announcer on Fri, 13 Feb 1998 19:36:16 +0100 (MET) |
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<nettime> announcer 021a |
NETTIME'S WEEKLY ANNOUNCER - every friday into your inbox calls-symposia-websites-campaigns-books-lectures-meetings send your PR to in time! 0.......1........2........3........4........5........6 1...Vesna Manojlovic......colorfool 2...Station Rose..........Station Rose LIVE bei Transmediale 3...Miekal And............The Plagiarist Codex 4...Richard Barbrook......Cyber.Salon 3 5...ARTSPACE Sydney.......Sydney Intermedia Network artist's talk: HORST KIECHLE 6...Monika Fleischmann....Cyberstar 98: WDR and GMD nominate international jury 7...Postmaster DFM........[DFM] NewsLetter #003 8...mez 9...J.BRADY...............Second call ISEA98 proposals 10..David S. Isenberg.....S.M.A.R.T. ........1.............................................. From: Vesna Manojlovic <> Subject: colorfool To: Date: Fri, 6 Feb 1998 22:31:17 +0100 (MET) i am sorry you are sorry that cannot cu-see_me in orange - black - black - lightorange - black - red - yellow - black - orange - blue view -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# KPHJA~A HJY3 in our rural suburbia we made xyber kitchen or "HOW TO make two tables out of one" instead of colorful pixels: white wall (circle) bunch of red dry hungarian paprika on the nail first half of table: 386xs black screen orange ascii sour eyes other half of table: starry table-set three cups of bread + cheese + soup (links: "OPAO", dule, tanja, vuk, vine, nervous waiter, snow) other wall: "belgrade in perspective" for geert and other dear guests of netforum i announce it open: new KRNJAChA xyber-kitchen 4 three witches "three pigs" (who's afraid of big bad wolf?) new domain: old usernames: haha, emina, becha -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# netforum news: see: -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# .................2..................................... >From Mon Feb 9 19:45:14 1998 Received: from ( []) by (8.8.5/8.6.9) with ESMTP id TAA16610 for <>; Mon, 9 Feb 1998 19:45:12 +0100 Received: from [] ( [] (may be forged)) by (8.8.6/8.8.4) with ESMTP id KAA14084; Mon, 9 Feb 1998 10:38:26 -0800 (PST) X-Sender: Message-Id: <v03110701b104dcb9c205@[]> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 19:39:33 +0100 To: From: Station Rose <> Subject: Station Rose LIVE bei Transmediale Guten Abend! Jetzt ist es soweit- die Premiere von STATION ROSE - *1st decade* findet mit der "MULTIMEDIA-MIDI-PERFORMANCE in Echtzeit" (Gary Danner: Soundz/ Elisa Rose: Visuals) am 12.2.98 um 20:30 in Berlin beim Videofestival TRANSMEDIALE statt. *1st decade* hei=DFt 10 jahre Station Rose (1988-98), hei=DFt Multimedia Kun= st im nativen Sinne. ->expect more to come ! ;-) videofestival TRANSMEDIALE Podewil Klosterstr.68-70 D-10179 Berlin tel:030-24721907 ----------------------- STATION ROSE multimedia (Elisa Rose & Gary Danner) * 1st decade (1988-98) * homepage <> * Frankfurt Conference <> * vinyl TREE & video out on Sony ------------------------------ ..........................3............................ Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 17:31:21 +0000 From: Miekal And <> To: Subject: The Plagiarist Codex The Plagiarist Codex: an old Maya information hieroglyph We have discovered from the barren wastelands of Central America an essential document in the early history of copyist strategies. Thought to have been created toward the end of the classical period of Mayan civilization, 998 A.D., the codex has been translated by a brilliant group of London plagiarists & the esteemed Amendant Hardiker from Wisconsin. Originally published by PLAGERIZEDĆ (SIC) BOOKS in 1988 on the occasion of the Festival of Plagiarism held in London, San Francisco & Madison, WI. It is now distributed by Xexoxial Endarchy. ...................................4................... Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 04:03:45 +0100 (MET) X-Sender: Mime-Version: 1.0 To: From: (Richard Barbrook) Subject: Cyber.Salon 3 X-Pop-Info: 00001936 00000068 Sender: Mute Telepolis & Hypermedia Research Centre present: CYBER.SALON 3 'Sponsorship in New Media' Questions: Lisa Haskel (Arts Council of England) Replies: Sholto Ramsay (ICA New Media) and Peter Gomes (ICA) Chair: Armin Medosch (Telepolis) 7pm to 11pm Wednesday 25th February Upper Bar White Horse 16 Newburgh Street LONDON W1 entrance free be there early! =========================================================================== Forthcoming Cyber.Salons Wednesday 25th March: Community Networks Wednesday 22nd April: Women on the Net Wednesday 20th May: Beyond the Californian Ideology =========================================================================== Cyber.Salon 3: Possibilities and Pitfals of Sponsorship in New Media In November 1997 the ICA in London launched the New Media Centre, a major collaboration with Sun Microsystems. As a partnership between