Pit Schultz on Mon, 5 Aug 2002 05:45:00 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: [rohrpost] Regierungsentwurf zum Urhebergesetz beschlossen

At 15:24 02.08.2002 +0200, you wrote:
> > Neu: § 52a Öffentliche Zugänglichmachung für Unterricht und Forschung
> >
> > ist besser als in RE. Ermöglicht z.B., Materialien für ein Seminar
> > passwortgeschützt auf einen Server zu legen.
>zb divX-forschung auf hotline. das sind ja endlich mal gute nachrichten.

Greenhall wanted to start something new, something that "disrupted" the 
media landscape. Drawing upon the theories of his favorite author, French 
post- structuralist Gilles Deleuze, Greenhall wanted to transform the 
entire system of entertainment distribution from the bottom up.

Greenhall goes so far as to see Deleuze as a mentor for DivX Networks. The 
French critic wrote of simple actions having profound effects, of webs 
transformed by unexpected developments.

"He takes Foucault and then builds on it, combining American-style 
pragmatism with French philosophy," Greenhall says. "It's exactly what 
we're doing -- we're building a disruptive technology. So this mode of 
thought is important. I use it on a daily basis to try and understand how 
things relate in a novel way. You can think of an industry as a series of 
forces, and when you introduce a new technology -- like DivX -- it has 
complex effects on the whole system. You have to try and figure out what 
they'll be, and that's what we're trying to do."

In the spring of 1999, Greenhall saw DivX as the ideal tool to make theory 
into reality. He and Rota joined forces with a few others and formed 
Project Mayo -- the name came from mayonnaise, which like DivX, Rota says, 
"is French and very hard to make."


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