Dragu David on Mon, 6 Mar 2006 13:21:59 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [Nettime-ro] \\ LaSt SuppeR : The Ontogeny ov In.formation [c]ccp

textul devine o inutilitate formala, o excrescenta bruta, aseptica si irationala!
  pina cind cuvintele nu vor spune si comunica decit semne vide si grafice?
  - d.d.

0f0003 | maschinenkunst <n2o@ggttctttat.com> wrote:

\\ LaSt SuppeR : The Ontogeny ov In.formation [c]ccp

THe holy.day season rituals are about people gathering
around a table
[and in the .us forcefeeding on tasty succulent pavement
dressed in usda garments]

Tables now - a table is a catalyst for communion. a focal
point for human exchange.
And this holiday season NN wishes to remind you ov an
especially inspirational table experience.

Curtains please ...

The curtain ascends

Everything [else.dec] ends


Just as the vibration of a membrane may be expressed as a
combination of its harmonics,
fluctuations in the temperature of a table may be expressed
as combinations of
the vibrational modes of the table itself.

Let us see just how far we can take this ______...

When everyone was asleep I rose quietly + opened my window.
It didn't rattle like all the windows at home. It turned
softly in its hinges - not so much pulled by my hands
as pushed inward by the scent that had been gathering
on its other side.

The window opened like a bud. Its wings parted
from one another like hard. lusterless outer leaves
and now I gazed into the depths ov the blosom
into the nights dark calyx that innumerable
petals keep secret

This is what they call travelling:

Will u catch me?

A summer excursion. A red light. Po.lice \+\ Pomp.ieri

0+0 Ffire.

Eyes walk slowly counting along a too tall for social rapport building
that stood at the right. The girl stood at the edge - her back
facing in the wind before the ocean of s p a c e

Will u catch me?

The light turned green and the blind.folded woman spoke:

When your eyes rest
No matter how tired they were
They rise again


ASk: Are we missed no where +?

we celebrated each moment
of our meetings as a revelation
alone in all the world

you were lighter and bolder than the wing of a bird
flying down the stairs two at a time
pure giddiness leading me through moist lilac

to your domain
beyond the looking glass

when night fell
i was favored
the altar gates were opened
and in the dark there gleamed
your nudity and slowly bowed
awakening `be blessed` i said
and knew my blessing to be bold

for you still slept

the lilac on the table stretched forth
to touch your lids with heavenly blue
and your blue tinted lids
were calm and your hand was warm

you may even wish to use some of my skin
to heal the wounds - which i would gladly share.

still comfortable?

comfortable after the karesz

\\ Weaving strategies

catch a table
falling down from 02nd floor....
catch a table
falling down from 02nd floor....
catch a table
falling down from 02nd floor....
catch a table
falling down from 02nd floor....
catch a table
falling down from 02nd floor....
catch a table
falling down from 02nd floor....
catch a table
falling down from 02nd floor....
catch a table
falling down from 02nd floor....

As dze dream traversez ovr each waking
I shall steal 1x small kiss from nn.
and then in the midst of 'work'
I shall schiver away

1. because of muscle tension
2. because of irritation with lifeforms
3. because of tiredness
4. because of uncertaintly
5. because of pain
6. because of bubbles
7. because of some whispering disease
8. because of age
9. because of . . . .. .. .

Is there something on the table +?

Is there something on the table +?

Is there
something on the table +?

falling down from 2nd floor .... a table

Is there something under the table +?

Rituals are about people gathering around a
Rituals are about people gathering around a
Rituals are about people gathering around a
- la haine

NN h!dez

the table


zpasz kurvz on 2 !tzelv


! u!l not hurt u. ! u!l b ur zk!n


2 u!n dz!z game 1 muzt assembl dze p!kturz ov 01 dream ov fem!n!n pouer + jo!


01 momnt nearer 2 01 float!ng or!entaz!e + prec!p!taz!e


01 faces the floor and plays with her hill in the sand


dze ztor! embrasez itself. twists the rope and shows nn the new table
what do you see nn?


01 cocta!l ov ekstravagant m!ztakez produz!ng 01 violet glou
where people humbly beg for their being - as their mutant bodies
hang in mid.air b4 dze most elegantly elongated table yet


dinner is served
| add imagination 2 suit ur taste










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