a publically-funded cultural institution with a remit to explore the innovative, the contraversial and the cutting edge, and a single multinational technology corporation, the deal breaks new ground and perhaps points to new trends. While the collaboration provides potentially great opportunities for artists, questions also surface regarding the effects - in supporting artists' practice and in critical discussion - arising from different aims and objectives of the two organisations. With the aim of exploring the whole spectrum of possibilities to pitfalls inherent in this alliance, Sholto Ramsay, ICA Director of New Media and Peter Gomes, outgoing ICA New Technology Researcher will be interviewed by Lisa Haskel, Visual Arts Officer at the Arts Council of England and freelance events organiser. Participation from all-comers will be welcomed and indeed expected. Arrive armed with questions and suggestions. Early arrival recommended to reserve a seat. ............................................5.......... Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 01:12:41 -0500 (EST) X-Sender: Mime-Version: 1.0 To: Recipient.List.Suppressed:; From: ARTSPACE Sydney <> Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: Sydney Intermedia Network artist's talk: HORST KIECHLE X-Mime-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id HAA23350 X-Pop-Info: 00005056 00000121 Sender: SINevent Sydney Intermedia Network (SIN) in conjunction with Powerhouse Museum presents ______________________________________ artist's talk HORST KIECHLE constructing the amorphous sunday 22 february, 2pm target theatre powerhouse museum, 500 harris st, ultimo _______________________________________________________________________ Horst Kiechle is a computer artist whose '...deranged web diagrams...can, despite appearances, be built.' - Architecture Australia March/April 1997 The spatial transformations of his most recent work, Amorphous Construction, can be experienced from 27 January to 21 February at Darren Knight Gallery, 840 Elizabeth St Waterloo, Sydney (tel 02 9699 5353). The installation is one result of research currently undertaken by Kiechle as part of an Art and Industry Placement at the CSIRO (Division of Mathematical and Information Sciences), awarded to him by the Australia Council's New Media Arts Fund. Coinciding with this exhibition, SIN and Powerhouse Museum are pleased to present this opportunity to further explore Kiechle's remarkable virtual and actual environmental geometries. Based on projects realised during the past three years, the artist will present an overview of what is possible in the area of CAD (Computer Aided Design), computer animation, Virtual Reality display options, and Automated Manufacturing. The main focus, however, will be on VRML, the 3D equivalent to text and image browsing through the World Wide Web. Kiechle states: 'VRML has become an important tool for me to plan the assembly of my complex installations. It is already possible to use it to display choreographed events where the participant can move through the set and constantly change viewpoints. All of these new creative possibilities with the relatively low cost and potentially large audience of the World Wide Web...' He continues: 'Having witnessed the profound impact of 2D computer applications on print media, digital imaging and film, Constructing the Amorphous was conceived as a framework for investigating the impact of 3D computer technology in arts-related areas. Whilst utilising some of the latest high-end technologies it is interesting to consider how these technologies might affect society, and how a sculptural or architectural language can be derived from them. Concepts such as Intuitive Irregularity, Natural Imperfection and Marginalised Geometries have become important to me. I think that they have the potential to counterbalance Rectilinearity, Square-Mindedness and Reductivist Normalisation Processes.' _______________________________________________________________________ Sydney Intermedia Network (SIN) Inc encourages and promotes the development and crtical discussion of innovative film, video, sound and digital media arts in Australia, and exhibits this work to audiences nationally and internationally. ______________________________________________________________________________ SIN Director: Alessio Cavallaro SIN Resource Manager: Sarah Waterson SIN Administrative Assistant: Simone O'Callaghan SIN President: Kathy Cleland ph +61 2 9264 7225 fax +61 2 9264 5823 1st Floor, 168 Day St, Sydney 2000 NSW Australia ______________________________________________________________________________ Artspace The Gunnery 43 - 51 Cowper Wharf Road Woolloomooloo NSW 2011 Australia tel +61 2 9368 1899 fax +61 2 9368 1705 e-mail Director: Nicholas Tsoutas Administrator: Panos Couros Curatorial Assistant: Kristen Elsby Artspace gratefully acknowledges the VACF of the Australia Council and the NSW Ministry