Razvan Ion on Sun, 15 Feb 2004 15:47:49 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] underground archive


artphoto, international contemporary art magazine, is starting an
underground links archive. any website which post underground art works will
be listed in a special section of the online version of the magazine. any of
the this art works can be sometime printed in the magazine. that mean will
come out from the underground. send any link you think it fit to the archive
to artphoto@pcnet.ro
the selection will be made by the board of the magazine.


artphoto, revista de arta contemporana, initiaza un proiect de arhiva
underground. orice site care posteaza lucrari de arta underground va fi
listat intr-o rubrica speciala a revistei online. dintre aceste lucrari
unele pot ajunge in editia tiparita a revistei. adica vor iesi din
underground. trimiteti orice link care vi se pare ca merita la
atentie: underground inseamna arta care nu este cunoscuta publicului larg si
nu a fost expusa niciodata intr-o galerie.
selectia celor care vor intra in arhiva va fi facuta de boardul revistei.

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arhiva: http://amsterdam.nettime.org/