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[Nettime-ro] Artist's talk: Liliana Basarab at the University of Arts, Iasi |
for english announcement, please scroll down -------------------------------------  Prezentare artist: LILIANA BASARAB la Facultatea de Arte din IaÅi str. Sarariei 189  miercuri, 19 februarie 2011, orele 14-16 ÃntÃlnire la Sala "Istoria Åi teoria artei"  Titlul: Castigatori si invinsi / Capcane si drumuri batatorite Proiecte vizuale colaborative  Liliana Basarab va vorbi in special despre proiectele sale colaborative desfasurate in perioada 2003-2010, despre asteptarile si capcanele acestui gen de proiecte.   "In anumite proiecte ale mele, lucrarea finala se bazeaza pe ideea de vot 'democratic'. Si daca initial se pare ca lucrarile se adreseaza unui public cat mai larg, pas cu pas, sunt din ce in ce mai putini 'participanti', ca in final sa fie un singur 'castigator'.  Limitarea proiectului pe parcursul procesului creativ, cvasi-ratarea generozitatii sale initiale, insotita de o critica asumata a proiectelor colaborative - sunt cateva din ideile care vor puncta aceasta prezentare. Proiectele artistice pot fi realizate in orice context, dar fiecare context in parte determina produsul vizual final. Si-atunci: Care e 'puterea' pe care si-o poate asuma artistul? Cata 'putere' mai poate avea el? Ce fel de 'putere'/independenta/autonomie isi doreste sau isi poate dori? Care e itinerariul unei lucrari de arta in proiectul participativ, cum se construieste ea?  Reciclarea permanenta, critica si ironica a simbolurilor (de la 'frumusete' la 'adevar', la 'normalitate' sau 'individualism'), transpunerea vizuala a conceptelor abstracte si mecanismele de reprezentare concreta a acestor abstractiuni, cautarea unor noi modalitati de transpunere a conceptelor abstracte in limbaj vizual, conceptele supuse schimbarii, dar care in esenta raman aceleasi, acestea sunt punctele centrale in cautarile mele creative.  O parte din lucrarile mele se bazeaza pe procesul creativ si se materializeaza ca rezultat al suprapunerii de straturi ale diverselor stadii ale acestuia." (Liliana Basarab)   Liliana BASARAB (nascuta in 1979) este artist vizual, traieste si lucreaza in Iasi. In 2010 a participat la programul de rezidenta CEC ArtsLink gazduit de Dayton Visual Art Center in parteneriat cu Ohio Art Council si fondatorii locali Dayton Power & Light Åi The Lombard Fund.   ------------- ENGLISH   Artistâs talk: LILIANA BASARAB at the University of Arts in Iasi  Wednesday, February 19, 2011, hours: 14-16 'Art History and Theory' Room  Title: Winner and losers/Traps and walked paths, Collaborative projects, 2003-2010  "In some of my works based on human interaction process, the final outcome is structured around the idea of âdemocratic voteâ. If, initially the work seems to be addressing a broad audience, gradually less and less participants are involved, leading to a âwinnerâ. The narrowing down of the project during the building process, a failure of the initial generosity accompanied by a critique of the collaboration based projects are some of the ideas to be discussed in this presentation. The projects can be realized in any context but each context will determine the final visual outcome. And then: Where is the power that an artist can wish for? Is there any power left? What kind of power/independence can she/he wish for? Which are the building mechanisms of an art project? And what are the stages of negotiation?  The permanent recycling of symbols has always played a paramount role in my work and made me always attempt and search for ways of translating abstract concepts into a visual language; those concepts are changing and yet are being more or less the same. Therefore my works become these slow and long process based projects, materialized as the result of a multitude of layers between different stages within the artistic production." Â(Liliana Basarab)   Liliana BASARAB (born 1979), visual artist, lives and works in Iasi, Romania. In 2010 she took part to the CEC ArtsLink residency program hosted by Dayton Visual Art Center in partnership with Ohio Art Council and local founders Dayton Power&Light and The Lombard Fund. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' catalin gheorghe art critic & [counter]theoristvector> publication + studio phd in aesthetics & visual studieslecturer at theÂfaculty of fine arts and design iasi, romania mobile:ÂÂÂ0040 723 785 816 email:Â
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