for the Arts ......................................................6 Received: (from oes@localhost) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) id OAA08660 for; Wed, 11 Feb 1998 14:19:02 +0100 Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 14:19:02 +0100 Message-Id: <> From: Monika Fleischmann <> To: Reply-To: Subject: Cyberstar 98: WDR and GMD nominate international jury Shared Visions - Cyberstar 98 International Competition for Interactive Media Environment WDR and GMD nominate international jury The Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), Cologne, and GMD - German National Research Center for Information Technology, Sankt Augustin, will present the Cyberstar in 1998 for the second time. Shared Visions - Cyberstar 98 supports cooperation between artists, designers, media and computer experts. Innovative concepts for interactive scenarios in the categories television, internet and stage will be awarded. Entries presenting for example virtual communities, virtual classrooms or avatar performance worlds shall reflect and develop "Shared Visions". An international jury will meet in May 1998 and will decide upon monetary awards a total of DM 35.000. Furthermore, the main price will include a work term of several month at GMD to develop the submitted concept. The jury members are: Karin OHLENSCHLAEGER, journalist and freelance curator, head of Proyectos Culturales, Madrid Hans-Peter SCHWARZ, head of ZKM, Medienmuseum Karlsruhe Gerfried STOCKER, general manager of Ars Electronica Center and artistic director of Ars Electronica Festival, Linz Wolfgang STRAUSS, architect and artist, Bonn/Gargnano in Italy Georg TROGEMANN, professor for art and media sciences, Kunsthochschule fuer Medien Cologne Regina WYRWOLL, head of media division, Goethe-Institute headquaters, Munich Submisson deadline for Shared Visions - Cyberstar 98 ist March 31th, 1998. The award ceremonial will take place in connection with the Medienforum Nordrhein-Westfalen, June 1998 in Cologne. The event will happen at KOMED - Kommunikations- und Medienzentrum im MediaPark Cologne. Information and submission guidelines: WDR Cyberstar D - 50600 Cologne phone +49/221 - 220 6728, fax -6252 email: 7...................................................... Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 18:53:44 +0100 From: Postmaster DFM <> Organization: DFM rtv Int. To: NetTime <> Subject: [DFM] NewsLetter #003 --------------3909F0E96406318BEC01E735 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit ============================================================== DFM radio-television International NewsLetter #003 - Feb 98 ============================================================== DFM rtv Int. is a free, experimental, anti-commercial station delivering soundscapes, weird programs, intens music, techart, live sessions and more. It is run by some unknown artist who pay everything out of their own pocket because who sponsors unknown artists?! No blabla, no nonsense & straight forward is our attitude, hope you're with us, please inform your friends. -------------------------------------------------------------- For changes send a message to the original sender: Make the subject MAILLIST and state in the message body: REMOVE If you don't want to receive this mailing anymore. RICH If you prefer to receive the next DFM NewsLetter in "rich text (HTML) mail" format. -------------------------------------------------------------- L.S. - 24 HOURS A DAY Although untill now we are only live in the weekends from 22:00 to 03:00 hours (CET) we are delivering 24 hours a day signal on The Webcast Page. We now have a kind of jukebox playing exerpts of previous webcasts, material which has been send to us and specially created pieces. Untill now it plays at random but it will become interactive over time. - WEDNESDAY OFF And yes.. the Wednesday is off. Our poor operator couldn't handle it. The webcast would force him into an impossible lifestyle. Sorry to all enthousiasts.. later. We desperately need a leased line for a 24 hours a day connect to a reasonable price, it will save lots of time/money/stress. - YOUR MATERIAL You can deliver material to be played in the non-programmed area, pieces can be 15 or 30 minutes in length. There's also the possiblity to (regularly) deliver complete programs (even live). Read more about it on the Info & News Page. - FIRST REACTIONS There have been a few reactions so far (thanx!) and they all were very positive, it is great to hear from people out there appreciating our effords. We had visitors from The States, Mexico, Canada, Denmark, England, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Switserland, Australia (is that you Felipe?:) and more.. - IRC Because of the small crew our operators/programmakers can only hang out at IRC saturdays from 22:00 to 03:00 CET. If you want to talk to us be there, the actual #channel name you will find on the Webcast