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Table of Contents: update - garage 2003 call for entries no concept festival garage <> Pixxelpoint Newsletter Blaz Erzetic <> di-fusion live! John Hopkins <> EVENT: DIGITAL ACTIVISM @ ICA, London, Tuesday 22 April 2003 under cover Geoffroy-Colonel <> reminder - jihui - Digital Salon presents Grahame Weinbren z <> An Aesthetic Operation "Randall M. Packer" <> WORLD-INFORMATION.ORG @ SERBIA "" <> Table ronde 'La multitude contre la guerre' (Bruxelles/Brussel) 'De menigte tege Dieter Lesage <> Lumen Eclipse :: Sunday, April 13 :: Boston "mason" <> > Critical Art Ensemble "" <> [Home]|[Search]|[Home] . exhibition . Darko Fritz darko fritz <> ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2003 15:06:31 +0200 From: festival garage <> Subject: update - garage 2003 call for entries no concept German version below. Please forward this to any individuals or mailing lists that you feel it would be of interest to. Last Call for Entries - Deadline: 30th April 2003: - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th festival garage 25th July - 16th August 2003 in Stralsund / Germany - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- n o c o n c e p t - a description of conditions - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything is possible, everything is open, everything can be done, nothing is clearly defined. With the apparently permanent expansion of the individual room for action different modes of behaviour develop in dealing with the existing social and cultural structures. Pragmatism on one side, purposeful acting, reduced to the necessary and practically useful, a striving for order and security. Inability to act on the other side, resulting from a growing feeling of blurredness, of insecurity and disorientation. Social vacuum? Malfunction of the system? "...instability as the normal state?" Trial and Error as the future strategy? Insecurity as a creative force, accident as a generative mechanism? What is normality, what is defined as normal? garage 03 is searching for artists' positions, comments and strategies on the topic insecurity and disorientation. Send us your proposals for presentations, installations, performances and projects, offline or online as well as papers and workshops. It is possible to submit already realised projects or concepts for projects, which are to be developed for the festival topic and/or to be realised during the festival. additional focus relating to the topic: - - 5.1 Dolby Surround (5.1 and other room sound systems as a new instrument or an extension in both musical and narrative sense) - - psycho accoustics (manipulation, disturbances, infrasound, oscillation, vibration, sonic phenomenons and sounds felt by the body, manipulations of spatial orientation...) - - mobile devices (artisitic projects that use today's widely used mobile devices like mobile phones, pdas, gps...) Deadline: 30th April 2003 application forms and info: - --------------------------------------------------------- all proposals should be submitted to: garage c/o Stabenow Husemannstr. 12 10435 Berlin Germany questions? T +49 (0) 30 441 20 15 F +49 (0) 30 44357415 - --------------------------------------------------------- garage is platform for art and culture. It is situated in the midst of the silo area in Stralsund's old port and understands itself as a non-commercial, temporally limited space for the support of interdisciplinary and individual projects with a focus on art, film and music. - --------------------------------------------------------- Ausschreibung - Einsendeschluss: 30. April 2003: - ------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Festival garage 25. Juli bis 16. August 2003 in Stralsund - ------------------------------------------------------------ n o c o n c e p t - eine Zustandsbeschreibung - ------------------------------------------------------------ Alles ist moeglich, alles ist offen, alles ist machbar - nichts ist klar definiert. Mit der scheinbar permanenten Erweiterung des individuellen Handlungsspielraums entwickeln sich verschiedene Verhaltensweisen im Umgang mit den existierenden sozialen und kulturellen Strukturen. Pragmatismus auf der einen Seite, zweckbestimmtes Handeln, auf das Notwendige und praktisch Nuetzliche reduziert, ein Streben nach Ordnung und Sicherheit. Handlungsunfaehigkeit auf der andern Seite durch ein zunehmendes Gefuehl der Unschaerfe, der Unsicherheit und Orientierungslosigkeit. Gesellschaftlicher Unterdruck? Fehler im System? Instabilitaet als Normalzustand? Trial and Error als Strategie der Zukunft? Unsicherheit als kreative Kraft, Zufall als generativer Mechanismus? Was ist Normalitaet, was wird als normal definiert? garage 03 sucht nach kuenstlerischen Positionen, Kommentaren und Handlungsstrategien zum Thema Unsicherheit/Orientierungslosigkeit. Eingereicht werden koennen Vorschlaege fuer Ausstellungen, Installationen, Performances und Projekte, offline oder online, sowie Vortraege und Workshops. Es ist moeglich, bereits realisierte Projekte vorzuschlagen oder aber Konzeptionen fuer Projekte, die zum Thema entwickelt und/oder waehrend des Festivals realisiert werden sollen. Darueber hinaus koennen Projekte zu geplanten Programmschwerpunten in Anlehnung an das Thema eingereicht werden: - - 5.1 Dolby Surround (5.1 und andere Raumklangsysteme als Erweiterung des musikalischen und dramturgischen Instrumentariums) - - Psycho accoustics (Manipulation, Stoerungen, Infrasound, Schwingungen, Vibrationen, akustische Phaenomene und Klanege, die nur vom Koerper gefuehlt werden koennen, Maniupulation der raeumlichen Orientierung...) - - mobile devices (kuenstlerische Projekte, die sich alltaeglicher mobiler Geraete - telefon, pda, gps... - bedienen) Einsendeschluss: 30. April 2003 Anmeldeformular und infos unter: - --------------------------------------------------------- Ideen, Vorschlaege, Projektbeschreibung, Material bitte an: garage c/o Stabenow Husemannstr. 12 10435 Berlin Germany Fragen? T +49 (0) 30 441 20 15 F +49 (0) 30 44357415 - --------------------------------------------------------- garage versteht sich als Plattform für zeitgenoessische Kunst und Kultur. Sie ist gelegen inmitten der Hafen- und Speicherstadt Stralsunds und versteht sich als zeitlich begrenzter Raum für die Foerderung interdisziplinaerer sowie einzelkuenstlerischer Projekte mit den Schwerpunkten bildende Kunst, Musik und Film. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2003 00:23:25 +0200 From: Blaz Erzetic <> Subject: Pixxelpoint Newsletter Pixxelpoint 2003 - International Computer Art Festival - -- Newsletter - April 8th 2003 -- Hi to everyone! The 4th edition of Pixxelpoint is on the way. We'll start with the new site and information about the festival in the beginning of May. In the meantime you may be interested in participating at Memefest festival ( that helped our event in 2002. Plese see their communication: "We thought you might like to hear about "Memefest: The International Festival of Radical Communication" As a concept, Memefest crawled out of Slovenia¹s academic and artistic mix in response to the recent conditions of the country¹s cultural environment. While continually exposed to radical doses of branding and commercial information and an educational system which has geared talented youth more and more towards market professions such as the advertising industry, we, the founders of Memefest, have decided to create a space to help Slovenian and global youth to rise up against the powers that be while celebrating the strengths and talents these young communicators bring to their subversion. This ³festival of radical communication² sets out to explore different tactics for using information to shift culture and create lasting social change. Every year, we invite submissions from international students and activists which critically approach cultural issues through text and visuals. If you're a student of any stripe (undergrad/ grad/ part-time) you can enter your work in the official competition under one of three divisions (communications studies, sociology, visual arts) and qualify for an award of 300 EUR. For those who are interested, we have set up an extensive website with all the guidelines and an easy to use online submission form. visit: No matter what you do with Memefest- submit, browse, critique, we appreciate your input and will use it to keep evolving. After all, the world is a pretty #$%- ed up place and we've just begun!" In case you have a question or comment, don't hesitate to send us an e-mail at Best regards, Blaz Erzetic & Pixxelpoint staff PS If you have received this message by mistake or you don't want to receive further informations about Pixxelpoint, please kindly reply to this email with "Remove" in subject line. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Pixxelpoint 2003 - Mednarodni festival racunalniske umetnosti - -- Novice - 8. april 2003 -- Pozdravljeni! Pricenjamo s cetrto edicijo Pixxelpointa. Predvidoma se bo to zgodilo maja. Medtem bi vas lahko seznanili s sporocilom festivala Memefest (, kateri so pomagali pri lanskem Pixxelpointu: "POVEJ, KAR VIDIŠ! Memefest 2003 MEMEFEST, mednarodni študentski festival širjenja idej je v prejšnjem mesecu z ekskluzivnimi predavanji kulturnega kritika in aktivista Briana Holmesa zakorakal v svoje drugo leto življenja, v teh dneh pa se zacenja veliki start letošnjega tekmovalnega dela festivala! Lanskega festivala so se udeležili dodiplomski in podiplomski študentje iz podrocji komunikologije, sociologije in vizualnih komunikacij iz petih držav sveta in se z svojimi deli odzvali na z naše strani izpostavljeni tekst iz knjige "No logo", avtorice Naomi Klein, ki obravnava procese in ucinke "brandinga". Letos še bolj vznemirljive in aktualne komunikacijske izhodišcne teme - za komunikologe in sociologe tekst iz dela "The conquest of cool" avtorja Thomasa Franka, za vizualce razvpiti oblikovalski manifest "First things first". In tokrat še bolj eminentna strokovna mednarodna žirija - k sodelovanju smo pritegnili tudi slavnega in razvpitega medijskega teoretika Douglasa Ruskoffa. Med slovenskimi clani žirije pa so se nam letos pridružili tudi dr. Sandra Bašic Hrvatin (FDV, Slovenija) in dr. Miro Kline (FDV, Slovenija). Ponovno pa ostajajo v krogu žirije tudi lanski strokovnjaki, kot so dr. Rastko Mocnik (FF, Slovenija), dr. Tanja Rener (FDV, Slovenija), mag. Zdravko Papic (ALU, Slovenija), Paul Shoebridge, (Adbusters, Kanada) in mnogi drugi. V vseh tekmovalnih podrocjih bomo najboljšim dodiplomskim in podiplomskim študentom spet podelili nagrade odlicnosti in denarni znesek v višini 300 EUR. V letošnjem letu uvajamo NOVOST: Tvoja udeležba na festivalu je brezplacna! TE DNI JE IZŠEL TUDI NOV PRIJAVNI KATALOG - prebereš si ga lahko tudi na festivalski spletni strani: , ki je temeljno komunikacijsko orodje našega festivala! Na njej najdete podrobne informacije o poteku festivala, pravilih tekmovanja, žiriji in še marsicem. ANALIZIRAJTE, RAZISKUJTE, USTVARJAJTE! IN NAM SVOJE ESEJE, ZNANSTVENE CLANKE IN VIZUALIZACIJE POŠLJITE NAJKASNEJE DO 15. MAJA 2003!" V primeru, da imate kaksno vprasanje ali pripombo, vas vabimo, da nam le-to posljete na nas elektronski postni predal Lep pozdrav, Blaž Erzetic in Pixxelpoint osebje PS Ce ste prejeli to sporocilo po pomoti oz. ne zelite vec prejemati novic o Pixxelpoint-u, prosimo, odpišite na prejeti email z "odstrani" v naslovni vrstici. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 16:51:43 -0600 From: John Hopkins <> Subject: di-fusion live! the time has almost arrived: welcome to di-fusion! date//time: 09:00 18.April - 09:00 19.April.2003 (GMT-6) Boulder 11:00 18.April - 11:00 19.April.2003 (GMT-4) New York 16:00 18.April - 16:00 19.April.2003 (GMT+1) London 18:00 18.April - 18:00 19.April.2003 (GMT+3) Helsinki 20:30 18.April - 20:30 19.April.2003 (GMT+5:30) New Delhi 01:00 19.April - 01:00 20.April.2003 (GMT+10) Sydney live location: Sibell-Wolle Fine Arts Building, Techne Labs - N274/5 University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA URL: (check the web site for the latest schedule and connection info) audio/video stream: di-fusion is a live & online open-platform happening for creative expression and action. The happening will simultaneously occupy global network spaces and a local physical space with collaborative performance, sound, music, DJ/VJ, and video events. We will be streaming audio and video during the entire 24 hours as well as hosting a variety of local and remote activities. We will be joined by brandshof (DE), illogik crew (IT), Alliance Plastique (USA), expand (FI), OiMa (UK), Planetary Nebula (USA), mi_ga (DE/LU), rigasound (LT), The Eastern Multi-Locus Feed Back (CZ), Improbable Radio Orchestra (DE), AcousticSpace (LT), dj_ken_guru (FI), elektro80 (NO), meshfm and neoscenes (USA) among other groups and individuals who will be networked with us as well. the web site details the ways you can connect with us live. join us! IRC server/channel (newnet): #di-fusion (,,,,, Habbo Hotel room: <di>fusion pad iVisit room: Education / Universities / More Rooms / di-fusion di-fusion: deployed as neoscenes occupation project #5 -- designed to bring together people, networks, learning, and creative action. more info may be found at di-fusion: launched by the TECHNE practice-based research initiative at the University of Colorado at Boulder, USA, and is brought to you by the students in the FINE-4126 Advanced Digital Art course in collaboration with their teacher, visiting artist, John Hopkins. please circulate this invitation! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 01:16:31 +0100 From: Subject: EVENT: DIGITAL ACTIVISM @ ICA, London, Tuesday 22 April 2003 ( and Cybersalon ( present >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DIGITAL ACTIVISM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tuesday 22 April 2003 ICA (Institute of Contemporary Arts) ( Theatre, The Mall, London SW1 7.00pm Tickets: £7, £5 concs, £4 ICA members (ticket office 020 7930 3647) ( /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// An evening of presentations, debate and networking on the uses and possibilities offered up by the Internet and digital technologies for Non-Govermental Organisations (NGOs), campaigning groups and alternative news networks. From the use of websites as an information medium through to online campaigns and digital video, new technologies are changing the way organisations and campaigns operate. This event will highlight examples of digital innovation and campaigning from Amnesty International, Friends of the Earth, OneWorld TV and activists targeting the World Trade Organisation (WTO) from the 'Battle in Seattle' and since. There'll also be a screening of a selection of independent activist films including work from ninjatune/coldcut project ( and two films by Earl Stanley and Code-E. Socialise in the bar 'til 1.00pm with live music collaborations from YaD Arts ( - a chance to network and meet the speakers: - - Jo Hill, Multimedia Producer, OneWorld TV ( - - Glen Tarman, Coordinator, Trade Justice Movement ( - - Christian Graham, Web Manager, Friends of the Earth ( - - Sean Barrett, Senior Director of Communications and Campaigning, and Mirella von Lindenfels, Director of Media, Amnesty International ( This event will be a gathering of ............ · Activists using digital technology for social issue campaigning within NGOs, other groups and/or as individuals · Campaigners interested in using digital technologies · Academics, students and theorists with an interest in this area of activity · Artists and creative industry professionals active/interested in social issues and digital technology · Programmers and ‘techies’ providing or interested in developing tools and support to campaigns . Others who are interested in this kinda stuff ... Get yourself connected - come to DIGITAL ACTIVISM @ ICA Tuesday 22 April 2003. *** please send this message on to anyone who should be there *** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - produce the world's leading portal ( on human rights, sustainable development and ending world poverty. The OneWorld network brings together over 1500 NGOs from UN agencies to houshold names like Amnesty International, Friends of the Earth, Oxfam and the World Development Movement as well as grassroots organisations working in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Cybersalon ( is a forum for critical debate and discussion on digital media issues. It is a meeting place for people to exchange ideas, show innovative work and make new contacts. Cybersalon is a "community of interest" for digital media practitioners and theorists within London. Also supported by: - - The Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) <> - - New Media Knowledge <> - - Groovy Gecko streaming media <> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 10:06:05 +0100 From: Geoffroy-Colonel <> Subject: under cover > Denne meddelelse er i MIME-format. Da dit postl¾sningsprogram ikke forstŒr dette format, kan del af eller hele meddelelsen v¾re ul¾selig. - --MS_Mac_OE_3133159565_2051959_MIME_Part Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Museum of Contemporary Art,Roskilde/Denmark "UNDER COVER" until the 25/05-2003 best regards Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 10:27:19 -0400 From: z <> Subject: reminder - jihui - Digital Salon presents Grahame Weinbren jihui - Digital Salon presents Grahame Weinbren Friday, April 18, 2003 7 PM @ Parsons Center for New Design 55 West 13th Street, 9th Fl. New York, NY 10011 Live Webcast @ starts 7pm EST. Grahame Weinbren's talk, titled "In the Ocean of Streams of Stories," is centered on the problematics of interactivity. What expressive possibilities does it open? How is it connected with concepts of non- and multi-linearity? Is the notion of interactive narrative a useful one, or is it no more than old wine in new bottles? What are the psychological and ideological implications of interactivity? Weinbren will discuss and present his own projects in the light of these questions, which take on a particular currency as computer interfaces are increasingly integrated into our environments, from toys and games, to kitchen gadgets, to advanced weapons of warfare. Grahame Weinbren has worked in film and video since the early 1970s and was one of the first artists to incorporate interactivity with the moving image in the work The Erl King (1983-86). His interactive cinema installations have been exhibited internationally since 1984. TUNNEL (2000), a large scale interactive environment, was made in collaboration with architect James Cathcart for a disused coal-mine in the Ruhr Valley, and his three-screen interactive cinema installation Frames, based on the first photographs of mental patients, was commissioned by the NTT/ICC in Tokyo for its 1999 Biennial. Frames was recently exhibited in "Interactive Legends" at the Kitchen in New York. Weinbren's documentary film George, made in collaboration with Henry Corra, was broadcast in 2000 on HBO. Weinbren has been an editor of the Millennium Film Journal since 1985, and his writings on cinema, new technology, and media art have been widely published. He is on the faculty of the graduate division of the School of Visual Arts and has recently been a visiting artist in the Department of Visual and Environmental Studies at Harvard. jihui (the meeting point), a self-regulated digital salon, invites all interested people to send ideas for discussion/performance/etc. jihui is where your voice is heard and your vision shared. jihui is sponsored by Digital Design Department and Center for New Design @ Parsons School of Design jihui is organized by agent.netart (, a joint public program by NETART INITIATIVE and INTELLIGENT AGENT ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 09:27:21 -0700 From: "Randall M. Packer" <> Subject: An Aesthetic Operation Please join us in saluting Jon Henry, a great artistic hero: "Speech for the End of Time" Randall M. Packer Secretary, US Department of Art & Technology Wednesday, April 23, 2003, 7:30 pm Johns Hopkins University, School of Arts & Sciences, Room LL07 1717 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC Jon Henry is the National Chairman of the USA Exquisite Corpse. He is dead. Jon Henry was killed fighting the war machine, but his spirit lives on. His spirit remains strong. So strong in fact, that he is about to lead the Experimental Party in 10,000 Acts of Artistic Mediation. Jon Henry's epic journey to deconstruct a new medial state begins tomorrow evening (April 23) when his spirit is released into the night, during my "Speech for the End of Time." In this speech, I am calling on coalition artists to "to inspire other artists into action by undergoing an aesthetic operation as a form of magic designed as a mediation between our strange hostile world and the human spirit." Jon Henry will lead that effort. The new Jon Henry, the young artist from Baltimore, inspired by the old, legendary John Henry, continues the brave fight against the machine in Operation Artistic Freedom. Here then, is an excerpt from Jon's Manifesto: "WAR is the ultimatum of capital. It is the result of the energized spectacle of money. God/Money is the fuel that will drive us into the ground. Gain is intertwined in the roots of this cancerous tree of America. And they called the mechanized vacuum of the wretched rich freedom? As the past became history the new Jon Henry saw the object of spectacle in front of him and he knew that in order to be free he must fight against his assimilation; he must face the war spectacle and battle it to his death." - Jon Henry Randall M. Packer Secretary, US Department of Art & Technology ****** The US Department of Art & Technology The US Department of Art and Technology is the United States principal conduit for facilitating the artist's need to extend aesthetic inquiry into the broader culture where ideas become real action. It also serves the psychological and spiritual well-being of all Americans by supporting cultural efforts that provide immunity from the extension of new media technologies into the social sphere. The Experimental Party The Experimental Party - the "party of experimentation" - is an artist-based political party that has been formed to activate citizens across the country in an effort to bring the artists' message to center stage of the political process. This is a political awakening, 'representation through virtualization' is the major political thrust of the Experimental Party, it is the driving force. - --============_-1161093649==_ma============ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 20:30:20 +0200 From: "" <> Subject: WORLD-INFORMATION.ORG @ SERBIA WORLD-INFORMATION.ORG @ SERBIA 22 March to 5 April, 2003 Museum of Voivodina, Novi Sad 19 April to 5 May, 2003 Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Biotechnology Convergence / Slaves and Expert Systems / Disinformation and Democracy Infrastructure Control / Money Networks / Databody Economy / Digital Security / Intellectual Property / Intelligence Networks / Corporate Public Relations / Infobody Attack The transition from the industrial to the information society led to major changes in nearly all spheres of human activity. World-Information.Org addresses the deep structural transformations that resulted from the expansion of electronic information and communication technologies and by way of its exhibition and conference program, as well as its web presence, disseminating an understanding their cultural, societal and political implications. In continuing its series of international presentations, World-Information.Org started a comprehensive program in Serbia. The World-Information Exhibition has already been presented, from 22 March to 5 April, 2003, at Novi Sad's Museum of Vojvodina, and from 19 April to 5 May, 2003 will be presented at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. Through exhibits and visual diagrams, interactive installations and digital artworks the exhibition will offer visitors up to date information on the impact of the expansion of worldwide communication and information networks on various aspects of society and professional and private life of people. World-Information.Org is an initiative of Public Netbase/t0 and is organized in cooperation with Media Center from Novi Sad and Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade. A new security paradigm overshadows the world of technology and communication. Conflicts are increasingly affecting the Infosphere. Communication technologies are becoming carriers for media PR, while psychological "truth projection" operations are turning into socio-technical engineering challenges. Rounding off the exhibition and the conference, World-Information Lounge happened from 23 March to 5 April, 2003 in Novi Sad's Museum of Voivodina where presentations and lectures as well as discussions with artists, activists, professionals and scientist took place. Beginning with the opening event where Christoph Kummerer (AT) and Belgrade Yard Soundsystem (SCG) had music performance, World-Information Lounge presented variety of themes that were discussed, accenting speakers from Serbia and Montenegro. Some of the subjects and speakers were: Darko Fritz (HR), (IT) and Konrad Becker (AT) talked about Artistic Practice in Information Saturation; Stanislav Svarc (SCG) about Intellectual Property and Software; Sava Kuzmanovic from Another World is possible (SCG), Andrej Grubacic (SCG) and Zoran Petakov (SCG) about ICT and New Social Movements; Slobodan Markovic from Global Internet Policy Initiative (SCG), Voja Rodic (SCG) and Bogoljub Pjescic (SCG) both from Association of Internet Providers of Serbia and Montenegro about e-government vs. e-society - Monopoly in Infosphere, case Serbia; Aleksandar Radic, military analyst about Intelligence Service in War and Peace; (SCG) about Safe Distance video and Max Moswitzer and Margarete Jahrmann (AT) about Nybble-Engine-Toolz project. The World-Information Forum on "Total DisInformation Awareness: Conflict, Control and Freedom of Information" will be held on 20 April, 2003, in Belgrade and will scrutinize this recent development. The conference will act as an open and interdisciplinary forum to discuss questions such as: "How can transparency of the control of information flows and production be promoted rather than an opaque system of unaccountable information dominance? How can it be assured that the public interest is represented in a balanced way?" Speakers will include Mathias Broeckers (DE), Steve Kurtz (US), Petar Milat (CR), Sjoera Nas (NL), Marko Peljhan (SI) and Gordan Paunovic (YU). World-Information Exhibition Program World-Infostructure visualizes subject matter linked to various aspects of the information society. It represents the results of the research program that has been carried out, related to with World-Information.Org since autumn 1999 and also forms the base of World-Information.Org's online knowledge database. On 32 information displays World-Infostructure illustrates issues associated with the development of digital media, new communication codes and tools, and sophisticated technical instruments e.g. the increasing use of biometric devices or the application of data mining for direct