artcontemporain on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 22:53:17 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] URBAN [Re]Configurations: new interactive media in Lower Manhattan

[Re]Configurations: Arts, Humanities, and Technology in the Urban Environment

Media and artistic object: installation projection, media arts & virtual dance
?HUMAN BODY DISMEMBERMENT 2.1?  by Florian LIBER* (University of Montréal) &
Ronan Hervé (Charles Cros Institute, France).
New York, Humanities and Technology Association National Meeting
October the 7th, 16h00


Source: a r t c o n t e m p o r a i n / new technology arts


[English text] AT
This project of ephemeral interactive intervention proposes to present the
recent transformations of the artistic productions into a urban environment
joining new technologies and the new media with the current social nexus in the
middle of the North American metropolis (ergo NYC).
The concept of a multi-media projection -installation always reveals, as an
immersive and relational medium, a strong connection to the public and private
place: in architectural spaces (representative buildings and historical
monuments, in urban spaces (corporate towers, sky scrapers, transport?s
underground networks), in industrial complexes (factories) and in art
The projection-installation used as a medium, as well as any multi-media
proposal, indicates a complex functionality. It designates a framework, which
is as much a communication frame as a relational one.  Using the principles of
a visual art exhibition and the media?s approach to connect the artist with his
public, the context of a virtual performance makes sense.  In this case, the
work of art in virtual format, stored on a multi-media DVD support and
projected afterwards on a synthetic environment, opens discussions on the
formal aspect of the process of communication during an artistic experiment
addressing towards the public audience. These practices are rendered here, by
the inter-crossings between digital visual arts, media arts and performing
In a new order of things, what kind of emphasis could we use to bring forward
the dismembered body so it could reach the zenith of a symbiosis man-machine? 
Can the notation system of the body?s movements, built with virtual digital
grounds, hold any meaning at all?  Will it change the cultural relations
between an already existing visual anthropology, outdated, and the future of
digital images in motion?
© 2006 F. Liber - member of Humanities and Technologies Association (2006-07) &
R. Hervé, HBD 2.2 (recherche internationale projet CREPUQ, Québec-France).

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