Alessandro Ludovico via nettime-l on Mon, 13 Jan 2025 01:25:37 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Schoenberg Archive is destroyed in LA fires

A grim message from Larry Schoenberg, the composer’s son:

In a heartbreaking turn of events, Belmont Music Publishers, the esteemed house exclusively dedicated to preserving and promoting the works of Arnold Schoenberg, has been tragically destroyed in the wake of the recent Pacific Palisades fire. A fixture in the music world since the 1970’s, Belmont Music was the publisher and representative of Schoenberg’s iconic compositions, serving as a vital link between the composer’s visionary legacy and contemporary performers, scholars, and music lovers.
A Blaze That Consumed More Than Just a Building
The fire that ravaged the Pacific Palisades community in early January left a trail of devastation, and unfortunately, Belmont Music Publishers was among its most significant casualties. The entire inventory of sales and rental materials—comprising some manuscripts, original scores, and printed works—has been lost in the flames. For a company that focused exclusively on the works of Schoenberg, this loss represents not just a physical destruction of property but a profound cultural blow…

continues on:

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