marketing purposes. The findings of World-Infostructure's research activities have also been published as "Die Politik der Infosphäre. World-Information.Org." by the Center for Civic Education, Bonn, and Leske+Budrich, Leverkusen. Command, control, computer and communication (C4) are the keywords for the visitors' encounter with current and historic surveillance and control technologies such as implantable tracking devices and fingerprint scans. Especially in the aftermath of the events of 11 September, 2001, governments, police and intelligence agencies have reinforced and extended their surveillance and eavesdrop systems. Besides displaying some of the technologies, which are used in this context World-C4U presents arts projects such as [RT-32] - ACOUSTIC.SPACE.LAB, NEVA Network Analysis (Marko Peljhan) or Safe Distance ( that examine and question these developments. Future Heritage shows the rich, diverse and vital variety of electronic culture. It exhibits the works of well-known and international artists such as 0100101110101101.ORG, Critical Art Ensemble and Darko Fritz, including artist initiative from Serbia: Eastwood, Goran Strugar, Vladan Joler, Zoran Todorovic and Apsolutno, that experiment and operate with new media and present-day technologies. Their projects build a bridge between traditional artistic practice and the possibilities that evolved with the diffusion of electronic networks and digital devices - they represent what will be the cultural heritage of tomorrow. - ---------------------------------------------------- World-Information.Org is realized with the support of: Fund for an Open Society (SCG), Open Society Institute (HU), Austrian Cultural Forum Belgrade (SCG), Executive Board of City Assembly Novi Sad (SCG), Province Secretary for Education and Culture (SCG), Department for Cultural Affairs / City of Vienna (AT), Department of Cultural Affairs / Neue Kunstsektion (AT), Vojvodjanska banka (SCG), Energosoft (SCG), NSpointNET (SCG), Studio Berar (SCG), Informatika (SCG), Ovation Advertising (SCG), Bit Computers (SCG), Computer Dream (SCG), Pristop (SCG), Friends of IBM (DE), Museum of Army History (AT), Bergdata (AT), Institute "Mihajlo Pupin" (SCG), "Nikola Tesla" Museum (SCG) and Museum of Community of Yugoslavian Post Office (SCG). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >to unsubscribe from this list, reply with subject: unsubscribe<v - -- brace mogin 2 po box 22 21113 novi sad yugoslavia tel/fax: +381 21 323 174 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2003 22:29:19 +0200 From: Dieter Lesage <> Subject: Table ronde 'La multitude contre la guerre' (Bruxelles/Brussel) 'De menigte tegen de oorlog' Rondetafel This is an announcement (in French and Dutch) of a conference (in these two languages) on 'The multitude against the war' at the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels, on Saturday April 26th 2003, 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Several members of the board of the French journal Multitudes will participate. Dieter Lesage [F] REVOLUTION/RESTORATION 01: PARANOID CRITICAL TRANSFORMATION METHOD INVITATION A LA TABLE RONDE : LA MULTITUDE CONTRE LA GUERRE SAMEDI 26 AVRIL 2003, DE 14H A 18H Quand on parle de la dimension critique de l¹art visuel, il est difficile de faire abstraction des dialogues sur la société, la politique, l¹économie et la fonction que l¹art pourrait y occuper- dans lesquels la plupart les artistes souhaiteraient que leurs ¦uvres soient inscrites. Un tel espace discursif est l¹élément central de Revolution/Restoration, une production du Palais des Beaux-Arts à Bruxelles. En effet, les conférences et discussions se dérouleront au sein de l¹installation-exposition conçue par les artistes Nico Dockx et Christophe Terlinden dans les anciennes Salles des Ventes du Palais des Beaux-Arts et réalisée avec un matériel recyclé provenant d¹anciennes expositions. Au cours des trois prochains mois, leur ¦uvre va devenir le plateau qui accueillera les débats et les discussions des artistes, des philosophes de la culture, des architectes, des politiques, etc. En d¹autres termes, il s¹agira d¹un espace discursif dans lequel le travail créateur et critique, la théorie et la pratique se rejoindront. Cela nous paraît nécessaire si on veut éviter de réduire à nouveau l¹art à un jeu de formes et de styles. Le philosophe Dieter Lesage a choisi de faire une recherche sur les concepts que nous avons mis en avant avec le titre (révolution et restauration), non seulement en ce qui concerne leur portée dans le champ artistique et culturel, mais aussi dans la société en général. En plein conflit international, à un moment où les revendications sur l¹hégémonie d¹un bloc géo-culturel ont provoqué une crise abrupte, l¹analyse de cette nouvelle situation et de ses conséquences est une priorité pour le débat culturel et la pratique artistique. Dieter Lesage et nous-mêmes, commissaires du projet, avons le plaisir de vous inviter à assister à la table ronde que nous organisons sur ŒLa multitude contre la guerre¹, le samedi 26 avril 2003, de 14h à 18h. La résistance mondiale contre la guerre sera le thème d¹une rencontre avec des membres de la rédaction de la revue française Multitudes. Multitudes a été fondée en 2000 et a contribué largement à la discussion sur les idées provocatrices du livre Empire de Michael Hardt et Antonio Negri. Thomas Berns et Pierre Klein réagiront aux interventions de Yann Moulier Boutang, Antonella