Rini Hartman on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 15:19:07 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-nl] Visies op hedendaagse multiculturaliteit in Nederland

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rini hartman

Zo zijn onze manieren.
Visies op hedendaagse multiculturaliteit in Nederland.

Geen multicultureel drama of naief multiculturalisme maar eindelijk een
realistisch optimistische kijk op multiculturaliteit in Nederland.
Vanuit persoonlijke ervaringen of op basis van eigen onderzoek geven de
auteurs van deze bundel stof tot nadenken over wat ieders bijdrage kan
aan een samenleving waarin iedereen tot zijn recht kan en mag komen. Dit
boek roept ons op de moed te hebben om de Nederlandse samenleving te
beschouwen als 'onder voortdurende constructie'. De auteurs laten zien
(voor-)oordelen en rigide uitgangsposities niet leiden tot het vaak
ideaal van integratie, maar juist bijdragen tot een verdergaande
en onbegrip. Iedereen die gelooft in radicale zelfkritiek en respectvolle
kritiek van andersdenkenden moet dit boek lezen.

Met bijdragen van: Francio Guadeloupe, Vincent de Rooij, Lammert de Jong,
Gloria Wekker, Maria van Enckevort, Brada Kwasi Koorndijk, Thijl Sunier,
Feia Tol, Lucia Lindner, Yiufai Chow, Mattijs van de Port, Irene Stengs,
Baas B en Lange Frans, Pien van Langen, Chantal Gill?ard, Daan Beekers,
Erna Kerkhof, Jeroen de Kloet, Yolanda van Ede en Peter Geschiere

ISBN 978 90 5170 862 2

a belief in cultural, creative and integral expression as a means to
affecting deep and lasting social change

Art for Social Change is creative expression that emerges from artists to
improve individual and collective circumstances. Art for Social Change
involves an understanding of creation that includes not only objects,
but also geographic locations, groups of people and collective

Social artists are concerned with the many ways art can function, like
community development, the environment, education, intergenerational
communication, healthcare, technology, politics, conflict resolution,
community regeneration and cultural citizenship. They are working in all
media, in all disciplines, in all locations.

Social artists are committed to bringing the arts to bear on the widest
possible range of social conditions and challenges facing our society.
These efforts seek to create social change at every level of society,
from personal to political.

At the heart of this social vision is a belief in cultural and creative
expression as a means to affecting deep and lasting social change. Art
becomes a political act, a conscious effort to facilitate and
participate in social change.

Art for Social Change is an expression of both individual and group
identity. All creative expression is an expression of both individual
and group life. Instead of an isolated individual, the artist serves as
a cultural catalyst of social intervention and transformation.

Through art, we can challenge many of our society's deepest assumptions,
such as the boundaries between self and other, 'artist' and
'non-artist', present and past, male and female, young and old, 'normal'
and 'abnormal'. The social artist builds upon the power of artistic
creation and expression to spark new ideas, catalyze critical thinking,
elicit new actions, inspire individuals and create visions.

If the majority of the people do not believe in the possibility and the
rightness of their common cause, nothing long-lasting will be changed.
This is where art and artists play an essential role. If we want
freedom, we must promote free expression. If we want equity, we must
have equal access and support in expressing ourselves.

If we want respect, love and beauty among us and others, we must actively
promote it through our art.

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* http://www.nettime.org/.
* Contact: Menno Grootveld (rabotnik@xs4all.nl).