via nettime-l on Fri, 17 Jan 2025 11:40:03 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Next ScreenSaverGallery

Dear Nettimers,

We would like to greet you in the year 2025 and ask you for a little attention (or discussion) on some information below.

At the moment we quit X and we also have a plan to quit all the other "walled gardens" social media that we have set up in the naive hope of bringing online art to a wider audience. This assumption is quite far from reality and we will be rethinking (hopefully with you) our communication channels this year. As a first step, we proudly connected to the Hometown/Mastodon instance (@screensavergallery). [1]

We still believe in the concept of the ScreenSaverGallery [2] as an artist-run off-space and as an artist-run server providing the necessary technical infrastructure.

At ScreenSaverGallery we have done a lot of work in the last year. From upgrading the Mac OS and Windows applications, creating a Linux version of ScreenSaverGallery, open-sourcing everything, [3] updating our web design, to realising the year-round exhibition project "Blind Visions”. [4] At [5] we have been optimising the server for lower costs and higher performance. As individual artists we are struggling to fund our projects, so we have set up a non-profit organisation <IRL> to make an umbrella of our online and offline art activities. If you would like to support them, you can now easily donate on the opencollective platform. [6]

We know that our applications are sometimes "buggy" and we know that our "users" can have problems with them. We are happy to see open issues on our GitHub repos! We will also be happy to get some feedback on our exhibition programme here and there.

For this coming year, the 40th anniversary of A Cyborg Manifesto, we are working on an exhibition programme to rethink and support "cyber" feminist approaches to the networks and online culture. We are open to further discussion and inspiration ;)

Save Your Screen!


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