Ada Micu on Mon, 16 Nov 2009 12:11:50 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] Performanta feminina in arta video | joi 19 noiembrie ora 18

*AS SHE LIKES IT - PerformanÅÄ femininÄ Ãn arta video*

*Proiect iniÅiat de Forumul Cultural Austriac*

*Screening: joi, 19 noiembrie, ora 18 *

*PrezentÄri susÅinute de Olivia NiÅiÅ Åi Karin Cervenka*

*19 noiembrie - 12 decembrie*

*Galeria Point contemporary  str. Icoanei nr. 15 BucureÅti***

*Program de vizitare: luni â sÃmbÄtÄ 11.00 â 19.00*

* *


 Carola Derting                                          Sabine Marte

Programul *As She Likes It* ÃnsumeazÄ lucrÄri actuale ale unor creatoare
video din Austria, care adaugÄ artei performanÈei feminine aspecte din
prezentul imediat. Reprezentarea corpului feminin Èi a identitÄÈii feminine
joacÄ un rol important Èi Ãn mediile electronice.

*Mirjam Bajtala *se salveazÄ prin orbire de la a fi fotografiatÄ de cÄtre
ochiul omniprezent al camerelor de luat vederi. PretenÈiile la perfecÈiune
care ne definesc cotidianul sunt persiflate de cÄtre *Carola Derting *Ãn
comicul de situaÈie din *True Stories*.

FaÈa *Karoe-i Goldt *transmite stÄrile interioare prin alienÄri picturale *Solo
cu acompaniament de cor*, Èi prezintÄ Ãn nenumÄrate fotografii povestirea
autobiograficÄ *Personal* sub forma unor statement-uri vizuale

Rolul tradiÈional al stewardesei, acela de companie serviabilÄ Èi âdrÄguÈÄâ,
este pus de cÄtre *Sabine Marte *Ãn relaÈie cu practica obiÈnuitÄ - ce
impulsioneazÄ vÃnzÄrile - a imaginilor, de obicei voyeuristice, ale
vedetelor din videoclipurile muzicale.

Ãn *Gras A | B,* *Sabine Marte* fragmenteazÄ idila unei ÃntÃlniri Ãntre doi
oameni, atÃt Ãn imagine cÃt Èi Ãn plan verbal.

Ãn *Mock Rock*-ul *Ulrikei MÃller *un foarte cunoscut cÃntec pop este
preschimbat Ãntr-o litanie nostalgicÄ dupÄ âaflarea independenÈei Èi
autonomiei, Èi a lor imposibilitateâ (U.M.).

Din contrÄ, *Barbara Musil *Èi *Karo Szmit *se joacÄ de-a turistele Ãn
peisajul kitsch al Ãtscherland-ului muntos.

O camerÄ austerÄ de hotel se transformÄ la *Doris Schmid* Ãn scena unde se
petrece sfÃrÈitul spectaculos al unei femei singure.

Last but not least, *Mara Mattuschka *- regina artei autoprezentÄrii filmice
- regizeazÄ pentru prima datÄ un concept performativ pentru altcineva: o
conlucrare reuÈitÄ cu coreograful Chris Haring.

*AS SHE LIKES IT -* *Female Performance in Video Art***

*Project initiated by Austrian Cultural Forum*

*Screening: Thursday, November 19th at 6 pm *

*Presentations by Olivia NiÅiÅ and Karin Cervenka*

*19 November - 12 December*

*Point contemporary  Gallery 15 Icoanei Street Bucharest***

*Opening hours: Monday â Saturday 11 am â 7 pm*

The *As She Likes It* program is a collection of current works by Austrian
videomakers which combine contemporary aspects with the tradition of
performance art by women. The representation of the female body and feminine
identity play a role in the electronic media also.

With the aid of a mirror's glare *Mirjam Bajtala* saves herself from being
captured by the omnipresent eye of the camera.

The demands for perfectionism which determine the course of our daily lives
are satirized by *Carola Dertnig* in her slapstick series entitled *True

*Karoe Goldt*'s face telegraphs its moods through painterly
abstraction in *Solo
mit Chor** *and, with a number of photographs, provides a visual
accompaniment to the autobiographic story of *Personal* to create an
impressive visual statement.

*Sabine Marte* juxtaposes the familiar role of the stewardess as "pretty"
airborne servant and the common practice of using images of celebrities,
normally voyeuristic, in music videos to increase sales. In *Gras A/B*,
Marte fragments the idyll of a human encounter on both the visual and
linguistic levels.

In *Ulrike MÃller*'s *Mock Rock** *a cover of a familiar pop song becomes a
melancholy farewell to a "desire for independence as well as the
impossibility of achieving it" (U.M.).

In a very different mood *Barbara Musil* and *Karo Szmit* play carefree
tourists in a world of kitschy portrayals of Austria's mountains.

An austere hotel room serves *Doris Schmid* as the setting for a lonely
woman's spectacular end.

And last but not least, *Mara Mattuschka*, the queen of self-representation
in Austrian film, directs according to someone else's performative concept
for the first time in a successful joint project with choreographer Chris

*Andreea Ana Micu *×* **gallery assistant *

+4 0758.056.117

15 Icoanei Street

020451 Bucharest Romania
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