Brian Holmes on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 04:01:24 +0200 (CEST) |
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Re: <nettime> Between Tracking and Formulating |
Jordan Crandall wrote: > Increasingly, the tracking apparatus is able to reach far back into the > past, further back than was humanly possible, through the use of > regressions. Regressions are statistical procedures that take raw > historical data and estimate how various causal factors influence a single > variable of interest (for example, the quality of wine, or an enemy's > movement). A pattern is revealed, derived from the past, and this > demonstrates a likelihood, a propensity, for what could happen today. > > This pattern might be stabilized, made operational, in a formula. You > just plug in the specified attributes into a regression formula, and out > comes your prediction. A moving phenomenon -- a stock price, a biological > function, an enemy, a product or part -- is codified and understood in a > historical trajectory, in order to extrapolate its subsequent position. > This formula is not a fixed thing but something subject to continual > modification. New factors can be introduced. It might be stable at one > point, unstable the next. It is modulated as it is modulating. The text from which these two paragraphs are excerpted is one of the most precise analyses of the control society that you will find anywhere. It moves from a tightly focused account of the present state of applied probability theory (the paragraphs above) to something infinitely fuzzier: the affective simulacrum as the all-purpose capturing device, where the predictiveness of probability itself is abandoned for a more improvised, yet even more effective way of coaxing intention into conformity. The fuzzy affective trap is the virtuoso sublimation of the total statistical number crunching that now presents itself as the very foundation of man's manipulation of man. This is real insight into the present. Jordan Crandall continues to offer us, for free, the most concise and up-to-date summaries of sociotechnical strategies that you will find anywhere. This guy is hot. So read his text first, before considering my objection. What I can't stand anymore is a certain form of address. It goes like this: > Ayres points out in his book Super Crunchers that "Traditionally, the > right to privacy has been about preserving past and present information. > There was no need to worry about keeping future information privateā¦ Yet > data-mining predictions raise just this concernā¦ [It] puts future privacy > at risk because it can probabilistically predict what we will do." For > Ayres, this new world of data-mined predictions "moves us toward a kind of > statistical predeterminism." > > But we do not only need to understand it in this way, to glimpse the > generativity of tracking. Because we willingly step into tracks that are > layed. From this point forth, Jordan explores the many different reasons why people say "yes" to what is presented as their own irrepressible desire. But there is one massive question: What impels the use of this "we," when the time for suspensive irony is over and it is all too clear where the willingness to conform is leading? Namely, toward imperial aggression for the possession of basic resources that comfort the anxious middle classes and empower the obscenely rich. Now, of course I understand the strategy, please spare me the lesson: the "we" is much more uncomfortable, much more subversive, it addresses you where you are unconscious of what you do, it joins your proud egotistic self-mastery to the real social flow of which you take part. The "we" is critique from which there is no escape: it is the linguistic performance of belonging whether you like it or not, the illocutionary truth of our participation in the social order. After two generations of this kind of performance in academia, it also verges on total hypocrisy. What is the difference between Jordan's lecture on track-formulation and my text, "Future Map"? Well, there are two main differences. The first is that while covering essentially the same ground -- the transition from a disciplinary society and society of security devices -- my text is expressed through a set of metaphors that provoke the reader to feel the unbearable proximity between the Cold War (which we all profess to reject) and the present political economy (which is remarkably similar). But wait: Jordan is an artist, and if you want poetics, for the last fifteen years he had been producing them in his rich and deeply metaphorical body of work. This is not the person to fault for a lack of poetics. So let's move on to the second thing, which is very simple: the address. Over the last fifteen years, all Jordan's work has sustained the same uncomfortable feeling of self-conscious participation in the status quo. There is a obvious reason for this choice of address: uncomfortableness is professionally OK, outright engagement might really hurt your career. Now let's be clear, I am willing to buy the argument that one must survive to work inside the system. But the 90s generation now _is_ the system, and there comes a point where the only honest thing to do is to use the pluralist system as it was originally intended, namely for the exercise of a powerful check on the abuses which other parts of that selfsame system produce. It is now time for American critics to put their tremendous knowledge into real and strictly pragmatic attempts to halt the worst, which includes the degradation of "our" consciousness to the status of a prescripted affect. "We" who go along with the fuzzy object support the worst, which is not a possible future but an actual reality. Novices in the culture game should not get me wrong. I have worked closely and intensely with Jordan many times, because of the tremendous knowledge that he has been able to deliver about the psychosocial and psychosexual implications of militarized technology. I love this guy, for the generosity and courage of the work that he has produced over the last fifteen years, to my own immense benefit among others. Jordan, when people like yourself who have become the establishment stop saying "we," then there will be a chance to leave behind the horror and decadence of post 9-11 America. Now it is time to exceed the prediction and let the fuzzy object fall, in order to set another course for our collective existence. for tomorrow, Brian # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: # archive: contact: