jan :realU on 21 May 2001 09:39:02 -0000
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[rohrpost] 100%FUTURE 2001
Title: 100%FUTURE 2001
realities:united recommends the following initiative:
> 100% FUTURE
100% Future started out of an urge to take C.E.M. to other areas wider than performance, dance and music were it based its research and work for years. CEM (center in movement) is an independent cultural association based in Lisbon and with roots in the cultural/popular scene in Portugal which were planted years ago and spread firmly ( but “organically” viral) all over the world! In 1999 that need to open wider to areas (until then not so well worked in CEM) which cut through new cultural forms and art/science/technology networks started with the mainly European project named “keep in touch”, formed with an altruistic aim of “planting” work connections and let them grow… incentivated, motivated but untamed…
Through the connections made and the discussions which came out of it, it was clear that an independent space (culturally/ economically/commercially/ philosophically/ geographically… etc) was needed, not just for all the creative people actively working in portugal but for a lot of creative people, innovating visionaries working pragmatically all over the world. A space (an atmosphere) with no pressures in any of this areas but with an energy motivation and curiosity highly active. A space to experience, to make mistakes, to learn from others, to share and to plant seeds to build new vocabularies and forms. 100% future’ aim is to build the environment appropriate to creation. That can happen in an seriously equipped media lab immersed in technology, in a dance studio, in a sunny outdoors café overlooking the Lisbon river, in a theater, in a night club experiencing the latest sounds, or in a chat in a digital network. What 100% future aims at doing is to provide the seeds for those special creative experiential moments to happen and it does that inviting all those special people who in this present time are fearlessly and creatively building the future and set up events were those thoughts/ ideas and works can be shared by others in the same fields or with similar interests, be it by building work and ideas (workshops) or by debating their thoughts and research (open public debates) or by showing/ sharing their work (installations/ performances/ music events etc), or by plainly being there open and curious (in a party, in a café, in the beach, in a restaurant…) or by doing all of the above and more! Its not about coming to deliver a paper, being paid and go (100% future as CEM don’t have a given economical power so budgets are found case by case are unfortunately are very rarely the market rates!). Its about coming here to experiencing as well as to make experience, and leaving (hopefully) feeling something even if it is an abstract energy that in the deep down says “its worth it”, maybe even go on building work with someone they met here…. And obviously feeling part of this, keep the network alive (with the site) and even wanting to come “back”.
Last year it surely worked that way! The program was wider and unfortunately not fully attainable due to economic difficulties (it was impossible to finance the “commercial” invited guests who would be sharing their entertainment views of the future - “the future is FUN” or “Fun is the Future” by Iida kasutoshi (an animé and video games director) and Masuyama (a sociologist and video games producer responsible for the video game museum and tokyo techno show) (Japan) was postponed until CEM is economically balanced through their independent work.
But we had the privilege to have here Roy Ascott (UK) Ars Electronica (Gerfried Stocker and Horst Hortner (Austria)), Bill Barminski (Los Angeles), Jane Prophet (following Andy Cameron’s workshop in September the previous year (london)), and the Kunst und Technik duo (Berlin).
All of it will be very soon online on our site, and we hope and expect continual collaborations with not only the invited guests but from the participants and all those who crossed our ways last year.
2001 “we’re back”, still strongly sinthonized with CEM’s philosophy and still interested in the development on all innovative and visionary research and work done in the interspace between Arts, Science, Technology (and popular culture as well as commercial creative work). We still aim at contributing to the production of new meanings and of a new economy of ideas. We intend to attract all those which work transcends the ortodox limits of being and position itself in the front line of their own fields of work (or still to be named new fields of work).
This year we decided to concentrate on action: Hands on!: The “future” being built in real time with an active and constructive participation. We want to address the “experience” and work on the ways we can use the new possibilities given by technology to achieve experience in all senses sensorial physically and even spiritually.
Our good friend Roy Ascott says “ between the dry world of virtually and the wet world of biology there’s a moist domain which I name “moistmedia”. That’s a domain we are willing to exploit here!
100%f starts in June with the workshop/event from Kirk Woolford and the rest of the Igloo team “Never stand up in a canoe” - please don’t miss its info, in english in kirk’s site http://www.bhaptic.net/canoe/. Kirk is accepting applications online through it.
But this year 100% takes over the full month of September 2001 and intensively shakes the so call “rentrée”!