Corsani, Lieven De Cauter, Giselle Donnard, Brian Holmes et Anne Querrien. Les interventions se feront en français et en néerlandais. Une traduction simultanée sera disponible. Barbara Vanderlinden & Dirk Snauwaert, commissaires de Revolution/Restoration PROGRAMME 14:00 Dieter Lesage, Introduction 14:10 Yann Moulier Boutang, Les quatre formes du pacifisme dans le mouvement anti-guerre actuel 14:30 Giselle Donnard, Sur les mobilisations contre les guerres 14:45 Brian Holmes, Nous autres plébéiens. Vers une scission dans l¹Empire 15:00 Première discussion, avec e.a. Thomas Berns 16:00 Pause 16:15 Antonella Corsani, La guerre et l¹épistémologie post-féministe 16:30 Anne Querrien, Concentration et multitude: la diversité de l¹humanité nue 16:45 Lieven De Cauter, The Project for the New American Century: guide pour le Nouvel Ordre Impérial Entropique 17:00 Deuxième discussion, avec e.a. Pierre Klein. 18:00 Clôture de la table ronde LES PARTICIPANTS Thomas Berns, philosophe et chercheur à l¹Université Libre de Bruxelles. Yann Moulier Boutang, économiste et professeur à l¹Université de Bretagne-Sud à Vannes et à l¹Institut d¹Etudes Politiques à Paris, Directeur de la revue Multitudes. Antonella Corsani, économiste au Laboratoire Matisse-Isys à l¹Université de Paris I. Lieven De Cauter, philosophe, écrivain et professeur à la Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, P.A.R.T.S., et le département RITS de l¹Erasmushogeschool Brussel. Giselle Donnard, historienne, participe au mouvement féministe en France, a été co-animatrice du CINEL avec Félix Guattari. Brian Holmes, théoricien de la culture, critique d¹art et membre du collectif français Ne pas plier. Depuis le Global Carnival Against Capital dans la City de Londres, il a participé à et écrit sur de nombreuses manifestations anti-mondialistes. Pierre Klein, docteur en droit, chargé de cours à l¹Université Libre de Bruxelles et directeur du Centre de droit international et de sociologie appliquée au droit international de l¹U.L.B. Dieter Lesage, philosophe, écrivain et professeur au département RITS de l¹Erasmushogeschool Brussel. Anne Querrien, sociologue et philosophe, a travaillé au Cerfi avec Félix Guattari, Gilles Deleuze et Michel Foucault. Dirige la rédaction de la revue Les Annales de la Recherche Urbaine. INFORMATION ET RESERVATIONS L¹ entrée est gratuite. Prière de réserver. T. 0032 2 507 82 13 LIEU BOZAR. Palais des Beaux-Arts 23, rue Ravenstein B-1000 Bruxelles (Belgique) [NL] REVOLUTION/RESTORATION 01: PARANOID CRITICAL TRANSFORMATION METHOD UITNODIGING RONDETAFEL: DE MENIGTE TEGEN DE OORLOG ZATERDAG 26 APRIL 2003, 14u-18u Indien we het over de kritische draagwijdte van de beeldende kunst willen hebben, kunnen we niet voorbij aan de vertogen waarin de meeste kunstenaars hun werk geplaatst willen zien met betrekking tot de maatschappij, de politiek, de economie en de functie die kunst daarin eventueel kan vervullen. In het programma Revolution/Restoration, een productie van het Paleis voor Schone Kunsten, staat deze discursieve ruimte centraal. De lezingen en discussies vinden plaats in de installatie die de kunstenaars Nico Dockx en Christophe Terlinden met het gerecycleerde materiaal van vorige tentoonstellingen in de voormalige veilingzalen van het Paleis voor Schone Kunsten ontwikkelden. Hun werk wordt de komende drie maanden het platform voor een reeks debatten en presentaties met kunstenaars, cultuurfilosofen, architecten, politici, etc.: een discursieve ruimte waarin het creatieve en het kritische werk, theorie en praktijk hand in hand gaan. Dit lijkt ons noodzakelijk indien we kunst niet opnieuw willen reduceren tot een spel van vormen en stijlen. Filosoof Dieter Lesage koos ervoor om de begrippen uit de titel (revolutie en restauratie) te onderzoeken: niet alleen hun draagwijdte in het artistieke en culturele veld, maar in de maatschappij in het algemeen. Zeker nu, midden in een internationaal conflict waarbij de aanspraken op hegemonie van één geo-cultureel blok een abrupte crisis hebben teweeggebracht, wordt het analyseren van deze nieuwe situatie en de gevolgen voor het culturele debat en de artistieke praktijk een prioriteit. Samen met Dieter Lesage nodigen we u dan ook graag uit voor de rondetafel die hij organiseert onder de titel ŒDe menigte tegen de oorlog¹ en die zal plaatsvinden op zaterdag 26 april 2003, van 14u tot 18u. Het wereldwijde verzet tegen de oorlog vormt het thema van een ontmoeting met redactieleden van het Franse interdisciplinaire tijdschrift Multitudes. Multitudes werd opgericht in 2000 en heeft in belangrijke mate bijgedragen tot de discussie over de provocerende gedachten in het boek Empire van Antonio Negri en Michael Hardt. Thomas Berns en Pierre Klein zullen reageren op bijdragen van Yann Moulier Boutang, Antonella Corsani, Lieven De Cauter, Giselle Donnard, Brian Holmes en Anne Querrien. De voertalen van de rondetafel zijn het Nederlands en het Frans. Simultaanvertaling is voorzien. Barbara Vanderlinden & Dirk Snauwaert, curators Revolution/Restoration PROGRAMMA 14:00 Dieter Lesage, Inleiding. 14:10 Yann Moulier Boutang, De vier vormen van pacifisme in de hedendaagse anti-oorlogsbeweging. 14:30 Giselle Donnard, Over de mobilisaties tegen de oorlogen. 14:45 Brian Holmes, Wij plebejers. Naar een breuk in het Imperium. 15:00 Eerste discussieronde, met o.a. Thomas Berns. 16:00 Pauze. 16:15 Antonella Corsani, Oorlog en postfeministische epistemologie. 16:30 Anne Querrien, Concentratie en multitude: de diversiteit van de naakte mensheid. 16:45 Lieven De Cauter, The Project for the New American Century: gids voor de Nieuwe Entropische Imperiale Orde. 17:00 Tweede discussieronde, met o.a. Pierre Klein. 18:00 Einde van de rondetafel. DEELNEMERS Thomas Berns, filosoof en vorser, verbonden aan de Université Libre de Bruxelles. Yann Moulier Boutang, econoom, professor aan de Université de Bretagne-Sud in Vannes en aan het Institut d¹Etudes Politiques in Parijs, hoofdredacteur van het tijdschrift Multitudes. Antonella Corsani, econome, verbonden aan het Laboratoire Matisse-Isys van de Université de Paris I. Lieven De Cauter, filosoof, auteur en docent aan de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, P.A.R.T.S. en het departement RITS van de Erasmushogeschool Brussel. Giselle Donnard, historica, actief in de Franse feministische beweging, leidde samen met Félix Guattari CINEL. Brian Holmes, cultuurtheoreticus, kunstcriticus en lid van het Franse collectief Ne pas plier. Sinds het Global Carnival Against Capital in de Londense City heeft hij deelgenomen aan en geschreven over verscheidene grote manifestaties rond antiglobalisme. Pierre Klein, doctor in de rechten, docent aan de Université Libre de Bruxelles en directeur van het Centre de droit international et de sociologie appliquée au droit international van de U.L.B. Dieter Lesage, filosoof, auteur en docent aan het departement RITS van de Erasmushogeschool Brussel. Anne Querrien, sociologe en filosofe, heeft aan het Cerfi gewerkt met Félix Guattari, Gilles Deleuze en Michel Foucault, hoofdredactrice van Les Annales de la Recherche Urbaine. INFO EN RESERVERINGEN De toegang is gratis. Gelieve te reserveren. T. 02 507 82 13 LOCATIE BOZAR. Paleis voor Schone Kunsten Ravensteinstraat 23 B-1000 Brussel (België) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2003 22:48:45 -0500 From: "mason" <> Subject: Lumen Eclipse :: Sunday, April 13 :: Boston Hi all: We've got some really good shows coming up. Sunday, April 13 :: the premier of Justin Manor's Cinema Fabrique: "justin has sewn several tiny ultra brite lights into a pair of ordinary gloves. by pointing a camera at himself and using machine vision tracking methods, the computer knows where his hands are, and he can use them to control his video editing software. by moving his hands around in space, he is in fact cutting, scratching, and manipulating the visual quality of videos in realtime." Sunday, April 20 :: Hernandez, Voigt, Wright - video jazz improv All events are at RiverGods, 125 River Street, Central Square, Cambridge. The shows start at 9pm and are free. 21+ with Proper ID. Ryan Gibson ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 13:29:54 +0200 From: "" <> Subject: > Critical Art Ensemble >> 16.04.03. Wednesday 20:00 << ART club Cultural Centre Novi Sad Katolicka Porta 5 Critical Art Ensemble - Molecular Invasion promotion of book - --------------------------------------- >> 17.04.03. Thursday 20:00 >> New Media Centre - Brace Mogin 2, Detelinara Critical Art Ensemble - BioResistance Lecture on the problems of Biotechnology, cloning and genetic engineering Currently one of the most prominent and influential theoretical - artistic collective from USA, Critical Art Ensemble are coming to Novi Sad where they will have series of lecture, talks and workshops. Critical Art Ensemble (CAE), founded in 1987, is a collective of five tactical media artists of various specialization including computer art, film, video, photography, text art, book art, and performance. CAE's focus has been on the exploration of the relations and intersections between art, critical theory, technology, and political activism. Recent books of Critical Art Ensemble: Electronic Disturbance (1994) Electronic Civil Disobedience and Other Unpopular Ideas (1995) Flesh Machine (1998) Molecular Invasion (2002) >to unsubscribe from this list, reply with subject: unsubscribe< - -- brace mogin 2 po box 22 21113 novi sad yugoslavia tel/fax: +381 21 323 174 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 18:59:09 +0200 From: darko fritz <> Subject: [Home]|[Search]|[Home] . exhibition . Darko Fritz .:: Darko Fritz ........................................................................... .:: exhibition . [Home]|[Search]|[Home] ........................................................................... .:: Galerija Minima . Zagreb ........................................................................... .:: 17 . 04 > 02 . 05 . 2003 ........................................................................... .:: opening . thursday 17 . 04 . 19 > 21 h ........................................................................... .:: [Home]|[Search]|[Home] Series of hand-prints by stamps with red Chinese ink on paper. Images coming from 'Home' and 'Search' buttons form Navigation Toolbar of Netscape Navigator. Stamps carries Chinese pictograms for 'Home' and 'Search'. [Home]|[Search]|[Home] is part of Migrant Navigator project by Darko Fritz. ........................................................................... .:: [Home]|[Search]|[Home] ........................................................................... .:: Galerija Minima . Krvavi Most 3 . Zagreb . tel. ++ 385 [01] 4813728 ........................................................................... .:: darko.fritz.propaganda . ........................................................................... # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: