MediumGallery frontoffice on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 23:57:09 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-nl] MediumGallery presents: Open Air: "Who Gives a Fuck About Art in Public Space?!"

(English text below)

van: MediumGallery

Open Air: "Who Gives a Fuck About Art in Public Space?!"

   *4 & 5 November, in de binnenstad van Groningen tot aan de MediumGallery
    (binnenkort op de specifieke locaties)

Een heel weekend lang zal de MediumGallery z'n specifieke ruimte verlaten om werken in de publieke ruimte te tonen. Zo'n tiental kunstenaars zijn naar aanleiding van de directe maar toch dringende vraag: "Who Gives a Fuck About Art in Public Space?!" geselecteerd door de MediumGallery om hun visie op dit thema te tonen in de binnenstad van Groningen.


from: MediumGallery

concerns : Open Air: "Who Gives a Fuck About Art in Public Space?!"

   *4 & 5 November, downtown Groningen heading on 'till the MediumGallery
   (see in the near future for
specific locations)

A weekend long the MediumGallery will turn it's focus away from it's
site-specific ''Gallery'' to show works in public space. A dozen
artists where selected for their visions on the question of: "Who
Gives a Fuck About Art in Public Space?!". Their works will be on show
in the citycenter of Groningen.

menadostraat 37b
9715kw Groningen
the Netherlands
+31(0)847139105 (Fax)
+31(0)643538893 (phone)
+31(0)638115717 (W.Sibum ) +31(0)642224661 ( D.D. de Wit)
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