Martin Sjardijn on 16 Mar 2001 23:27:35 -0000

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Re: [Nettime-nl] netart, publiek en musea

En beste Barbara,
zo gaat het ook binnen de nieuwe hiƫrachie van Internet voor kunstenaars:

".....Hi martin,
Congratulations! Your artwork, Weightless Sculpture, has been
accepted for inclusion in the Rhizome ArtBase.

The next step is to follow the URL at the bottom of this
page to provide information about your artwork, upload
your statement and bio, etc.

*Please note that if you do not follow this link and
complete this process, your work will not be included.*

But before you do, please prepare your bio or CV and a
statement about the work so you can copy and paste them
into a web-based form.

And please also give some thought as to whether you want
your work to be included as a linked object or a cloned

Linking gives users the ability to find your work in the
Rhizome ArtBase and access your work via a link. Linked
objects include a thumbnail image, an artist's statement
and bio, a description and other metadata such as title
and keywords. We do not store copies of linked objects
on our servers-you remain responsible for the
preservation of your work.

Cloning is the best way to ensure that your work is
preserved for the future. Cloned objects include an
archival copy of your artwork that is stored on our
servers. Many Internet art projects evolve over time or
disappear. The cloned version serves as a snapshot of
the artwork as it existed when it was archived.

Please go to this URL: etc. etc.

met groeten,

Martin Sjardijn

----- Original Message -----
From: (((o)))
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Nettime-nl] netart, publiek en musea

(voor de lezers van deze thread)
om nog een laatste verbazing over het werken van het net toe te voegen...
barbara, je bent al gelinkt voor je een site hebt!!