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[rohrpost] N. Katherine Hayles in Berlin

Das Graduiertenkolleg 424 an der Humboldt-Universität Berlin lädt am
Freitag, den 11. Mai 2001, 18.15 Uhr zum Vortrag von

N. Katherine Hayles (Los Angeles), Coding the Signifier:  Rethinking
Processes of Signification in Digital Media.

"So wide-ranging is electronic textuality  in its implications and
significance that it equalsor exceeds the movement from manuscript to print.
One of the many effects of the contemporary transformation is to reveal that
literary criticism and theory are shot through with assumptions specific to
print, although they have not been recognized as such. Only now, as the
vibrant new medium of electronic textuality is asserting its presence, are
these assumptions coming clearly into view. This presentation will discuss
the changes necessary to make theories of signification adequate for
electronic textuality and explore the linguistic, psychological and
technological implications for rethinking processes of signification in
digitial media." (Katherine Hayles)

Die Veranstaltung findet im Hörsaal 2097, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin statt.

Katherine Hayles, Chemikerin und Anglistin, lehrt am English Department der
University of California - Los Angeles. Sie hat zahlreiche Arbeiten zu
Fragen der Beziehungen von Literatur, Wissenschaft und Technik im 20.
Jahrhundert veröffentlicht. Ihr letztes Buch How We Became Posthuman (1999)
wurde von der American Association for Comparative Literature mit dem Rene
Wellek Prize for the best book in literary theory for 1998/99 ausgezeichnet.
Zur Zeit bereitet sie zwei Bücher zu Fragen elektronischer Textualität vor.

Publikationen u. a.:
The Cosmic Web. Scientific Field Models and Literary Strategies in the
Twentieth Century, Cornell University Press 1984
Chaos Bound. Orderly Disorder in Contemporary Literature and Science,
Cornell University Press 1990
How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and
Informatics, The University of Chicago Press 1999
Coding the Signifier: Rethinking Semiosis from the Telegraph to the
Computer, The University of Chicago Press, im Erscheinen.

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