integer on Thu, 1 Jun 2000 04:15:39 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] (no subject)

zuper. m!t--  \  korporat zerfz--

>zero g artlab rotterdam
> 0G_FWD_01_JUNE_2000
>From: "Andrea Blum" <
>Subject: Lawsuit Update
>Dear Leonardo colleagues and friends,
>You have contacted us in support of the Leonardo network
>art and science network in the lawsuit that has been filed
>by the company Transasia against the Association , a non
>profit organisation in France.
>We want to take this opportunity to thank you and provide
>you with an update on the situation.
>I am afraid to report that the news is not good.
>We are continuing to defend ourselves in court but Transasia
>is maintaining their lawsuit against us. We thank those of you that have
>made financial donations to help us help pay our legal costs; Additional
>details on the situation can be found at:
>We solicit at this time your ideas and suggestions on how
>to defend the lawsuit and preserve the future of the Leonardo network

emanc!pate zelv +?

>Roger Malina
>President, Association Leonardo -> superb source for korporat fascist antibodies.

                                                meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn.     


Netochka Nezvanova
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