We happily, enthusiastically and even proudly count with the amazing presence of John Perry Barlow opening the f100 in the 6th september with a public open debate and giving, the following days some hours of his time to speak to all those who are struggling creatively in this new digital economy. Then we’ll have Nishimura presenting its “SOUND BUM #4” a work of sound made in Lisbon in November 2000. At this same time “Never Stand Up in a Canoe” is in its last phase preparing for the final work presentations with the presence of the Igloo crew Kirk, Ruth Gibson, Bruno Martelli, Leon Cullinane and Mark Bruce. Time’s UP (A laboratory for the construction of experimental situations.) will be starting its workshop at the same time they set up the most amazing work S.P.I.N. (check their site: www.timesup.org <http://www.timesup.org/> ) which will be open to the public all month. Kodwo Eshun will exploit “what cannot yet be verbalized” in 3 days of “Sonic Fiction” sessions travelling trough the worlds of sound, cinema and science fiction. Horst Hortner will be for 3 days intensively sharing his experience (Future Lab in Ars), and his amazingly creative visionary mind who, at a very pragmatic hands on level cuts through culture, technology, science and entertainment, with all those interested in Art, Research and development. And last but not least we have the ultimate visionary: Roy Ascott which presents us with an open public debate on his concept of Moistmedia and its notion of a transformed connected education.
All this will be very soon very well documented at our site, which will Also have access to most of the work done during this years as well as work which served and serves as reference to the line of though behind (or ahead) 100% Future. We will get back to you but here is the site address anyway:
http://www.C-E-M.org <http://www.c-e-m.org/>
Hope this enlightens some of the reasons behind the existence of 100% future. In case you’re still wandering… with so many GOOD media labs in the world it would not make sense to pretend to be one of them, and we don’t! We pretend to be an energy… Our fuel is motivation, belief, research, curiosity, will and energy …and we all believe in all of this and this people 100%… (apart of CEM meaning 100 in Portuguese…that’s why the naf name )
Any and all questions are really wellcome!
Ines Neuparth
n - - - - - - - - -
following is info on the workshop which you can find in the bhaptic site:
Never Stand in a Canoe
(or something similar)
Hybrid Installation/performace workshop with Kirk Woolford and Igloo
a) June 18-29, 2001 b) September 7-16, 2001
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian - Centro de arte Moderna / Acarte
concept and production by 100% Future, CEM
Lisbon, Portugal
A workshop taught focusing on perception, overlap of sensation, and creation of reactive environments . The workshop will explore differences between a visitor's direct experience of an environment through an installation, and their guided experience through performance.
The workshop is hands-on with a great deal of experimentation. It will explore various concepts of sensation and perception, and numerous tools including software, interfaces, projectors, and sound with a finally creating one or more installation/performances.
Phase 1: confuse them:
The workshop is divided in two parts. During the introductory week, Kirk Woolford will give informal lectures on sensation and perception from classical, philosophic, and biological viewpoints.
Phase 2: confuse them more
Participants will then be introduced to various technical systems for interacting with the external world. They will look at different types of sensors (pressure, heat, light, etc), and how to build some of including Kirk's famous method of building pressure sensors from cola cans and gum wrappers. Once they understand the basics of sensors, they will be shown how to read data from them and get information into a computer. Parallel ports, serial ports, USB, MIDI, RS-232, RS-244, ICC-501, IEEE 1394, will all be explained. Different software for working with sensory data in a computer will be introduced: Director, Max, Imagine, Keystroke, Isadora, and others. Depending on the level of the course participants, C++ on the PC and Mac (Visual C++ and Codewarrior) may be covered. Finally, different methods of having the computers react to the external world: sound, video projectors, vibration, LEDs, etc, will addressed.
Phase 3: hmmmm???
After the initial 2 week period in June, the course participants will spend the rest of the summer working on their own. In early September, Kirk Woolford will return with the cast and crew of 'Viking Shoppers': Mark Bruce, Leon Cullinane, Jo Fong, Ruth Gibson, Bruno Martelli, to put everything the participants have learned into action.
During this phase, Mark Bruce and Jo Fong will teach movement classes for all workshop participants and two dancers will be chosen from the workshop to perform in 'Viking Shoppers' with the rest of the cast. Viking Shoppers, the installation and/or performance created during the workshop will be shown as part of Encontros Acarte 2001.
Participant Profile:
The workshop is for 12 participants with a wide range of backgrounds and skills. We are particularly interested in dancers, visual artists, architects, programmers, and composers. We want people involved in the creation of work. Ideally, at least ihalf the participants have some physical training they'd be willing to share with the rest of the group.
General information:
Cost of the workshop is PTE 10.000$00 (approx 50 euros).
To be considered as a participant, please write to Ines Neuparth or visit the canoe www site
Deadline for posted applications May 28, 2001. CVs and applications may be submitted via the www site until June 1, 2001
For more information please visit
<http://www.bhaptic.net/canoe/> or write to CEM - Centro em Movimento
Praça da Alegria,
n º 27, 2º -
1250 - 004 Lisboa
centro.movimento@clix .pt
or Inês Neuparth
R E A L I T I E S : U N I T E D
[k u n s t u n d t e c h n i k]
dipl.ing. jan edler
leipziger strasse 50 10117 berlin
tel +49.30.283 911-40 fax -39
mob +49.179.397 06 54