mnac on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 12:34:48 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] Stefan Constantinescu la MNAC/ vernisaj miercuri

Stefan Constantinescu
Multumesc pentru ziua asta minunata / Thanks for a Wonderful, Ordinary Day
Curator: Oana Tanase
27 iunie / June â 2 septembrie / September 2007
vernisaj / opening: miercuri/ Wednesday 27 iunie June ora 19:00
MNAC, Calea 13 septembrie

scroll down for english
Deloc intimplatoare alegerea titlului â Multumesc pentru ziua asta minunata - pentru aceasta expozitie a lui Stefan Constantinescu, ce prezinta sub forma unei ample instalatii o serie de lucrari realizate intre anii 1998 â 2007. Cintecul Agnethei FÃltskog, Thanks for a Wonderful, Ordinary Day (1968), serveste drept coloana sonora a documentarului El Pasaje (2005), film a carui vizionare mi-a prilejuit prima intilnire si discutie cu artistul, ce au determinat mai apoi interesul fata de acest proiect curatorial. De la bun inceput am ghicit in acest film o imagine a pasajului pe care el insusi a decis sa si-l asume: traseul lui Constantinescu este si el unul tranzitoriu, destinul lui urmeaza celor multor altora care au decis dupa â90 sa caute alt drum.
Fie ca este vorba de film, fotografie, text ori demers editorial, Stefan Constantinescu investigheaza felul in care experienta si memoria sunt mediate cultural. Pentru el, ambele domenii sunt in chip simultan construite si traite, deopotriva incarcate de dorinta, speranta si teama. Preocupat de istoria recenta, de politica evidentei si a absentei, perspectiva pe care si-o asuma artistul este una dubla: vorbind despre ceilalti, el livreaza totodata o discreta versiune autobiografica. Reflexivitatea este aici nu doar o solutie interna a documentarului ci si un imperativ etic.
Oana Tanase

Stefan Constantinescu (n. 1968, Bucuresti / stabilit in Suedia din 1993) a absolvit studiile Academiei Regale de Arta din Stockholm in 1997. Activitatea lui include expozitii personale si de grup, precum si proiectii de film in Germania, Italia, Danemarca, Lituania, Elvetia, Suedia si Romania. In ultimii ani, interesul lui s-a focalizat asupra artei video.
Lucrari prezentate in expozitie: Arhiva Durerii (instalatie video si carte, 2000); Just what is itâ (serie foto, 2001); Baronul, 22.02.2002 (film, 2002); Dacia 1300, generatia mea (film si carte, 2003); El Pasaje (film, 2005); Lumina Nordului (serie foto si text, 2006); Building your Dacia 1300 (obiect, 2007).


This exhibition by Stefan Constantinescu presents itself as a large installation which showcases a series of works made between 1998 and 2007 and bears a title which is anything but random. The title comes from Agnetha FÃltskogâs song Thanks for a Wonderful, Ordinary Day (1968) which forms the soundtrack of the documentary film El Pasaje (2005), a film which led to my first meeting and discussion with the artist and which later prompted me to take further interest in this curatorial project. From the very beginning I sensed that the passage in the film echoed the passage that the artist himself was going through: Constantinescuâs own trajectory has been a transitory one, his destiny resembles the destiny of others who chose to take another road after 1990.
Whether in film, photography, text or through his publishing initiatives, Stefan Constantinescu explores the way in which experience and memory are culturally mediated. For him, both experience and memory are lived and constructed at the same time and they are equally fraught with feelings of desire, hope and fear. While having an obvious interest in the history of the recent years, in the politics of evidence and absence, the artist assumes a double perspective: in speaking about the others he subtly delivers a version of his own autobiography. Self-reflexiveness here seems to function not only as a solution pertaining to the genre of the documentary film but also as an ethical imperative.
Oana Tanase

Åtefan Constantinescu (born 1968, Bucharest / based in Sweden since 1993) studied at the Royal Art Academy of Stockholm, where he received his MFA in 1997. His activity includes group and individual exhibitions and film screenings in Germany, Italy, Denmark, Lithuania, Switzerland, Sweden and Romania. His major interest in recent years was focused on video-film.
Works in the present show: Archive of Pain (video installation and book, 2000); Just what is it... (photo series, 2001); The Baron, 22.02.2002 (film, 2002); Dacia 1300, My Generation (film and book, 2003); El Pasaje (film, 2005); Northern Lights (photo series and text, 2006); Building your Dacia 1300 (object, 2007).


Parteneri MNAC:  HP, BRD
Sponsor: Peroni
Partneri media: 24 Fun, Re:PUBLIK, Igloo, Arhitectura, Rfi, Time Out Bucuresti
The National Museum of Contemporary Art
2-4, Str. Izvor, aripa E4,  Bucharest (RO), 050563
tel: +40 21 318 91 37/ fax: +40 21 318 91 38,

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