awards on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 17:52:44 +0200 (CEST)
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<nettime-ann> 2007 Chicago Underground Film Festival Winners Announced
Hey, I know what your thinking, It's been almost a week when are they
going to post the winners from the 2007 Chicago Underground Film
Festival. Sorry for the delay but we've been catching up on sleep and
generally recovering. Here they are...
Best Animated Film: Phantom Canyon directed by Stacy Steers
Best Music Video: Vile House (Lightning Bolt) directed by Harvey Benschoter
Best Experimental Film: Black And White Trypps Number 3 directed by Ben Russell
Best Documentary Short: Invisible City directed by Jack Cronin
Best Documentary Feature: Milk In The Land directed by Ariana Gerstein
and Monteith McCollum
Best Short Film: I Am Keith Hernandez directed by Robert Perri
Best Narrative Feature: Blood Car directed by Alex Orr
Made In Chicago Award: Alla Te Alcanzo (I'll See You There) directed
by Luis Sanchez Ramirez
Big Thanks to this year's festival jury: Amy Beste, Andy Uhrich and Josh Mabe
And very special thanks to: the Chopin Theater and Elegant Mr. Gallery
for hosting this year's festival, our sponsors: Odd Obsession Video,
Pabst Blue Ribbon, Time Out Chicago, The Onion, WLUW and IFP Chicago.
All of the volunteers who worked so hard to make the festival happend
and finally to all of the filmmakers who were part of the festival.
See you in 2008!!

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