Cosmin Costinas on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 16:33:30 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] Prezentare si discutie - documenta 12 la CNDB, marti, 18 decembrie, ora 19.30

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Centrul National al Dansului Bucuresti si Institutul
Goethe Bucuresti au placerea de a va invita la o
prezentare a proiectului documenta 12 magazines de
catre Cosmin Costinas urmata de o discutie asupra
documentei 12 cu Alina Serban, Mihnea Mircan si Cosmin

Marti, 18 decembrie 2007, ora 19.30
Centrul National al Dansului Bucuresti, Sala Ronda
B-dul Nicolae Balcescu nr. 2
(TNB, latura nordica - acces linga Laptaria Enache,
etaj 3/4)
Tel: + 40 21 318 8676 / 319 7382

documenta din Kassel este considerata in mod universal
ca una dintre cele mai importante expozitii de arta
din lume. De la prima editie din 1955, la fiecare 5
ani, documenta este un spatiu de reflectie, analiza si
imaginatie asupra artei si a societatilor in care este
produsa, asupra modului de a gindi si realiza
expozitii, unele editii ale documentei devenind astfel
puncte nodale ale istoriei intelectuale.  Documenta 5
(1972) realizata de Harald Szeemann este un moment de
pornire pentru multe dintre ideile si datele
sistemului artei contemporane, de la rolul curatorului
ca agent in economia intelectuala a artei pina la
pozitia artei contemporane in cultura vizuala
occidentala. documenta 10 (1997) si 11 (2002) au
rediscutat relatia polimorfa a artei cu politicul,
precum si pozitionarea documentei - ca sursa
determinanta a canonului occidental - intr-o lume
globala si post-coloniala.

documenta 12, realizata in vara acestui an de
curatorii Roger Buergel si Ruth Noack, a avut peste
750.000 de vizitatori in 100 de zile, devenind astfel
cea mai vizitata expozitie sigulara de arta din lume.
Aceasta editie a propus o naratiune asupra limbajului
artistic dincolo de canoanele istoriei artei
occidentale si dincolo de contextul strict al artei
contemporane, pornind de la 3 leitmotive: ?Este
modernitatea antichitatea noastra??, ?Ce este viata
nuda??, ?Ce e de facut?? precum si de la unele idei
curatoriale precum ?migratia formelor?.

Includerea lui Ion Grigorescu in documenta 12 a fost
prima participare a unui artist roman activ pe scena
artistica romanesca intr-o editie a documentei, dupa
prezenta unor artisti romani in exil in editii
precedente, precum Constantin Brancusi sau Serge

O parte centrala a documentei 12 a fost proiectul
documenta 12 magazines (conceput si condus de Georg
Schoellhammer) care a colaborat in cei 2 ani dinaintea
expozitiei cu aproape 100 de reviste din intreaga lume
(din Romania au participat revistele Idea
Arta+Societate din Cluj si Vector din Iasi), cu scopul
de a extinde sfera de referinte si implicatii a
documentei 12. Proiectul a produs peste 700 de
contributii la discutia in jurul celor 3 leitmotive
(accesibile in jurnalul online al documentei), 3
numere ale documenta 12 Magazine si un reader bazate
pe aceste contributii, 6 intilniri transregionale cu
redactorii revistelor partenere (desafsurate in
perioada septembrie 2006 ? martie 2007 in Hong Kong,
Delhi, Sao Paulo, Cairo, Johannesburg si New York), o
serie de intilniri regionale in diverse parti ale
lumii, precum si un program intensiv de workshopuri,
discutii si conferinte in aceasta vara in Kassel, pe
toata durata expozitiei.

Marti, la CNDB, Cosmin Costinas va prezenta citeva
dintre intentiile, realizarile si dilemele care au
urmarit desfasurarea proiectului documenta 12
magazines. Aceasta prezentare va fi urmata de o
discutie intre Alina Serban, Mihnea Mircan si Cosmin
Costinas, din perspectiva lunilor care au trecut de la
incheierea documentei 12, legata de intregul proiect,
de constructia expozitiei, de consecintele acesteia
asupra dezbaterilor din arta contemporana
internationala precum si de relevanta acestora asupra
contextului intelectual romanesc.

Pentru mai multe detalii legate de intregul proiect va
rugam sa consultati Accesul direct
la jurnalul online al documenta 12 se poate realiza

Cosmin Costinas (n. 1982) este scriitor, critic de
arta si curator. Traieste si lucreaza in Viena si
Utrecht. Este redactor asociat al revistelor Idea Arta
+ Societate (Cluj) si Version (Paris/Cluj) si membru
al board-ului PATTERNS/ERSTE Foundation (Vienna).
Proiectele lui curatoriale includ: ?Textground?
(2004), ?Laicitate si complicitate? (2005), ?After the
Happy Nineties? (2005). Este co-autor al romanului
?Philip? (Project Press, Dublin, 2007) si a contribuit
la reviste, carti si cataloage in Europa si Asia de
Sud-Est si a conferentiat in institutii si
universitati in Europa si China. A fost unul dintre
editorii proiectului documenta 12 magazines

Mihnea Mircan (n. 1976) este curator. Traieste si
lucreaza in Bucuresti. La Muzeul National de Arta
Contemporana a curat seria de interventii
site-specifice "Under Construction" si o retrospectiva
video a lui Jaan Toomik. A realizat recent expozitia
"Sublime Objects", cu lucrari din colectiile Frac
Grand Est si a curat "Low-Budget Monuments" in
Pavilionul Romaniei la cea de-a 52a editie a Bienalei
din Venetia. Contribuie regulat la publicatii
internationale, scriind recent pentru monografiile lui
Plamen Dejanoff, Mircea Cantor si Navid Nuur.

