Iosif Kiraly on Tue, 20 Jan 2004 18:49:48 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] vernisaj Portfolios Review 3 la Galeria Noua & live narrowcastingexperiment

str. Academiei 15, Bucuresti-RO
T/F: +40 21 313 511
M: +40 744 357 007
Curator: Aurora Király

va invita miercuri                     21 ianuarie 2004,

ORA18:00 - VERNISAJUL expozitiei


[21 ianuarie - 14 februarie 2004]

Un eveniment conceput pentru publicul interesat de arta contemporana,
curatori, artisti si mass-media expozitia Portfolios Review 3 prezinta o
serie de nume si proiecte noi:

Vlad Bosoanca, Adrian Budritzan, Valentin Chincisan, Dina Dancu, Maria
Draghici, Vilhelem Jozsef Hunor, Ioachim Ciobanu*, Alexandru Dragomir*,
Dorijan Milovanovik*, Ilinca Nanoveanu*, Igor Naumov*, Pal Antal*, Bogdan
Panaitescu*, Bogdana Pascal*, Horea Pascu*, Raul Skopecz*, Roxana Szel*,
Sebastian Zsemlye*

*colectiv / autori ai filmelor: "Liftul" si "Morphing". Acesta din urma a
fost inclus in selectia finala de la International Media Art Award
organizata de prestigioasul Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie,
Karlsruhe, Germania

Ca orice concept de succes, Portfolios Review are bineinteles o continuare:
Portfolios Review 3. Selectia proiectelor prezentate este mai eclectica si
cuprinde fotografie, video, animatie, multimedia, obiectivul expozitiei
ramanand acelasi - de a promova cei mai promitatori tineri artisti vizuali.

ORA 18:30 - Adrian Budritzan, unul din cei mai surprinzatori artisti
underground din Romania, va prezenta, in premiera, cel mai recent proiect al
sau 303 TV -  live narrowcasting experiment

Galeria Noua este situata in zona Piata Universitatii, pe strada Academiei
nr. 15, vis-a-vis de Institutul de Arhitectura, iar expozitia Portfolios
Review 3 poate fi vizitata pana pe data de 14 februarie 2004, de miercuri
pana duminica intre orele 11:00-19:00

Sponsor: Connex

Parteneri media Observator Cultural, IDEA, Business Review, Biz, Ziarul
Financiar, Delta RFI, Balkon,, Campus
Partener: RDS
Marketing Communication: add - asociatie de tineret

Pentru informatii suplimentare, fotografii, interviuri, achizitii va rugam
sa ne contactati la urmatorul numar de telefon: 0721 880 926 - Dragos Olea
Galeria Noua este un spatiu de arta contemporana sub patronajul Primariei
Municipiului Bucuresti, sprijinit de Programul Cultural Elvetian in Romania
si Centrul International pentru Arta Contemporana Bucuresti

- "Meet Suzy" - Suzy este un personaj virtual creat pentru a binedispune
prin show. Conditia ei: captivitate. Ea are o greutate de 3KB si e captiva
in virtual".
Valentin Chicinsan

- A boys-band si un videoclip tres cool pentru slagarul anului 1912,
Funiculi. Clipul Roxanei Szel consta in animarea alba pe fond negru a celor
trei baieti cantind
Alex Axinte despre "Funiculi"

- "303 TV"

General TV stations and terms like broadcasting are sure to become obsolete
sooner that we think, as the HDTV and Internet TV era is already here (well,
a kind of ...). For the first experiment of 303 TV the term of narrowcasting
is just relevant, as the performance in the Galeria Noua is directly
engaging a very specific (and rather small) society opposed to the mass
audience of a conventional TV station.

... radical statements ("Sick of machines and technologies" / "Security
camera in use.REC"), awesome video poems, loops from cult movies,
psychedelic thoughts, personal video work trips, quotes from influential
books, references of art projects "303 TV" has the content that stands for
something other than what is apparent, always expressing a strong message.

The soundtrack of this live "TV show" [music genres ranging from the
ethno-eclecticism to groove-driven psychedelia] is benefiting from the
contribution of plenty important names on Romanian electro scene: Nemos,
Freak, Unu, Hard B or even from Adrian Budritzan's (aka Future Groove)
musical projects etc.

check out the website" for full details on the project.

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