Page. -------------------------------------------------------------- This is how the program looks for now: FRIDAY: 22:00 - 23:00 MLKVY VRCH; Noise/environment/garage with Cym1 23:00 - 24:00 ARMAGEDDON; Extruding sound & grit with Daemon 00:00 - 03:00 CYCLING: 1th week: THE NIGHTSHOW; Hometaping galore 2th week: THE HAPPY STATION; Hosted by Spammer Hammer 3th week: DJ DK; arty noise 4/5th week: GUEST DJ'S & MIXERS SATURDAY: 22:00 - 23:00 LANDING ON VINYL; Easy Listening Preasure John Terbo blending some old disks with unextreme noiz 23:00 - 24:00 BLENDER; Easy Preasure Listening with DJ 00:00 - 03:00 N8PRGM; Collages/Events/Interactivity & more. With John Terbo, DJ & (remote) guests SUNDAY: 22:00 - 23:00 MEDITATOR; John Terbo on minimal 23:00 - 24:00 NEW DEMO STUF; Just arrived material otherwise more MEDIATOR.. 00:00 - 02:00 DISCIPLINE; Analog & Digital with Peter D. 02:00 - 03:00 EXTENDED PLAY; Easy industrial -------------------------------------------------------------- If you are intrested in interactivity focus on the saturday- night/sundaymorning program starting at 00:00 o'clock. They focus on live events and have sufficient expirience to deal with most online events (like hey.. they started this whole thing:). Talk to them! Very likely they will be available on IRC everytime they broadcast. For more details and latest updates look at the website: untill next.. The DFM Team ........8.............................................. Date: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 12:50:43 +1100 X-Sender: Mime-Version: 1.0 To: announcer <> From: mez <> Subject: Re: <nettime> announcer 018 i'm on a g.IRL.bait roll........ 3: grr I've Recked Lunch .....for the third time this week! ................9...................................... Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 15:33:21 +0000 From: Subject: Second call ISEA98 proposals Sender: To:,,,,,,,, Mime-Version: 1.0 ISEA98 Revolution - Liverpool 02, 03 & 04 September 1998 Liverpool Art School, John Moores University, 68 Hope Street, Liverpool L1 9EB, UK. Tel: +44 (0)151 231 3110 / 709 3420 Fax: +44 (0)151 231 5096 Nine ISEA98 Symposium Panels curated and convened by Liverpool Art School: Deadline for receipt of full proposal 15th March 1998. TITLE: EVOLUTION 2.0 Colin Fallows (Reader in Audio and Visual Arts at Liverpool John Moores University); Pete Fulwell (Managing Director Merseyside Online Ltd.) and Michelle Wardle (Programme Leader Multi-media Design and Production at Liverpool John Moores University) are developing a conference panel that seeks to examine and contextualize work with generative systems. A Liverpool Art School research award has enabled the development and projected publication of the CD ROM entitled EVOLUTION 2.0, an audio-visual anthology including history, current practice and debate concerning Generative Arts. Papers, presentations and demonstrations are invited from artists, programme creators, academics and broadcasters concerned with generative systems. Contact: Colin Fallows, providing a summary of your proposal and where appropriate audio/visual examples, at: or c/o Liverpool Art School (address as above). Please quote Panel title. TITLE: ST. PETERSBURG 3.0 Colin Fallows (Reader in Audio and Visual Arts at Liverpool John Moores University) and Alexander Kahn (St. Petersburg writer, broadcaster and Producer of the Russian Service, BBC World Service) are curating a symposium Panel that seeks to examine and contextualize the work of a group of radical St. Petersburg based artists, musicians and writers currently working with electronic media. Papers, presentations, declamations, ideas and critical responses are being invited from the St. Petersburg based artists, musicians and writers described as "... the first manifestation out of the New Russia that actually impresses me ... so weird looking, and it arises from such unique cultural and economic circumstances ... This might become the first digital art movement that really matters." (Sterling, Bruce (1998) 'Art and Corruption', WIRED 6.01, January). This programme builds on links with St. Petersburg's artistic cutting edge established more than a decade ago when Liverpool based ARK published the LP Insect Culture by Popular Mechanics (ARK Records, 1987) the large scale multi-media event Perestroika in the Avant Garde (involving Pop Mekhanika and the New Artists, Liverpool, 1989) and the first Russian techno 12 inch Sputnik of Life by the New Composers (ARK Records, 1990). Contact: Colin Fallows,at: or c/o Liverpool Art School (address as above). Please quote Panel title. TITLE: SONIC BOOM Colin Fallows (Reader in Audio and Visual Arts at Liverpool John Moores University) is compiling a programme of presentations and demonstrations that investigates and celebrates the work of artists and inventors from across the twentieth century who have created, recorded and performed with electronic musical instruments - from the revolutionary