perjovschi dan on Thu, 8 Jun 2006 21:02:55 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: [Nettime-ro] manifesta 6 out of cyprus

despre Manifesta 6 Cipru

Iata ce se intimpla cind cineva vrea sa inlocuiasca
spectacolul (expozitia) cu altceva (scoala).  In arta
ne dam cu totii inventatori si inauguratori de noi
teritorii dar cind se intimpla chiar sa se intimple,
zbang, scandal, avocati, blocaj, cancel etc etc. De
fapt scena de arta e conservatoare si conservanta.

Nu ma indoiesc de faptul ca organizatorii locali greci
ciprioti si-au dorit evenimentul vietii si au visat la
bienala clasica, cu nume si renume, cu avioane pline
de lumea buna si in negru a artelor venind buluc din
toate colturile care conteaza. Si cind au vazut
baietii ca nu iese de bairam si nici de networking au
pus mina pe avocati si au pornit lupta....


am fost in Nikosia Cipru anul trecut intr-o expozitie
curata de Erden Kosova si Katerina Gregos, expozitie
de-o parte si de alta a linii verzi. The green Line
este -zona tampon pazita de trupe ONU cu cartus pe
teava, zona care desparte cele doua comunitati turca
si greaca aflate in confilct de zeci de ani. 

Totul a fost politic acolo.  Lucruri complexe si
amestecate.  Seila Kamenic a fost arestata pentru ca a
facut poze unde nu trebuie, daca un sponsor turc
renunta, renunta si ala grec etc etc etc. Insula este
jumatate in Europa jumatate ba. Daca vii prin Istanbul
nu ti se da dreptul sa intri in partea greaca...asa ca
Erden n-a putut trece sa vada o parte din propia
expozitie desi liderii celor doua entitati erau voios
gazdele evenimentului. etc.

Asa ca nu ma mira ce se intimpla acum cu Manifesta 6. 
Partea greaca mereu s-a crezut superioaraa si nu
accepta (nici macar cei din scena artistica) ca exista
si o parte turca. Grecii care au participat au fosrt
ostracizati de propia comunitate...
Pacat, Si atunci si acum. Manifesta 6 ar fi putut fi
ceva interesant.

Eu sint de partea curatorilor

dan perjovschi

--- Cosmin Costinas <>

> June 4, 2006
> (NFA - bold, Curators - Italics)
> The President and the Board of Nicosia for Art Ltd.
> wish to make the
> following public announcement:
> 1. The Nicosia Municipality through Nicosia for Art
> (NFA) undertook the
> organization of Manifesta 6, the European Biennial
> of
> Contemporary Art in
> Nicosia. To this end the Municipality signed
> respective agreements with the
> International Foundation Manifesta (IFM) and a team
> of
> 3 Curators (Mr.
> Florian Waldvogel, Mr. Anton Vidokle and Mrs. Mai,
> Abu
> ElDahab).
> Indeed.
> 2. During the implementation of the organization,
> which was initiated in
> 2004 a number of problematic issues had arisen for
> the
> resolution of which
> NFA and its Board have spared no effort.
> NFA made no effort to find resolutions, propose
> compromises and showed no willingness to cooperate
> in
> any way.
> 3. Recently and contrary to the original concept of
> the Manifesta 6 program
> the Curatorial team insisted in the establishment
> and
> operation of an
> essential part of the Manifesta 6 school in the
> occupied part of Nicosia.
> Not true: since the beginning of the project we
> consistently maintained that Manifesta 6 School will
> be located in various venues in the entire city of
> Nicosia. Every part and venue of Manifesta 6 school
> is
> essential.
> 4. Through relevant correspondence, NFA and its
> Board,
> have made clear from
> the outset that the establishment and operation on a
> permanent basis of an
> essential part of the school in the occupied part of
> Nicosia apart from
> being in conflict with certain aspects of Cyprus and
> International Law, was
> also outside the ambit of the terms of the
> respective
> agreements and in
> breach of NFA?s contractual right to have autonomy
> in
> making decisions of
> this kind. The above was a major obstacle in the
> continuation and the
> realization of Manifesta 6.
> Not true: since the beginning of the project Mr.
> Toumazis, Mr. Zambelas and Ms. Michaelidou
> consistently maintained that operation of venues in
> the North is fully possible and desirable. To
> emphasize this further, at a meeting with
> representatives of IFM board in Nicosia, Mr.
> Zambelas
> showed all of us his photo with Mr. Kutlay Erk
> (cover
> of a UN publication) and said that they are good
> personal friends and unofficial collaboration is
> fully
> possible. In May 2005 Yiannis Toumazis took Anton
> Vidokle and Florian Waldvogel for a meeting with Mr.
> Kutlay Erk at his office in the north to
> specifically
> discuss possibility of having Manifesta 6 venues on
> that side of the city. Starting late summer 2005 Mr.
> Toumazis authorised Constantinos Filiotis to conduct
> a
> research of various vacant buildings/spaces in the
> north and compile a map (see attached photo) and
> archive documentation on these possible venues. In
> early November a 4 story building belonging to Onar
> family was visited and discussed, a price was
> quoted.
> >From December onwards a house belonging to Zincir
> family was under discussion, blue prints were
> obtained, property deed presented and price quoted.
> No specific Cyprus or International law was ever
> cited
> to the curatorial team that could directly or
> indirectly prohibit renting any of these buildings
> for
> Dept. 2.
> The past precedents of five Manifest editions and
> our
> current curatorial contract clearly assigns to the
> Curators the task of selection of venues, not the
> Host
> (NFA). (see Curatorial contract paragraph 1.3).
> 5. NFA made repeated efforts to lift the above
> deadlock calling upon IFM
> for a discussion of the issues involved. NFA also
> called upon the
> Curatorial team to engage in mediation in accordance
> with the terms of the
> Curators? contracts.
> Not true: All efforts to produce a compromise or a
> solution were initiated by Curators and NFA. As the
> process bogged down after the Coffee Break
> Conference,
> on 16 of February, 2006, Florian Walvogel travelled
> to
> Tallin to a meet with the board of IFM and Yiannis
> Toumazis to discuss the problems, Toumazis claimed a
> gym accident and failed to attend the meeting. On
> March 11, Martin Fritz - a board member of IFM, on
> the
> request of Curators travelled to Nicosia to meet
> with
> Toumazis and Curators in attempt to mediate the
> serious disagreements. On March 25 IFM organized a
> meeting with Toumazis, Curators and IFM board
> Members
> in Berlin in yet another attempt to resolve the
> problems. On May 12 Hedwig Fijen came on an
> emergency
> visit to Nicosia to attempt to find a compromise
> solution with Mr Zambelas, Finally on May 26 Florian
> Waldvogel and Nicolas Efstahiou met for an official
=== message truncated ===

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