunger for sensational. There are literally possibilities for writing anatomical studies upon the spine of those who form the average menâs opinion. The interest fells not on what they actually do, but how they reach the final result.
My proposition for you is neither an academic lecture, nor a tasteless theory, but a journey amongst mass-mediaâs most attractive sights: a five version news, the tabloid tendency, demystification and the power of nothingness, so-called leaders and anti-leaders, the show of anonymity, the hyper-naturalism and voyeurism of press, men and womenâs strategy of manipulating the public point of view. A funny chat about the most important of powers in oneâs home: âdocumented informationâ and how it modifies us either we like it or not.

Ana-Maria Nistor is Phd. lecturer at the Theatre Faculty of the National University of Theatre and Film âI.L. Caragialeâ of Bucharest where she teaches the Universal History of Theatre and a unique discipline in Romania â playwriting and the analysis of the dramatic text. She is theatre critique, playwright, the author of valuable studies, a book upon public â Teatrokratia â and another about The story of the most beautiful plays. She has been collaborator for several newspapers and magazines, Deputy Editor in Chief of two important publications, she wrote TV scripts, theatre adaptations and worked with some of the most important contemporary actors and directors. She coordinated many cultural â amongst others â events, participated in some of the most important theatre festivals and has been a member of numerous juries. Amongst other distinctions, she received the ANOSR Studentâs Prize â Bologna Professor â Great Professors who inspire us.

PAVILION center for contemporary art & culture 
proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank

Sos. Nicolae Titulescu 1 (Piata Victoriei)
Bucharest  011131 Romania
T: + 4 021 310 5469


PAVILION (proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank) este un centru pentru arta si cultura contemporana, un spatiu independent work-in-progress, spatiu de productie si cercetare a vizualului, a discursivului si a performativului. Este un spatiu al gandirii critice  care promoveaza o Ãntelegere implicata socio-politic a artei si a institutiilor culturale.

PAVILION (proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank) is a center for contemporary art & culture, a work-in-progress independent space, a space for the production and research in the fields of audiovisual, discursive and performative. It is a space of critical thinking, and it promotes an artistic perspective implying the social and political involvement of art and of cultural institutions.


This is a project by PAVILION - journal for politics and culture.

PAVILION, BUCHAREST BIENNALE and PAVILION CENTER are projects devised and founded by Razvan Ion and Eugen Radescu

Institutional Partners:
Netherlands Embassy in Bucharest
Embassy of the United States in Bucharest
FSPUB - Faculty of Political Science
University of Bucharest
CNI Coresi
Alert Studio
Romanian Cultural Institute
Rumanska Kulturinstitutet Stockholm
Make A Point
BAM - Flamish Institute for Visual, Audiovisual and Media Art
Nana - natural food
Cinema Union
Arhiva Nationala de Filme
White Night of the Galleries

Media Partners:
Radio Romania Cultural
RFI Romania
Arte & Meserii
Ginger Group
Urban Things Romania
Radical Philosophy

Official Hotel: Intercontinental Hotel

Official coffee: Illy

Printing Partner: Evergreen Concept

Production Partner: Update Advertising

Official Club: Control

Official Restaurant: Shift

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PAVILION | journal for politics and culture

BUCHAREST BIENNALE | Bucharest International Biennial for Contemporary Art

PAVILION | center for contemporary art & culture | proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank

office ph./fax: +4 021 310 5469

visiting address: Sos. Nicolae Titulescu nr. 1 (Piata Victoriei), Bucharest
mail address: PO Box 26-0390 Bucharest 14800 Romania

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