to the eccentric. A Liverpool Art School research award has enabled the appointment of a Visiting Fellow in Sound, the UK based sound artist Robin Rimbaud (aka Scanner) who will make a presentation in Liverpool during ISEA98. Papers, presentations and demonstrations are invited from artists, inventors, academics and broadcasters concerned with experimental electronic musical instruments - design, manufacture and performance. Contact: Colin Fallows, providing a summary of your proposal and where appropriate audio and/or visual examples, at: or c/o Liverpool Art School (address as above). Please quote Panel title. TITLE: VISUAL LANGUAGES David Crow (Head of Graphic Arts at Liverpool John Moores University) is currently involved in research projects based around the exploration of visual language in a typographic framework. His research partner is Yaki Molcho (C0-Director, Tel Aviv Centre for Design Studies). Earlier this year, a Liverpool Art School research award enabled David to initiate a programme of work on a dual alphabet font which will be realised through a publication entitled 'Dialogue'. As part of the ISEA98 Symposium programme, the research team will present the work alongside discussion of the issues raised. This will follow an introductory session on the transitions in visual language by Neville Brody's Research Studio (publishers of Fuse and Laboratory CD Roms). If, as artist, designer, academic or theorist, you wish to contribute to these developments and their interpretation at ISEA98 please provide a summary of your proposed presentation and where appropriate some visual examples. Contact: or c/o Liverpool Art School (address as above). Please quote Panel title. TITLE: MEDIATED NATIONS Using MED TV as an exemplar, John Byrne (Senior Lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University) will develop an ISEA98 Panel looking at the historical and contemporary uses of communications technologies which have sought to disrupt, subvert and/or 'revolutionise' dominant and received notions of cultural identity. As a member of MED TV's Protection Council John's team includes Hasan Sahan (University of Liverpool), Joe Cooper (MED TV) and Hikmet Tabak (MED TV Director). MED TV is an independent satellite broadcasting company, based in Brussels, which seeks to represent the full cultural, political and religious diversity of a global Kurdastanese Diaspora. As the Kurds themselves have no politically recognised 'country', MED TV has increasingly provided a 'virtual' identity for a historically, politically and geographically dispossessed community. As such, papers, presentations, demonstrations etc. are invited which will provide similar examples of how broadcasting technologies (whether Radio, TV, Video, Digital etc.) have been used in the production, distribution and exchange of diverse racial, political, sexual and cultural identities. Contact: or c/o Liverpool Art School (address as above). Please quote Panel title. TITLE: VIRTUAL INTERVENTIONS: DIGITAL AVANT-GARDES John Byrne (Senior Lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University) and Julia Knight (Senior Lecturer at the University of Luton and editor of Diverse Practices - A Critical Reader on British Video Art , 1996, University of Luton Press/Arts Council of England) are developing a strand for ISEA98 to critically and theoretically contextualize the use of electronic media in the production of radical and oppositional art practices which have sought to disrupt dominant notions of artistic production, distribution and exchange. Initially, it is envisaged that this strand be developed in relation to three key issues: (1) How have uses of analogic and digital reproductive technologies been deployed to disrupt dominant notions of art, artistic production, aesthetic experience and audience reception. (2) What have been the critical, political, racial, sexual and cultural impact of these media in the development of radical, oppositional and or revolutionary art practices? (3) How are contemporary uses of electronic and digital reproduction addressing, developing these themes and issues through radical and oppositional art practice. Papers, presentations, demonstrations, ideas and critical responses are invited >from historians, critics, philosophers, artists, curators etc. who wish the engage and contribute to the development of this debate. Contact: or c/o Liverpool Art School (address as above). Please quote Panel title. TITLE: DIGITAL AESTHETICS Michelle Wardle (Programme Leader, MA Multi-media Design & Production at Liverpool John Moores University) is currently investigating 'Fine Art Practice in Digital Media'. Michelle and Dr. Nancy Flint (Designer for the University's Learning Methods Unit) together with two PhD Research Students at JMU: Kevin Furlong ('Sound in Virtual Space') and Rob Rowlands ('Artists as Programmers'), lead the Electronic Arts Research Group. This Group of artists