oli puf on Wed, 5 Nov 2008 21:50:18 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [Nettime-ro] sa nu ocolim eticheta

..oricum, nu cred ca mai intereseaza pe nimeni subiectul asta (ca fiecare cu ale lui...). eu o sa tac. si vor zice ca umplem casutele cu prostii

--- On Wed, 11/5/08, | f | | | | 3 <n2o@ggttctttat.com> wrote:

From: | f | | | | 3 <n2o@ggttctttat.com>
Subject: Re: [Nettime-ro] sa nu ocolim eticheta
To: "Romenian Nettime list" <nettime-ro@nettime.org>
Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 3:14 AM


"oli puf" <oli_puf@yahoo.com>

> cit despre etichete, draga revoltatule, tu ai dreptate ca nu ar  
> trebui sa reprezinte
> un reper, dar din pacate oricit ai face arta pt arta, toata lumea  
> te cauta la cv.

That is not art. Nor is it life. It is the famous theory of communism/ 
of maximizing profit and efficiency through the degradation of the  
human experience.

But Life is not an investment opportunity. It does not exist to  
maximize profit.
Life exists to maximize LIFE. IT exists to maximize the potential for  
To do so, one's [insert your favorite name for IT] must rise above  
one's fear,

It must overcome one's inclination to take shortcuts, to cut corners,  
to do things half-way
and half heartedly, to be a coward, to cheat, to be egoistic, to lie.  
It must rise above fear.
It must never surrender.

> nimeni nu vrea sa isi asume niciun risc. toti galeristii vor sa fii  
> "autentificat"
> cumva inainte sa te expuna, la fel si aia de acorda burse...asa ca  
> nu poti ignora
> sistemul, oricit de inocent ai vrea sa fii. nu poti sa faci arta  
> toata viata si sa
> iti pastrezi lucrarile sub pat pina mori. ceva trebuie sa faci ca  
> sa le poti duce in
> fata altora. dar ca sa ajungi acolo treci prin "politica
> esti in
> permanenta filtrat dupa etichete. toti vor nume de-a gata,  
> "facute", "recomandate"
> de altii inainte si nu ai cum sa eviti asta. e greu sa rezisti la  
> asa ceva si de-aia
> sint de laudat cei care au "pacalit" sistemul.

That constitutes complete and moral bankruptcy - not different than  
any prostitute's,
not any different than any corrupt politician's and slimy interlop's.

Breaking the cycle is not complicated.

It entails choosing hope over fear, embracing optimism over cynicism,
electing long term mutual benefits over short term selfish interests,
embracing truth over lies and appearances, considering not only  
oneself in
a vacuum but one's place within the world.

Realizing that if you have called yourself an artist it is your  
RESPONSIBILITIES which are great,
not your RIGHTS,  not your ENTITLEMENTS, and certainly not ONESELF --  
as 'artist' p. maintains unconsciously.

> desi din ce in ce mai mult
> "aspirantii" se concentreaza pe demersurile posibile in sistem
> mai putin pe
> continutul artei lor. si sint destui care n-au multe de zis dar au
>  stiut pe ce buton sa apese si asta e si ea o calitate pe care alti  
> artisti nu o au.

This is called the quality of prostituting oneself for short term gain.

> si aia care nu o au, asteapta si ei sa le observe cineva lucrarile,  
> sa vada cit
> sint ei de curati la suflet si sa aprecieze cineva asta.

Those who are needy asteapta. Those who are afraid asteapta.
Those who [....] advance towards the light.

> insa nu are cine, e un
> cerc vicios...
> curatorul cauta sa isi faca un nume prin "nume" de artisti si
> galeristii la fel. cei care organizeaza bienale de arta  
> contemporana la noi, cauta
> tot "nume" si daca nu gasesc aduc niste "nenume"
dinafara.... si  
> tot asa...

In one word - PROSTITUTION.
In a sick society, everyone is sick.

But breaking the cycle is as simple as choosing hope over fear,  
substance over etichete, truth over lie.

Saying NO THANKS tu asa zisul 'bun simt' and doing what is TRUE,  
without fear, without doubt,
_even_ if it means a lower salary today, a missed commission today,  
cuvinte de batjocura today, cenzura today.

Anything else is a lack of bun simt and utter contempt pt. viata, pt.  
arta, pt. ceilalti, 4 oneself.

Choosing the easy and comfortable path may bestow short term benefits,
yet long term it creates a pervasive, ubiquitous, gray, oppressive,  
circular, insidious corruption,
that suffocates everything in its path, the very roots of life.

 >si tot asa...

Nu trebuie sa fie 'si tot asa'. Poate sa fie a s a:


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