Alina Serban (n.1978) este curator si istoric de arta.
Traieste si lucreaza in Bucuresti. Este co-fondator al
Centrului de Introspectie Vizuala , Bucuresti.
Momentan isi desfasoara un doctorat la Courtauld
Institute of Art, Londra. Dintre ultimele proiecte
curatoriale mentionam: ?Puncte de Vedere?, Paris, ICR
2007; ?Vorbirea Indirecta?, Kunsthalle Fridericianum,
Kassel 2006; ?Diversiuni Minimale?, galeria VECTOR,
Iasi 2006.

Ne cerem scuze pentru postarea incrucisata a anuntului

The National Dance Centre Bucharest and Goethe
Institute Bucharest have the pleasure to invite you to
the presentation of the project documenta 12
magazines, held by Cosmin Costinas, followed by a
debate on documenta 12 with Alina Serban, Mihnea
Mircan and Cosmin Costinas.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 19.30
National Dance Centre Bucharest, Sala Ronda
Bd. Nicolae Balcescu no. 2
(TNB, northern side - access next to Laptaria Enache,
floor 3/4)
Tel: + 40 21 318 8676 / 319 7382
(The discussion will take place in Romanian)

documenta in Kassel is universaly considered as one of
the most important art exhibitions in the world. Since
its first edition in 1955, every 5 years documenta is
a space for reflection, analysis and imagination on
art and the societies in which it is produced, on the
ways of thinking on and making exhibitions, some of
the editions of the documenta becoming thus key points
in intelectual history. Documenta 5 (1972) done by
Harald Szeemann is a starting point for many of the
ideas and data of contemporary art system, from the
role of the curator as agent in the intellectual
economy of art to the position of contemporary art in
the Western visual culture. documenta 10 (1997) and 11
(2002)  have re-discussed the polymorphous
relationship of art with the political, as well as the
positioning of the documenta ? as a determining source
of Western cannon ? in a global and post-colonial

documenta 12, curated in the summer of this year by
Roger Buergel and Ruth Noack, had over 750.000
visitors in 100 days, becoming the most visited
singular art show in the world. This edition proposed
a narrative on artistic language beyond the cannons of
Western art history and beyond the strict context of
contemporary art, starting from 3 leitmotifs: ?Is
Modernity Our Antiquity??, ?What is Bare Life??, ?What
is to be done?? as well as from some curatorial ideas
such as ?the migration of forms?.

The inclusion of Ion Grigorescu in documenta 12 was
the first participation of a Romanian artist active on
the Romanian art scene in any documenta, after the
presence of some exiled Romanian artists, such as
Constantin Brancusi or Serge Spitzer.

A central part of documenta 12 was the documenta 12
magazines project (conceived and headed by Georg
Schoellhammer) which collaborated in the 2 years prior
to the show with almost 100 magazines from the entire
world (from Romania participated the magazines Idea
Arts+Society, Cluj and Vector, Iasi) with the aim of
extending the sphere of references and implications of
documenta 12. The project produced over 700
contributions to the discussion around the 3
leitmotifs (accessible on the online journal of
documenta), 3 issues of documenta 12 Magazine and a
reader based on these contributions, 6 trans-regional
meetings with the editors of partner magazines (taking
place between September 2006 ? March 2007 in Hong
Kong, Delhi, Sao Paulo, Cairo, Johannesburg and New
York), a series of regional meetings in different
parts of the world, as well as an intensive programme
of workshops, debates and conferences this summer in
Kassel, throughout the duration of the exhibition.

Tuesday, at the CNDB, Cosmin Costinas will present
some of the intentions, accomplishments and dilemmas
that accompanied the unfolding of documenta 12
magazines project. This presentation will be followed
by a discussion between Alina Serban, Mihnea Mircan
and Cosmin Costinas, with the distance of the months
that passed since the end of documenta 12, on the
entire project, on the construction of the exhibition,
on its consequences on the international debates in
contemporary art as well as on the relevance of these
topics in the Romanian intellectual milieu.

For further details on the whole project please check Direct access to the documenta 12
online journal:

Cosmin Costinas (b. 1982) is a writer, art critic and
curator based in Vienna and Utrecht. He is
contributing editor of the magazines Idea Arts +
Society (Cluj) and Version (Paris/Cluj) and advisory
board member of PATTERNS/ERSTE Foundation (Vienna).
His curatorial projects include "Textground" (2004),
"Secularity after Complicity" (2005), "After the Happy
Nineties" (2005). He co-authored the novel ?Philip?
(Project Press, Dublin, 2007) and has contributed to
magazines, books and exhibition catalogues across
Europe and South-East Asia and has lectured in
institutions and universities in Europe and China. He
was one of the editors of documenta 12 magazines

Mihnea Mircan (b. 1976) is a curator based in
Bucharest, Romania. At the National Museum of
Contemporary Art he has curated the 'Under
Destruction' series of site-specific interventions and
a retrospective of videos by Jaan Toomik. He has
recently installed the show 'Sublime Objects', with
works from the collections of Frac Grand Est, and
curated 'Low-Budget Monuments', on view in the
Romanian Pavilion at the 52nd Venice Biennial. He
contributes regularly to international publications,
having recently written for the monographs of Plamen
Dejanoff, Mircea Cantor and Navid Nuur.

Alina Serban (b. 1978) is a curator and art historian
based in Bucharest, Romania. She is co-founder of 
Centre for Visual Introspection, Bucharest. She is
currently on PhD at Courtauld Institute of Art,
London. Her most recent curatorial projects include:
?Points of View?, Paris, ICR 2007;  ?Indirect Speech?,
 Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel 2006; ?Minimal
Diversions?, VECTOR Gallery, Iasi 2006.

Apologies for cross-posting

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