and researchers investigate the use of digital technology within art practice. Current research projects include: Emergence CD Rom on the Post - industrial/Post-photographic Evolution 2.0 CD Rom on Generative Arts We are interested to hear from artists and writers who may wish to collaborate on the development of a Symposium Panel concerned with 'Digital Aesthetics' for ISEA 98. Papers, presentations and demonstrations in relation to digital imaging, interactive film, sensory environments, sound in virtual space, generative programming, interactive multimedia, theories of visual perception are welcome. Contact: or c/o Liverpool Art School (address as above). Please quote Panel title. TITLE: VARIANT ARCHITECTURE(S) WITHIN CYBER-CELIBACY Lulu Jones is conducting post-doctorate research into Cyber Convent Populations at Liverpool John Moores University. She is leading a small team, including George Buba (Reader in Video at the University of Oterspol), in the critical re-assessment of convent perimeter structures and the wall-flower metaphor matrix. Earlier this year, a Liverpool Art School research award enabled Jones to create artist-in-residence bursaries at the Alpha 9C and Mattas cyber convents. The artists, Sindy Bootikins (USA) and Bob Van Gupta (Borneo), created a range of neo-anchorite extensions at both sites. As part of the ISEA98 Programme, Bootikins and Van Gupta (in a live gallery performance) will select the seven virgins to be manacled into the convent walls for Virtual Eternity. Jones and the artists will moderate an ISEA98 Symposium discussion exploring relations between the w.w.w., Inquisition and the ritual phenomena of voluntary incarceration. If, as artist, academic, theorist or supplicant, you wish to contribute to these developments and their interpretation at ISEA98 please forward a summary of your proposed activities and any relevant supporting materials. Contact: or c/o Liverpool Art School (address as above). Please quote Panel title. TITLE: THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MULTIMEDIA PROFESSIONAL Professor Peter Fowler directs the Learning Methods Unit (LMU) at Liverpool John Moores University. New Technologies offer a range of challenges and opportunities for mediated and distance learning programmes. The LMU has developed and produced multimedia materials for delivery on laser-disc (1991/3), CD Rom (from 1994) and the Internet (from 1995). In doing so LMU has been both innovative and lateral in nurturing the design, communications and domain expertise prerequisite to these developments. For ISEA98 Peter will be joined by Dr.Nancy Flint and Roy Stringer, Creative Director of Amaze Ltd.(1998 Macromedia Award for Best On-line Development), to develop dialogues concerning: (A) The Multimedia Product (B) Future Scenarios (C) The Multimedia Moment: Addressing the Skills Shortage If, as designer, educator or product-developer, you wish to contribute to these developments and their interpretation at ISEA98 please provide a summary of your proposed presentation and where appropriate some visual examples. Contact: or c/o Liverpool Art School (address as above). Please quote Panel title. ..........................10........................... Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 09:45:53 -0400 (EDT) Message-Id: <> To: From: "David S. Isenberg" <> Subject: Announcing S.M.A.R.T. !@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*() ---------------------------------------------------------------------- S.M.A.R.T. -- the Stupid-network Mindful, Articulate Response Team It takes SMART people to design a Stupid Network ---------------------------------------------------------------------- !@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*() You are one of the some 76 people who have spontaneously responded to my essay "Rise of the Stupid Network" to date. Thank you! I have NEVER in my life had such a response to something that I have created, and it is truly delightful! Even the objections have been great to get. Let us now consider ourselves SMART -- or members of the "Stupid-network Mindful, Articulate Response Team" -- SMART. (OK . . . so it *is* a stretch, but what else should we call ourselves?) To keep the conversation going we are now unified by a mailing reflector -- correspondence sent to <> will reach all of us. Private, individual email also gratefully accepted at I look forward the continuing, evolving discussion. And remember, it takes smart companies to build a Stupid Network. David I ------- ------- David Isenberg ************************************ AT&T Labs Room A061 180 Park Ave. Florham Park NJ 07932 973-360-8225 voice 973-360-8855 fax ************************************ --- # distributed via nettime-l : no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a closed moderated mailinglist for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: and "info nettime" in the msg body # URL: contact: