cj on Tue, 12 Feb 2002 09:19:01 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] Sustainable Housing Seminars

EcoProperty(tm) - what's on, information, and resources about environmental design, 
healthy homes, organics and bio-dynamics, sustainable living. 

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1.  National Program of Sustainble Housing Seminars commence soon.

"Sustainable Housing: Moving to Mainstream" seminar on Innovative Solutions 
and Practical Ideas. Guest Speakers International designers Brenda and Robert Vale 
plus a local designer and others. 

Ph: (02) 9241 2955
Fax: (02) 9241 5354 

Sydney Monday 18th February
Newcastle Tuesday 19th February
Brisbane Wednesday 20th February
Cairns Thursday 21st February
Darwin Friday 22nd February
Canberra Monday 25th February
Melbourne Tuesday 26th February
Hobart Wednesday 27th February 
Adelaide Thursday 28th February
Perth Friday 1st March

The seminars will bring together a team of international, national and local award-winning
designers who will share their first-hand experience of designing and building innovative and
attractive houses that offer better lifestyles for their owners and deliver a better outcome for the

Internationally renowned architects, Brenda and Robert Vale, well-known for their work in the
design of autonomous buildings, including the first Autonomous House in the United Kingdom
completed in 1993, are joined by top Australian award-winning designers, including Tone
Wheeler, Robert Morris-Nunn, David Oppenheim, Caroline Pidcock and Andreas Sederof.
Designers will talk about the benefits of dwellings that minimize energy costs and
environmental impact, and will show-case cutting-edge examples from their own portfolios.
Builders, architects, designers, students and any one interested in sustainable housing will find
the seminars are filled with practical sustainable solutions to key problems faced when building
or renovating a home. Issues discussed will include solar passive design, indoor air quality,
material, water and energy use.

These entertaining, innovative and informative seminars will take you step-by-step through
designing and building a home that is stylish, comfortable and inexpensive to run.
Cost for each seminar is $27.50 (incl GST) and includes a copy of “Your Home”. 

All Buyers and Subscribers from the on-line bookshop on www.eco.com.au (Dec 10 to Feb 15) 
are elible to win two free tickets in the city of the location of their choice.  Winners 
announced February 15 or if tickets already purchased the cost refunded.

EcoProperty(tm) On-line Discussion Group

If you would like join please send your email address to mailto:discuss@eco.com.au. 
Topics such as - town planning, financing, building materials,sustainable living and so on.



C Jane MacDiarmid