rini on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 22:47:25 +0100 (CET) |
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[Nettime-nl] dubieuze blokkering door Websense |
herkenbaar ? grt. rini hartman Geacht Haagnet, Bij mijn research in uw bibliotheek naar informatie over het Afrikaanse religieuze gebruik van Iboga werd mijn bezoek aan deze sites door uw internet blokkeringssysteem Websense geweigerd. Zogenoemd wegens de categorie Abused drugs. Het gaat onder andere om de volgende websites: http://www.myeboga.org http://www.ibeginagain.org/ http://www.ibogatherapyhouse.net/ http://www.ibogaine.desk.nl Tevens om alle links die onder aan de Wikipedia pagina over Iboga staan. Zie hiervoor: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iboga Hieronder volgt een korte toelichting over het onderwerp, tevens waarom ik denk dat het onderwerp gecensureerd wordt en daarop waarom dat, zeker in dit geval, een zeer kwalijke zaak is. Traditional use The Iboga tree is the central pillar of the Bwiti religion practiced in West-Central Africa, mainly Gabon, Cameroon and the Republic of the Congo, which utilises the alkaloid-containing roots of the plant in a number of ceremonies. Bwitists have been subject to persecution by Catholic missionaries, who to this day are thoroughly opposed to the growing religious movement of Bwiti. On June 6, 2000, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Gabon declared Tabernanthe iboga to be a national treasure. Addiction treatment Outside Africa, iboga extracts as well as the purified alkaloid ibogaine are used in treating opiate addiction. The therapy may last several days and upon completion the subject is generally no longer physically dependent. One methadone patient said in the Dutch behind-the-news show Twee Vandaag that in just four days he reached a state that normally would have taken him three months, but without the agony. The pharmacological effects are rather undisputed with hundreds of peer reviewed papers in support but formal clinical studies have not been completed. Tot zover het goede nieuws. Punt is nu dat Iboga in de Verenigde Staten, onder druk van de farmaceutische industrie, op de lijst van verboden middelen is gezet. Dit is op zich al een dubieuze actie, om een middel dat aantoonbaar zeer goed tegen harddrugsverslaving werkt, zelf als harddrug te bestempelen. Nota bene een middel dat al sinds mensenheugenis door inheemse volkeren in Afrika wordt gebruikt. Gelukkig is de Nederlandse staat in dit opzicht verstandiger en heeft zij dit dubieuze verbod niet gevolgd. Iboga is dus volkomen legaal in Nederland en er worden hier zelfs therapieen gegeven. Maar zeer kwalijk is dat deze restrictie door Websense is overgenomen en nu direct zijn gevolgen heeft voor organisaties wereldwijd, waaronder Nederland. Over Websense Websense, Inc. (NASDAQ: WBSN), protects more than 42 million employees from external and internal computer security threats. Using a combination of preemptive ThreatSeeker? malicious content identification and categorization technology and information leak prevention technology, Websense helps make computing safe and productive. Distributed through its global network of channel partners, Websense software helps organizations block malicious code, prevent the loss of confidential information and manage Internet and wireless access. http://www.websense.com Zo sluipt bijna ongemerkt de censuur van een restrictief Amerikaans overheidsbeleid onze samenleving binnen. En via deze, overigens uitstekende Free WiFi service, van de Haagse Bibliotheek mijn laptop in. Hopelijk neemt u deze klacht serieus en kunt u op zijn minst deze censuur opheffen. Met vriendelijke groet, Rini Hartman ART FOR SOCIAL CHANGE a belief in cultural, creative and integral expression as a means to affecting deep and lasting social change Art for Social Change is creative expression that emerges from artists to improve individual and collective circumstances. Art for Social Change involves an understanding of creation that includes not only objects, but also geographic locations, groups of people and collective consciousness. Social artists are concerned with the many ways art can function, like community development, the environment, education, intergenerational communication, healthcare, technology, politics, conflict resolution, community regeneration and cultural citizenship. They are working in all media, in all disciplines, in all locations. Social artists are committed to bringing the arts to bear on the widest possible range of social conditions and challenges facing our society. These efforts seek to create social change at every level of society, from personal to political. At the heart of this social vision is a belief in cultural and creative expression as a means to affecting deep and lasting social change. Art becomes a political act, a conscious effort to facilitate and participate in social change. Art for Social Change is an expression of both individual and group identity. All creative expression is an expression of both individual and group life. Instead of an isolated individual, the artist serves as a cultural catalyst of social intervention and transformation. Through art, we can challenge many of our society's deepest assumptions, such as the boundaries between self and other, 'artist' and 'non-artist', present and past, male and female, young and old, 'normal' and 'abnormal'. The social artist builds upon the power of artistic creation and expression to spark new ideas, catalyze critical thinking, elicit new actions, inspire individuals and create visions. If the majority of the people do not believe in the possibility and the rightness of their common cause, nothing long-lasting will be changed. This is where art and artists play an essential role. If we want freedom, we must promote free expression. If we want equity, we must have equal access and support in expressing ourselves. If we want respect, love and beauty among us and others, we must actively promote it through our art. http://www.artforsocialchange.net http://www.digicarefoundation.org http://www.chequedelarealidad.org
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