Ingeborg Reichle on Sun, 8 Dec 2002 17:10:26 +0100 (CET)

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[rohrpost] "Science + Fiction: Between Nano-World and Global Culture"

"Science + Fiction: Between Nano-World and Global Culture"

Sprengel Museum Hannover, Germany

December 15th 2002 to March 9th 2003

With new art works by:

Sommerer & Mignonneau
Dellbrügge & de Moll
Atelier van Lieshout
Christoph Keller
Artists shown in the "framework":
Ingo Guenther, Peter Kogler, Ken Lum

an exhibition by the VolkswagenStiftung

Curators: Stefan Iglhaut and Thomas Spring

Exhibition Design: gewerk, Berlin

Artists and Scientists on
- Cultural Identities
- Brain Research
- Nano-Technology
- The Sciences and the Public

science + fiction focuses on our image of reality mediated through 
science, scholarship and art
and tries to find the connections between current research trends and 
our imagination, desires and hopes.

Additional Panel Discussions - at the Sprengel Museum, at 7 pm:
Tuesday, January 14th 2003: The Enterprise Generation. How do science 
and Science Fiction influence one another? (Prof. Dr. Peter Weingart, 
Prof. Dr. Christina von Braun, Karlheinz Steinmüller, Prof. Dr. Ulrich 
Tuesday, February 18th 2003: Setting limits to science, scholarship and 
art? A reflection on the respective boundaries and limitations. (Prof. 
Dr. Gunther von Hagens, Prof. Dr. Oskar Negt, Dr. Martin Roth, Christoph 
Schlingensief, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Krempel)

Further exhibition sites:
April 12th 2003 to August 17th: Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie 
January 21st 2004 to April 18th 2004 Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden

More Information:
Julia Förster
science + fiction
Exhibition Office / Press
Kastanienalle 35
30519 Hannover

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