PAVILION [contemporary art & culture magazine] on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 07:07:52 +0200 (CEST)

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JOI, 11 IUNIE 2009, ORA 19.00


O discutie/dialog/monolog intre Carlos Aires (SP) si Eugen Radescu (RO) despre posibilitatea infrangerii.

Toata voma, chiar si ce revine in urma mancarurilor dulci, este mereu amara. Cine spune ca povestea nu poate fi spusa intr-un mod diferit? Cine spune ca Alba-ca-Zapada nu poate fi o baba batrana si urata intr- o coma vegetativa, asteptand sarutul care o va trezi din somnul etern? Cine spune ca cei sapte pitici erau toreadori? Cine spune ca Printul Fermecator nu-si poate petrece timpul preacurvind? Cum stim daca Narcis nu s-a saturat sa se admire pe sine si a murit de supradoza de heroina? Cine spune ca Pinochio nu avea o erectie de fiecare data cand mintea si facea sex cu o papusa Barbie primitiva? Cine spune ca Padurea Fermecata era un parc de promenada unde gay-ii si prostituatele faceau sex intre tufisuri? Cine spune ca sfarsitul este intodeauna fericit?

Cine mai poate fi astazi atent la masacrarea inocentei? Inocentii de ieri trimit astazi bombe - aceste daruri supreme ale neputintei, josniciei si incapabilului. Exista un Orient al inocentei precum exista un Occident al inocentilor. Traind in Romania - starea si paideuma inocentei in forma sa dezechilibrata, nefericita si tampa imi imaginam ca "strainul" cu a sa "strainatate" insemna ceva - altceva (cu al sau alter). Nimic mai fals. Suntem cu totii falsi, dezintegrati, abatuti, neinocenti. Neatenti. Civilizatia nu inseamna masina cu aburi, ci inseamna civilitatea - acea putinta de a avea relatii civice, civile, de a avea norme de drept. Cumva, aceste atribute sunt pierdute. Am uitat sa fim civici, am pierdut civilizatia - am devenit inocente aspiratoare de ignoranta, durere, patima, ura, show. Este mult mai usor acum sa omori o mie de oameni decat sa spui "buna ziua".

In ce scop (ne) perpetuam? In scopul placerii personale (hedonismul pre-crestin) sau in dorinta de a perpetua specia (post-crestinism)?

Carlos Aires s-a nascut in Spania, in 1974. Aires are un master in fotografie la The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA si un doctorat in arte la Faculty of Fine Art Alonso Cano of Granada in Spania. A expus A expus la Manifesta; HISK, Antwerpen; Kunsthaus, Graz; Arteleku, San Sebastian; Prague Biennale; Museo de las Artes, Mexico; Lyon Biennale; ADN, Barcelona, etc. Traieste si lucreaza in Antwerpen (Belgia) si MÃlaga (Spania).

Eugen Radescu (n. 1978) este politolog (specializat in relativism moral si etica politica), manager cultural, curator si teoretician. A scris pentru diferite reviste si ziare. A fost curatorul Bucharest Biennale 1, cu tema "Identity Factories". Este co-editorul revistei PAVILION si co-directorul Bucharest Biennale (impreuna cu Razvan Ion) si presedinte al board-ului organizational al PAVILION UNICREDIT si Bucharest Biennale. A tinut prelegeri la Academia de Arte -Timisoara, La Casa Encedida - Madrid, Calouste Gulbenkian - Lisabona, Apex Art - New York, etc. Recent, s-a intors dintr-o rezidenta la Apex - New York si a publicat cartea "How Innocent is That?" la Revolver Publishing, Berlin. In prezent lucreaza la o noua carte despre relativism moral. Locuieste si lucreaza in Bucuresti.

Image: Carlos Aires in the residency studio, Frans Masereel Centre, Kasterlee, Belgium. Courtesy of the artist.


THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 19.00


A discussion/dialog/monolog between Carlos Aires (SP) and Eugen Radescu (RO) about the posibility of beeing defeat.

All vomit, even that returned by the sweetest of dishes, is always sour. Who says the story canât be told a different way? Who says Snow White canât be an old crone in a vegetative coma, still waiting for the kiss that will awaken her from the eternal sleep? Who says the seven dwarfs were bullfighters? Who says Prince Charming canât spend his time whoring? How do we know Narcissus didnât get so fed up of staring at himself that he died from an overdose of heroin? Who says Pinocchio didnât get an erection every time he told a lie, and shagged some primitive Barbie doll? Who says the Enchanted Woods were âcruising park â where gays and prostitutes had sex between the bushes? Who says the end is always happy?

In our times, who can pay much attention to the massacre of the innocence? The innocents of yesterday are sending the bombs of today, these supreme gifts of helplessness, infamy and failure. There is an East of the innocence, like there is a West of the innocents. As I am living in Romania - the state and paideuma of innocence in its unbalanced, unhappy and dumb form - I imagined the "stranger", with his "strangeness", was something - something else (together with his alter). Far from the truth. We are all false, disintegrated, miserable, and lacking innocence. Lacking interest. Civilization doesn't mean the steam engine, but it means civility, the ability to have civic relationships, to follow judicial norms. Somehow, all these attributes are lost. We have forgotten our civility; we lost our civilization. We have become innocent vacuum cleaners and we are sucking in ignorance, pain, ardour, hatred, show. Nowadays it is easier to kill one thousand people than say "Have a good day"

Why do we reproduce (ourselves)? Is it for our personal pleasure (the pre-Christian hedonism) or from the wish to perpetuate the species (post-Christianity)?

Carlos Aires was born in Spain, in 1974. Aires has a MA in photography at The Ohio State University, Ohio, USA and a PhD in Arts at Faculty of Fine Art Alonso Cano of Granada in Spain. Lives and works in Antwerpen (Belgium) and MÃlaga (Spain). He exhibited at Manifesta; HISK, Antwerpen; Kunsthaus, Graz; Arteleku, San Sebastian; Prague Biennale; Museo de las Artes, Mexico; Lyon Biennale; ADN, Barcelona, etc.

Eugen Radescu (b. 1978) is politologist (specialized in moral relativism and political ethics), cultural manager, curator and theoretician. He writes for various magazines and newspapers. He curated Bucharest Biennale 1 with the theme "Identity Factories". He is co-editor of Pavilion magazine and co-director of Bucharest Biennale (with Razvan Ion) and the chairman of the organizational board of Pavilion and Bucharest Biennale. He lectured at Art Academy - Timisoara, La Casa Encedida - Madrid, Calouste Gulbenkian - Lisbon, Apex Art - New York, etc. He recently return from a residency at Apex - New York and published the book "How Innocent is That?" at Revolver Publishing - Berlin. He is presently working on a new book on moral relativism. Lives and works in Bucharest.

Image: Carlos Aires in the residency studio, Frans Masereel Centre, Kasterlee, Belgium. Courtesy of the artist.

center for contemporary art & culture

Sos. Nicolae Titulescu 1 (Piata Victoriei)
Bucharest  011131 Romania
T: + 4 031 103 4131

PAVILION UNICREDIT este un centru pentru arta si cultura contemporana, un spatiu independent work-in-progress, spatiu de productie si cercetare a vizualului, a discursivului si a performativului. Este un spatiu al gandirii critice care promoveaza o Ãntelegere implicata socio-politic a artei si a institutiilor culturale.

PAVILIONâUNICREDITâis a center for contemporary art & culture, a work-in-progress independent space, a space for the production and research in the fields of audiovisual, discursive and performative. It is a space of the critical thinking, and it promotes an artistic perspective implying the social and political involvement of the art and of the cultural institutions.


This is a project by PAVILION - journal for politics and culture.

PAVILION, BUCHAREST BIENNALE and PAVILION UNICREDIT are projects devised and founded by Razvan Ion and Eugen Radescu

Supported by: Pilsner Urquell
Strategic partner: UniCredit Tiriac Bank

Media partners: Radio Romania Cultural, 22,,, 24Fun
Production partner: UpDate Advertising
Printing partner: Herris Print
Audio-visual partner: Sony

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