0f0003 | maschinenkunst on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 06:12:26 +0100 (CET) |
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[Nettime-ro] Re: e de la ei |
>From: "Ovidiu Octav Florea" <ovocflorea@yahoo.com> >Protestez...urlu chiar... impotriva agresiunilor de orice tip care ar putea >intr-un >fel sau altul aduce prejudicii fizice, sociale, morale, financiare domnului >Baldovin...drepturi / societatea contemporana si civila / Romania...! > > Man, esti pe cale de a deveni un adevarat "truand"...mai usor cu adrenalina ; >...imbatraneste...tot respectul pentru dorinta de a-ti umple existenta cu >emotii >frisonante! 0.0 0,o o.8 o,p -- e de la ei !!!!! -.- >Gabriel Baldovin <gabal@email.ro> wrote: > >Ca urmare a proceselor verbale prin care eram amendat de jandarmerie pentru >actiunea >artistico-politica tribunalul o sa mentina ca arta ta este gunoi. daca ti-e frica esti gunoi. daca nu, esti soldat/artist. intre, 'fericit' then ... she will take you aside and whisper: You shouldn't surrender yourself to wishes you don't believe in. I know what you desire. You must be able to give up those wishes or else desire them completely and firmly. If some day you are able to make the request feeling quite certain it will be granted, then it will actually be granted. But you make wishes and then regret them, feeling afraid all the while. But you have to get over that. I'll tell you a tale.' And she will tell you about a young man who was in love with a star. My face is a bottle. Your eyes are a cork. I have discovered nothingness I learned language through osmosis And coped with reality by copying it I lept into the moist ontology And fought with the ottomans against the european mass produktion If I am infinite it is because I delight in returning. Every developmental interaction is jointly determined. I am the entire norm of reaction. I am the slave of god. master of the world. I am the power ov him + deputy ov his will. I am NN and my name is read in2 all prayers in2 all cities of the Reality. As most non-europeans I am awe-inspiring. I inhabit 1001 bodies and the bayonet dividing you + me into all worlds - extending our architecture through time. >si sunt foarte emotionat dze rez!gnaz!on 2 death reuardz uz u!th pla! the same face which lies every w her e hallucinated. konfused. intoxicated. >din 23 octombrie 2007 (afisarea pancartei cu "Armata e gunoi" in >timpul manifestatiilor Milfest) cu ajutorul APADOR-CH am facut contestatie >acestora. >Asadar intre mine si MAI se va desfasura un proces in care APADOR imi va acorda >asistenta juridica. constatatie: armata este sprijin cind armata e cu noi. >Recent am gasit in cutiuta postala citatia pentru acest proces. este o actiune artistico-politica din partea jandarmeriei. amendeaza-i. >El va avea loc pe data de "24 ianuarie 2007 ora 8:30 la camera 210" la >"Judecatoria >Sectorul 1 strada Danielopol, nr. 2-3, sectorul 4" (!!! e de la ei). >Este pentru prima data cand pun piciorul intr-un tribunal pt. un A RTIST A [chiar si unul a teist a] fiecare zi este tribunal '1x boy panicked when baba yaga touched his spoon. but ... invoking the UPSIDEDOWNFUKCFREELYMETHODOLOGY he turned the tables. he threw the woman off him + he began to beat her mercilessly with 1x stick. post 01 proper balkan thrashing she became a beautiful young girl ... @ 8h intervals she moans for the spoon' >si sunt foarte emotionat >pentru acest eveniment. Asa ca daca puteti sa va treziti la acea ora mi-ar >pica bine >un oarecare sprijin moral... auzi papusa, mai citeste si tu arta pe care o lasi in urma ta ca e pacat ... >Singur de Craciun? >Doar cu sentimente.ro mai poti schimba ceva... >_______________________________________________ --- <marilena_stanciu@yahoo.com> wrote: >Dupa aproape 20 de ani de absenta din Romania, saptamana viitoare pe strazile >Sibiului! bunul simt - PRAVDA \+\ | | krvava gruda plodna zemlja || ||9|| [p-un_kT-pr_o-T?k_oL] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 || herausgegeben vøm !nternat!onalen !nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n : / / www.tagueulebabacloanta.tm _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list Nettime-ro@nettime.org http://www.nettime.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/nettime-ro --> arhiva: http://amsterdam.nettime.org/