Jaka Zeleznikar on 25 Jan 00 16:11:21 MET |
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Syndicate: VDOR / BREAK - last call |
* VDOR / BREAK IV. mednarodni festival mladih neodvisnih ustvarjalcev, Ljubljana od 10. do 17. maj 2000 IV international festival of independent young artists, Ljubljana 10-17 May 2000 [slovensko besedilo je za angle?kim] ------------------------------------ IV international festival of independent young artists, Ljubljana 10-17 May 2000 INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE - invitation is open from 25 November 1999 to 1 February 2000 - selection will be made by 20 February 1999 - any material sent to the organiser's address before the closing date will be taken into consideration for selection - any incomplete application or an application received later than the closing date will be rejected - applicants will be notified of the selection by 5 March 2000 - artists selected to participate at the festival will be refunded travel expenses, three overnight stays and three meals a day - artists will not receive any payment - rejected applications will be returned to the sender together with enclosed material two weeks after the selection has been made - age limit: authors must be old less than 30 years APPLICATION FORM - part one: GENERAL INFORMATION - part two (by sections): PRESENTATION MATERIAL PART ONE: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Section for which you apply 2. Surname and name of head of the project 3. Address (street, town, and country) 4. Telephone, fax, e-mail 5. Date of birth 6. Other people collaborating on the project 7. Where did you learn of this invitation to participate at the festival? 8. Curriculum vitae (education, scholarships, executed projects, awards, other) 9. Home page Data under points 1 to 7 should be presented on a single sheet of paper, A4 format; the same applies for C.V. (point 8). For any further information please contact: ?OU KULTURA VDOR 21 / BREAK 21, www.break21.com (page is not awailable yet) KERSNIKOVA 4 1000 LJUBLJANA tel = ++ 386 061/ 1317 010 extension 226 fax = ++ 386 061/ 319 448 (subject: Vdor 21 / Break 21) Contact persons: Karla ?eleznik and Jo?ko Rutar e-mail: karla.zeleznik@kiss.uni-lj.si jozko.rutar@kiss.uni-lj.si * COMICS SUBJECT: THE FORBIDDEN SELECTION: selected works will be presented at an exhibition organised by the festival and published in a comics book selection will be made by Igor Prassel THE SECOND PART OF THE APPLICATION MUST CONTAIN a four-page long comic strip on A4 format drawn in black and white and written in English; please do not send the originals * VISUAL ARTS SUBJECT: LIGHT How do we perceive light? We will accept artworks designed in any field of visual arts, giving special attention to the treatment of the senses, including the sixth one. THE SECOND PART OF THE APPLICATION MUST CONTAIN description of the artwork: a sketch, precise measures, subject matter or concept envisaged location (inside or outside) specification of the field of visual arts: painting, sculpture, photography, print art, installation, video; artworks may be designed in the field of multimedia (audio, tactile?) technical requirements: specify material and tools required to execute the artwork; if your artwork is a complex one, please notify how much time is required to put it up * INTERNET ART SUBJECT: LIGHT Light as a metaphor of the non-physical character of virtual objects: visual, aural, textual, tactile, tactic. ... - ARTWORKS THAT ARE INTERNET-SPECIFIC The application must contain: - URL (please send URL to shareartware@netscape.net, specify subject as: Vdor21/Break21) - a short description of the concept - technical requirements (PC-MAC, browser, plug-ins, sound bluster, loudspeakers, etc) - ARTWORKS THAT ARE BASED ON THE INTERNET (e.g. an installation including elements related to the internet, CDR, ...) The application must contain: - URL (please send URL to shareartware@netscape.net, specify subject as: Vdor21/Break21) - a short description of the concept - technical requirements (PC-MAC, browser, plug-ins, sound bluster, loudspeakers, etc) - additional requirements, technical and other SELECTION selection will be made by Mojca Jan?elj and Nata?a Petre?in ? visual arts; Jaka Zeleznikar ? internet art * FASHION DESIGN SUBJECT: WHAT ABOUT LOVE A virtual or real world? Androgyny, incorporeity, sapphism, love over the internet or going back to traditional values? Is love still possible in the future, or in the present? A/FASHION COLLECTION SELECTION selection will be based on the criteria of concept, innovation in material, printed design, patterns and shapes, originality of the pieces 20 to 25 collections will be selected from the received applications selected collections will be presented at a fashion show fashion show will be organised by the festival, including lighting, music, choreography, make-up, hair style selection will be made by Petra Bole and Nata?a Per?uh THE SECOND PART OF THE APPLICATION MUST CONTAIN a sketch in colour of each piece in the collection ? the number of collections should be limited to 1 to 2, and the number of pieces in each collection to 1 to 6 ? on A4 format, or photographs of finished pieces a technical sketch of each piece a detailed description of material and technique used in making the pieces and accessories (bags, hats, jewellery, etc) a short description of the collection in 4 to 10 sentences B/JEWELLERY selection will be based on the criteria of shape, originality, concept and selection of material 6 to 9 collections will be selected from the received applications selected collections will be presented at a jewellery exhibition the exhibition will be organised by the festival, including the arrangement, lighting, etc selection will be made by Petra Bole and Nata?a Per?uh THE SECOND PART OF THE APPLICATION MUST CONTAIN a sketch of each piece in the collection ? 3 to 6 pieces of jewellery ? on A4 format, in 1:1 measure, or photographs of finished pieces a short description of the collection in 4 to 10 sentences PERFORMING ARTS We aim to present performances created by young artists who do not work under the auspices of a state art institution or an art academy. As students, they are nevertheless allowed to present their projects independently of these institutions. SELECTION in this section, the festival will present projects created in the field theatre, dance, performance and mixed genres. The verbal component should not be dominant because the festival is international. the duration of a project is not limited, dance performances may contain several short choreographies the organiser will, in line with its capacity, enable the participants to show their projects in different parts of Slovenia (Ptuj, Celje, Maribor, Nova Gorica, Novo mesto, Koper, and Izola) participants of the festival will be able to take part in roundtables taking place during the festival, which will bring together foreign and Slovenian artists, as well as young theoreticians and critics selection will be made by Amelia Kraigher and Andrej Jaklie THE SECOND PART OF THE APPLICATION MUST CONTAIN unedited video recording of the entire performance or its major part, specifying the duration of the performance if the applicant comes from abroad; local applicants are asked to inform the selectors when and where the performance can be seen. The selectors will take into account the specific characteristics of a live performance and video recording when making the selection. other material such as reviews, leaflets, photographs, etc that can be used in making the selection and the catalogue of the festival technical requirements of setting-up the performance audio-visual requirements of setting-up the performance stage and spatial requirements of your performance: dimensions of the stage, an ambient set-up, specific requirements of the scene, etc number of people participating in the project, specifying functions they have in the project * MUSIC We aim to present innovative, non-conventional, creative and experimental groups, and