Declan McCullagh on Tue, 14 Dec 1999 00:41:56 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> Re: TBTF: eToys pays in market cap for bullying etoy

I'm hardly interested in the type of formal proof that would satisfy a
mathematician. But folks who follow the market would readily accept the
events I cited (analyst ratings, increased competition, slow growth) as
adequate explanations of the drop. 

You are backing a novel interpretation. For that you need a bit more proof
than an I'd-like-it-to-be-so hunch. Correlation does not equal casuation,
remember, and I'd say the legal win probably boosted their stock
price instead. 


At 15:59 12/12/1999 -0500, t byfield wrote:
>there's no doubt that the events you cite affected etoys' stock
>price (that much seems clear); but the question remains whether
>they're *adequate* explanations of the drop. i don't think that
>has been proven, or even can be proven.


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