Vlad Nanca on Wed, 1 Oct 2003 19:41:21 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] performing places | urban textures

Performing Places

A festival organised by the British Council, Primaria Sectorului 3 & Rosal

Ion Cotenescu, Vlad Nanca, Kate Smith & Stefan Tiron (2020) present Urban Textures one of the winning projects of the festival.

Sunday 5th October | Str. Blanari 3-5 | 12.00 - 22.00 

Urban Textures 

Employing the skills of architects, actors, musicians and visual artists active in graffiti, video, photography and multimedia and who are organically linked with the sub-cultural networks of urban and street art and music to enrich the visual, aural and tactile quality of the Lipscani area. Utilising a void (a long passageway) and outlying buildings on the opposing ends of a virtual corridor visitors will be taken on a journey abundant with living people, performers, images and sounds to re-discover the old, ruined or simply forgotten. Promoting the vibrant and thriving Bucharest underground scene with its origins and roots lying in the streets of the old city which unfortunately is invisible to many.

12.00 DJ Stefan Tiron

An overview of sound art, minimalism, avant-glitch noise, and bleep ambient-dominated soundscapes from 1956 to 2003 recorded in London, Berlin, L.A., Amsterdam, Glasgow, Stalingrad, Vienna, Beijing, Mumbai, Melbourne, Istanbul and others. 

16.30 Matze 

Matze’s music means going through electronica towards eclectic experimental spiced with Romanian voices and atmospheres from the turn of the century or the beginning of the new millennium.

17.30 Sunday people

(Hasan & Sultan Nasser)

The chill out project from ‘GrooveOholics’, their sound includes samples of Arab and Romanian folklore probably due to their mixed origin and appears to perfectly fit the history of the area. 

18.30 DJ Dolphin boy

The Sound of smoke filled 50’s night clubs filtered through the ears of a very modern Scotsman. His highly collectable 10’’ have caused a stir on the downtempo scene.

20.30 Blanos Distruzos 

(Vexxatu Vexx, Matze, Sultan, Ati)

They came together for the idea of ‘freesta’ wishing to experiment the interaction of samplers and sequencers, percussion and stories of Bucharest (by MC Vexx) . No concert is alike, it’s a continuous audio brainstorming, a project ‘under construction’, live creative sessions. 

22.00 DJ Vasile

After party – Amsterdam Cafe


Vlad Nanca

Bd Regina Elisabeta 69, Apartamentul 2, Sector 5, 050016 Bucuresti ROMANIA
Tel +40 21 6504452 / Fax +40 21 3121311 / Mobile +40 723 240434

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