individuals working within or outside the established music genres whose specific individual poetics surpasses the established and predictable aesthetic criteria of the music market and music institutions. SELECTION we expect a wide range of genres, known or new at the end of the century, as well as their fusion, characterised by a young and fresh spirit of its authors we welcome projects that combine music with other artistic media (film, video, theatre, etc) we welcome applicants whose music could be used as soundtrack in other sections of the festival: fashion shows, visual art exhibitions, etc) THE SECOND PART OF THE APPLICATION MUST CONTAIN a studio or demo tape of the latest album at least 40 minutes long VHS recording of a concert (theatre play or performance) technical requirements concerning sound and lighting, other equipment that needs to be provided by the organiser description of a place suitable to perform a concert (size of the stage, acoustics, etc) promotional material: description of the group's work, its members, photographs, logo, reviews published in magazines, etc an outline programme of the concert (play or performance) to be shown at the festival selection will be made by Helena Bo?ie, Peter Kus and Boris Veler * FILM We welcome films of any format, length, or subject matter. Films may be acted, documentary, experimental, or animated. Video art will not be included in the selection. We would like to invite established young artists as well as unknown ones. We will select authors that stand out for their non-conventionality, impact, critical view, ingenuity, etc. SELECTION selection will be made by Igor Prassel ? animation film; Ur?a Eerv and Sabina ?ogia ? other films THE SECOND PART OF THE APPLICATION MUST CONTAIN a copy of the film on VHS; if the film is selected, we will require a 35mm or 16mm copy, or a copy in beta format technical data on production and the original format of the film information on the author and collaborators some information on how and why the film was made a short description of the story photograph/s taken on the scene of the shooting or scenes from the film photocopies of published reviews ------------------------------------ IV. mednarodni festival mladih neodvisnih ustvarjalcev, Ljubljana od 10. do 18. maj 2000 RAZPIS - velja od 25. 11. 1999 do 1. 2. 2000 - izbor bo opravljen do 20. 2. 1999 - material poslan na organizatorjev naslov do prijavnega roka, bo avtomatieno vstopil v izbor za program festivala - ee prijava ne bo popolna in ne bo prispela do navedenega roka, bo zavrnjena - o izboru bodo izbrani obve?eeni do 5. 3. 2000 - ustvarjalcem, ki bodo sodelovali na festivalu, bo festival povrnil potne stro?ke, kril tri noeitve ter tri obroke dnevno - ustvarjalci honorarjev ne prejmejo - material prijav, ki ne bodo izbrane za program festivala, bo vrnjen dva tedna po opravljenem izboru - avtorji morajo biti mlajsi od 30 let PRIJAVNICA - prvi del: SPLO?NI PODATKI - drugi del (po podroejih): MATERIAL PRVI DEL PRIJAVE: SPLO?NI PODATKI 1. Podroeje, za katerega se prijavljate 2. Priimek in ime nosilca projekta 3. Naslov (ulica, mesto, dr?ava) 4. Telefon, fax, e-mail 5. Datum rojstva 6. Curriculum vitae (izobrazba, ?tipendije, izpeljani projekti, nagrade, ostalo) 7. Predstavitev ostalih sodelavcev pri projektu 8. Navedite, kje ste dobili informacije o razpisu 9. Domaea stran na spletu Podatki od toeke 1 do 5 naj bodo na enem listu (A4) prav tako C. V. (pod toeko 6). Za vse nadaljnje informacije se obrnite na naslov: ?OU KULTURA VDOR 21 / BREAK 21, www.break21.com KERSNIKOVA 4 1000 LJUBLJANA t = 061/ 1317 010 int. 226 ali kultura f = 061/ 319 448 (s pripisom za Vdor 21 / Break 21) Kontaktni osebi: Karla ?eleznik in Jo?ko Rutar e-mail: karla.zeleznik@kiss.uni-lj.si jozko.rutar@kiss.uni-lj.si * STRIP TEMA: PREPOVEDANO IZBOR: - v okviru festivala bodo izbrana dela razstavljena na razstavi stripov in objavljena v posebnem stripovskem albumu - izbor bo opravil Igor Prassel DRUGI DEL PRIJAVE MORA (poleg prvega dela) VSEBOVATI - strip v dol?ini 4 strani, na kvalitetnih erno-belih kopijah formata A4 /ne po?iljajte originalov/, v angle?kem jeziku * VIZUALNE UMETNOSTI TEMA: SVETLOBA Kako do?ivljamo svetlobo? Za?elena so dela na vseh likovnih podroejih s poudarkom na eutih, tudi ?estem. DRUGI DEL PRIJAVE MORA (poleg prvega dela) VSEBOVATI - opis dela: skica, natanene mere, kratka vsebina oz. koncept dela - potencialno lokacijo (zunanji ali notranji prostor) - definiranje likovnega podroeja: slikarstvo, kiparstvo, fotografija, grafika, instalacija, video. Dela so lahko multimedijska (audio, taktilnost…) - tehniene zahteve: specifikacija materiala in orodja. Ee gre za zahtevnej?e projekte, navedite, koliko easa potrebujete za postavitev. * MRE?NE UMETNOSTI TEMA: SVETLOBA Svetloba kot metafora za neotipljivost virtualnih objektov. Vizualnih. Zvoenih. Tekstovnih. Taktilnih. Taktienih. ... - UMETNI?KA DELA, SPECIFIENA ZA INTERNET PREDLOG naj vsebuje: - URL: (URL po?ljite tudi na: shareartware@netscape.net, v subject napi?ite: Vdor21/Break21) - kratek konceptualni opis - tehniene zahteve (PC-MAC, Browser, plug-in-i, zvoena kartica, zvoeniki ...) - UMETNI?KA DELA, TEMELJEEA NA INTERNETU (na primer instalacija s komponentami, vezanimi na internet, CDR, ...) PREDLOG naj vsebuje: - URL: (URL po?ljite tudi na: shareartware@netscape.net, v subject napi?ite: Vdor21/Break21) - kratek konceptualni opis - tehniene zahteve (PC-MAC, Browser, plug-in-i, zvoena kartica, zvoeniki ...) - dodatne (tehniene in ostale) zahteve IZBOR Izbor bodo opravili: - na podroeju vizualnih umetnosti Mojca Jan?elj in Nata?a Petre?in - na podroeju mre?nih umetnosti Jaka Zeleznikar * MODNO OBLIKOVANJE TEMA: KAJ PA LJUBEZEN? Virtualni ali realni svet? Androgenost, breztelesnost, sapfoizem, ljubezen preko interneta ali vrnitev h klasienim vrednotam? Ali v prihodnosti (in v sedanjosti) ?e obstaja ljubezen? A/MODNA KOLEKCIJA IZBOR - pri izboru se upo?teva koncept ideje, inovativnost materiala, tiskanih vzorcev in oblike, izvirnost modelov - izmed prispelih prijav bo izbranih 20 do 25 kolekcij - izbrane kolekcije bodo predstavljene na skupni modni reviji - za lue, glasbo, koreografijo, make-up, frizure in realizacijo predstavitve kolekcij prevzame odgovornost organizator festivala - izbor bosta opravili: Petra Bole in Nata?a Per?uh DRUGI DEL PRIJAVE MORA (poleg prvega dela) VSEBOVATI - barvno skico vsakega modela v kolekciji, ki ima od 1 do 6 modelov (?tevilo kolekcij 1 ali 2) na formatu A4 ali fotografije ?e realiziranih oblaeil - tehnieno skico vsakega modela - nataneen opis materialov in tehnike izdelave oblaeil ter vseh modnih dodatkov (torbice, pokrivala, nakit ?) - kratek opis kolekcije v ?tirih do desetih stavkih B/ MODNI NAKIT - pri izboru se upo?teva oblika, izvirnost, koncept ideje in izbor materiala - izmed prispelih prijav bo izbranih od 6 do 9 kolekcij - izbrane kolekcije bodo predstavljene na razstavi nakita - za postavitev, lue in realizacijo razstave prevzame odgovornost organizator festivala - izbor bosta opravili: Petra Bole in Nata?a Per?uh DRUGI DEL PRIJAVE MORA (poleg prvega dela) VSEBOVATI - barvno skico vsakega modela v kolekciji (3-6 kosov nakita), na formatu A4, v merilu 1:1 ali fotografije ?e realiziranih kosov nakita - kratek opis kolekcije v ?tirih do desetih stavkih * ODRSKE UMETNOSTI Namen je predstaviti scensko ustvarjalnost mladih umetnikov, ki ne delujejo pod okriljem dr?avnih umetni?kih institucij ali umetni?kih akademij, eeprav lahko kot njihovi ?tudentje predstavijo svoje avtonomne projekte. IZBOR - projekti, ki jih bo festival predstavil v okviru sekcije odrskih umetnosti, zajemajo polja gledali?ea, plesa in performansa, pa tudi me?anih ?anrov. Zaradi mednarodne obarvanosti festivala naj v predstavah ne prevladuje verbalna komponenta. - trajanje posameznih projektov easovno ni izrecno omejeno, plesne predstave lahko obsegajo tudi vee kraj?ih koreografij - organizator bo med trajanjem festivala v okviru svojih mo?nosti udele?encem omogoeil dodatne ponovitve izbranih predstav na razlienih slovenskIh prizori?eih (na Ptuju, v Celju, Mariboru, Novi Gorici, Novem mestu, Kopru, Izoli) - udele?enci festivala bodo imeli mo?nost in prilo?nost sodelovati na okroglih mizah, ki se bodo odvijale v easu festivala in bodo zbirali?ee tujih in slovenskih umetnikov, kot tudi mlaj?e generacije teoretikov in kritikov; - izbor bosta opravila Amelia Kraigher in Andrej Jaklie. DRUGI DEL PRIJAVE MORA (poleg prvega dela) VSEBOVATI - neobdelan video posnetek celotne predstave (ali vsaj posnetek njenega dobr?nega dela) z navedenim easom trajanja, ee kandidat prihaja iz tujine; za?eleno je, da (domaei) ustvarjalci sporoeijo, kdaj in kje si je predstavo moe ogledati v ?ivo. Pri dveh naeinih izbora bosta selektorja upo?tevala specifiene razlike med »odrskimi deskami« in njihovim »video« posnetkom. - promocijski in predstavitveni material (ocene, gledali?ki listi, fotografije ipd.), ki bo slu?il kot pomoe pri selektorskem izboru in pri izdelavi festivalskega kataloga - podatke o tehnienih zahtevah predstave - podatke o avdiovizualnih zahtevah predstave - odrske in prostorske zahteve predstave (dimenzije prostorskih potreb, morebitna ambientalna postavitev, scenografske posebnosti in zahteve) - ?tevilo elanov celotne ekipe z nataneno doloeenimi funkcijami znotraj projekta * GLASBA Namen je predstaviti inovativno, nekonvencionalno, kreativno in eksperimentalno izraznost glasbenih skupin in posameznikov, znotraj in izven obstojeeih glasbenih zvrsti, ki s svojo izrazito avtorsko poetiko presegajo ustaljena in predvidljiva estetska merila glasbenega trga in glasbenih institucij. IZBOR - kot odziv na razpis prieakujemo ?iroko paleto ob koncu tisoeletja poznanih in neznanih glasbenih oblik in fuzij le-teh, pre?etih z mladim in sve?im avtorskim duhom. - k sodelovanju ?elimo privabiti tudi projekte, ki povezujejo glasbo z ostalimi umetni?kimi mediji (filmom, videom, gledali?eem ...) - prieakujemo tudi prijave ustvarjalcev, katerih glasba bi lahko slu?ila, kot zvoena oprema projektov izbranih na ostalih podroejih festivala Vdor21/Break21 (modne revije, razstave vizualnih umetnosti ?) DRUGI DEL PRIJAVE MORA (poleg prvega dela) VSEBOVATI - studijski ali demo posnetek novej?ega datuma v dol?ini vsaj 40 minut - VHS posnetek koncerta (predstave ali performansa) - tehniene podatke o ozvoeenju, o razsvetljavi in ostali dodatni opremi, ki jo mora zagotoviti organizator - opis prostora, primernega za izvedbo koncerta (velikost odra, akustika ipd.) - promocijski material (opis dosedanjega dela skupine in poimensko navedbo njenih elanov, fotografije, logotip skupine, kritike v medijih ?) - okvirni program koncerta (predstave ali performansa), ki ga namerava skupina izvesti na Breaku 21 - izbor bodo opravili Helena Bo?ie, Peter Kus, Boris Veler * FILM Dobrodo?li so filmi vseh formatov, dol?in, s kakr?no koli vsebino. Konkurirajo lahko igrani, dokumentarni, eksperimentalni in animirani filmi. Video art ne ustreza razpisnim pogojem. K sodelovanju vabimo tako uveljavljene mlade avtorje kot tudi tiste, ki se ?e niste dokazali. V o?ji izbor bomo izbrali filme avtorjev, ki izstopajo zaradi svoje nekonvencionalnosti, udarnosti, kritike, pristnosti ... IZBOR BODO OPRAVILI - na podroeju animiranega filma Igor Prassel - za preostale filme pa bosta izbor opravili Ur?a Eerv in Sabina ?ogia DRUGI DEL PRIJAVE MORA (poleg prvega dela) VSEBOVATI - kopijo filma na videu (VHS). Ee bo film izbran, bomo potrebovali kopijo na 35mm, 16mm ali v beta tehniki. - tehniene informacije o produkciji in originalen format filma - podatke o avtorju in sodelavcih filma - nekaj stavkov o tem, kako in zakaj je film nastal - kratek opis filmske zgodbe - fotografijo/e s snemanja filma ali iz filma samega - fotokopijo morebitnih objavljenih filmskih kritik ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webmail.netscape.com. ------Syndicate mailinglist-------------------- Syndicate network for media culture and media art information and archive: http://www.v2.nl/syndicate to unsubscribe, write to <syndicate-request@aec.at> in the body of the msg: unsubscribe your@email.adress