Les Rencontres Internationales on Mon, 8 Jul 2013 17:55:13 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-nl] MOVING_IMAGE #10 | J COMME JEU | Mercredi 10 juillet, 19h30 à la Gaîté lyrique, Paris

For those who are in Paris this week.
We hope to meet you at the upcoming screening of "MOVING_IMAGE - a contemporary ABC", on Wednesday July 10, at Gaîté lyrique. For the 10th session, MOVING_IMAGE is conceived like a game in itself. Chance and audience will decide how it runs. Artists reinterpret rules and hack games, explore real or digital interstices.
3 bis rue Papin - 75003 Paris

| 7.30PM |

"J COMME JEU" (G for Game)

Jaime Davidovich, Gordon Matta-Clark: Reality Properties : Fake Estates | Video | 7’ | USA |1975 JODI: Max Payne Cheats Only | Game, video | [extract] 5’ | Netherlands | 2006 Joan Leandre: In the Name of the Kernel Series - Magic Line | Game, video | 22’ 54’’| Spain| 2011
Axel Stockburger: White Transformer | Video | 7’ 16’’| Austria |2011
Baden Pailthorpe: Formation V and VIII | Game, video | [extract] 5’ | Australia | 2011-2013
Benjamin Nuel: L’Hôtel | Exp. fiction | 10’ | 2008
Raphaël Siboni, Fabien Giraud: Friendly Fire | Video | 11’ 14’’ | France | 2007 Federico Solmi: Douche Bag City | Animation | 8’ | Italy/USA/Australia | 2009


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