Reinhold Grether on Thu, 18 May 2000 13:22:31 +0200 (CEST) |
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[rohrpost] Virtuelles Tam-tam |
Mit der Virtualisierung zahlreicher Lebensbereiche virtualisieren sich auch die Konflikte. Unter "Skriptfuehrung" des Electronic Disturbance Theaters ist eine Softwarefamilie entstanden, die Virtuelle Sit-ins auf Webseiten ermoeglicht. Zur Unterstuetzung der Zapatistas entwickelt, haben diese Tools bei den Protesten gegen die Welthandelsorganisation und gegen das Domaingrabbing von eToys eine Rolle gespielt. Das Electronic Disturbance Theater (identisch mit Electronic Civil Disobedience) hat eine Reihe von Prinzipien formuliert, die die Legitimitaet solcher Virtueller Sit-ins begruenden sollen: 1) Uneingeschraenkte Transparenz. Die Oeffentlichkeit und damit auch der Konfliktpartner erhalten vollen Einblick in Beweggruende, Organisation und Code. 2) Massenhaftigkeit. Virtuelle Sit-ins sollen virtuelle Partizipationschancen in bereits entfalteten Konflikten eroeffnen. 3) Zeitliche Befristung und Ritualisierung des Konflikts. Das Virtuelle Sit-in steht fuer ein Erregungsmuster (Stichwort: tam-tam), das sich weitgehend in den Koepfen der Beteiligten und nicht auf physikalischer Ebene abspielen soll. Der Gegenseite soll ihre Verletzlichkeit gerade unter Vermeidung faktischer Eingriffe in Betriebsablaeufe vorgefuehrt werden. Damit wird die Herkunft des Konzepts aus der Theatralitaet noch einmal deutlich. Virtuelle Sit-ins verstehen sich als Verschiebungen performativer Akte in virtuell-politische Kontexte. Wer sich ueber diese Art virtueller Protestformen ein Urteil bilden moechte, hat mit dem vom 18. bis 20. Mai laufenden Virtuellen Sit-in gegen Starbucks eine gute Gelegenheit. Das Demonstrationstool ist inzwischen online: rg +++++++++ A CALL TO ACTION AGAINST STARBUCKS IN SOLIDARITY WITH ZAPATISTAS STRUGGLE BY THE CHURCH OF STOP SHOPPING. JOIN OUR LOCAL/GOBAL VR-SITIN ON MAY THE 18TH 2000 TILL MAY 20TH 2000 AGAINST STARBUCKS AND FOR *FRANCHISE FREE ZONES* ALL AROUND THE PLANET AND IN SOLIDARITY WITH ZAPATISTAS STRUGGLE AGAINST NEO-LIBERALISM. STOP THE STARBUCKS OF THE WORLD. FROM TAKING YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD! OUR NEIGHBORHOOD IS YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD! YA BASTA!! VR - SIT-IN WILL START ON MAY 18TH, 2000 TILL MAY 20TH, 2000 TO DOWNLOAD YOUR VR-SITIN TOOL GO TO ON MAY 18TH, 2000 AT 12PM (EST): AND JOIN THE VR-SITIN! DO NOT BE AFRAID SISTERS AND BROTHERS TO DOWNLOAD THIS LITTLE BIT OF HEAVEN! HOW DO I JOIN THIS ACTION REV. BILLY? MY CHILDREN YOU MUST Download THE VR-SITIN TOOL onto your harddrive into any folder you wish or make one for it. Go to your Folder and click: Start.html You must ONLY USE Netscape 4.0 and up. - NO IE SISTERS AND BROTHERS!! Alleluhiah!! You will then be given 2 type of VR- SIT-IN functions. 1) Is a Draw or Trace your ACTION. With your mouse make a DRAWING on the WHITE SPACE with your MOUSE. This will cause the VR - Sit In tool to randomly Sit on different STARBUCKS URLs that represent your Drawing. It will only function if you DRAW. If you stop Drawing it will stop the SIT-IN Action. 2) This is the traditional VR - SIT-IN. Just CLICK IT ON and the tool will start the SIT-IN action ON STARBUCKS automatically. Just Leave your Browser on (you can minimize your Browser if you feel like it). 3) If the CyberCops come They will TRY to use a counter_ScriptS against us and try to shut the SIT-IN down by making it difficult. But on the GOOD SIDE - the MORE FOLKS JOIN the more difficult it is for them to SHUT US ALL DOWN. BLESSED BE!! +++++++++ AND NOW SISTERS AND BROTHERS A WORD FROM REV. BILLY: Children welcome to the Church of Stop Shopping. This week we are punishing that Cancer in Earth Tones, Starbucks. In particular the two Starbucks at 47th and 9th Avenue and on 49th between 9th and 10th Avenues are examples of shops that aren't required to make money. They just act as loss leaders, attacking owner-run businesses, financed by funny money from Nasdaq. Nothing from our neighborhood ever indicated an interest. We will protect The Coffee Pot and The Galaxy Café at 49th and 47th and 9th Ave. The owners of these two funky and glorious community spots will be conferred "Comic Sainthood." in our church and we hope it will help them face the strange petit bourgeois culture of $3 lattes with faux Italian names. Alleluhiah!! We're declaring a "Franchise Free Zone," from the Blockbusters at 42nd to the Duane Reade on 50th. Only a sin-pit of a Starbucks breaks the string of long-time neighborhood shops... and the Morebucksis dangerously close to our theater at St. Clement's. They will feel THE WRATH OF... OF... ALL YOU DIGITAL SPRITS!! FOR THOSE OF YOU WITH THE POWER OF TELEPORTATION PLEASE JOIN US AT CHURCH OF Stop Starbucks Revival with Reverend Billy And the Macky Dees Gospel Choir Written and performed by Bill Talen Directed by Ralph Buckley Musical Director evangray Concept by Sidney Lanier May 18, 19, 20 and 21 Doors open: 7:30 PM. Theater at St. Clement's: 423 West 46th Street New York, NY 10036 Box Office: 358 5181 +++++++++ AND JUST IN CASE YOU HAVE ALREADY FORGOTTEN WHAT THIS EMAIL IS ABOUT! JOIN OUR LOCAL/GOBAL VR-SITIN ON MAY THE 18TH 2000 TILL MAY 20TH 2000 AGAINST STARBUCKS AND FOR *FRANCHISE FREE ZONES* ALL AROUND THE PLANET AND IN SOLIDARITY WITH ZAPATISTAS STRUGGLE AGAINST NEO-LIBERALISM. STOP THE STARBUCKS OF THE WORLD. FROM TAKING YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD! OUR NEIGHBORHOOD IS YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD! VR - SIT-IN WILL START ON MAY 18TH, 2000 TILL MAY 20th, 2000 TO DOWNLOAD YOUR VR-SITIN TOOL GO TO ON MAY 18th, 2000 AT 12PM (EST): AND JOIN THE VR-SITIN! DO NOT BE AFRAID SISTERS AND BROTHERS TO DOWNLOAD THIS LITTLE BIT OF HEAVEN! BLESSED BE!! ---------------------------------------------------------- # rohrpost -- deutschsprachige Mailingliste fuer Medien- und Netzkultur # Info:; msg: info rohrpost # kommerzielle Verwertung nur mit Erlaubnis der AutorInnen # Entsubskribieren:, msg: unsubscribe rohrpost # Kontakt: --