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[nettime-lat] FWD: FW: ISEA2004 - CALL for PROPOSALS

Subject:    FW: ISEA2004  - CALL for PROPOSALS 
  Date:    8/5/2003 10:15:02 AM Eastern Daylight Time 
  From:    "T.Cashen" <T.Cashen@open.ac.uk> 

-----Original Message-----
From: Sue Gollifer [mailto:S.C.Gollifer@BTON.AC.UK]
Sent: 05 August 2003 12:25
Subject: ISEA2004 - CALL for PROPOSALS

            - Stockholm - Tallinn - Helsinki -
                 August 14th - 22nd, 2004

ISEA2004: The 12th International Symposium on Electronic Art
                   CALL FOR PROPOSALS
               Deadline: August 15th 2003


new media art - media culture research - electronic music -
art and science - cultural and social applications for new media -

New media meets art, science, research, and popular culture at ISEA2004 in
Stockholm - Tallinn - Helsinki. For the first time an event of this scale is
being organised between three cities and on the ferry travelling between
these three Baltic countries. International participants and local audiences
attend thematic conferences, exhibitions, live performances, screenings,
satellite events, concerts and clubs. Many events are also interfaced via
television, radio, broadband Internet, and mobile networks.

We are encouraging: Socially, critically and ecologically engaging work;
Projects that bring the creative media to the streets; Projects that are
worn on or inside people; Context sensitive work in the museums; Projects
that float, dock or sail; Screen based media as it appears in 2004; Sea
Fair: technological gizmos for ferry travellers and future media
archaeologists to discover; Bridges between club scenes and art venues; Most
engaging works from performing arts that engage new media, users, and
audiences; Networks to network...

Key themes for the event include:
Networked experience (Stockholm)
Wearable experience (Tallinn)
Wireless experience (Helsinki)
Histories of the new: media arts, media cultures, media technologies
- all cities

Additional themes include:
Open source and software as culture (Helsinki)
Critical interaction design (Helsinki)
Geopolitics of media (Tallinn)
Interfacing sound (Helsinki and on the Ferry - in collaboration with
Koneisto - check out http://www.koneisto.com for details of this year's
Koneisto Festival 24-26 July 2003)

We are currently inviting proposals for projects and papers for the
exhibitions, conferences and associated programs during ISEA2004.  Projects
might include: works for exhibition in a gallery; workshops; installations
in public spaces; live performance; interfaced screenings; games or shared
environments; projects which encourage remote participation - etc.

Proposals for the conference can include papers and panels but we are
equally interested in workshops and roundtables:  discussion formats that
encourage participation and exchange of ideas.

We are also working with a range of local organisations who may be able to
host short and medium term residencies or workshops for artists who are keen
to spend a longer time working with local artists and organisations.
Information on these opportunities will be regularly added to the web site,
so do register to receive updates.  ISEA2004 will be an exciting week long
event, but we are also interested in providing a space to build long term,
sustainable exchange and collaboration.

The time on the Ferry will provide a space for less formal dialogue and
social intercourse, so feel free to propose workshops and meetings for the
exchange of information and ideas.

Our over all aim for ISEA2004 is to create an event which is thematically
and critically coherent and provides new insight.

Please note that ISEA2004 is a forum for artistic, academic, and culturally
or socially relevant work that has not previously been presented in
international forums (you may have showed/presented it in your local

All submissions are done via our website using a web form and stored into a
database. This procedure allows us to have the proposals reviewed by
International Programme Committee (IPC) members.  We very much look forward
to hearing your ideas!

For further information:

Our partners for the event are:

m-cult, centre for media culture in finland http://www.m-cult.org

Exhibition: The Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma http://www.kiasma.fi
Conference: Media Centre Lume (University of Art and Design)
http://www.lume.fi Electronic music: Koneisto (Festival for electronic music
and arts) http://www.koneisto.com

Coordinator: CRAC, Creative Room for Art and Computing http://www.crac.org
Conference: Moderna Museet
http://www.modernamuseet.se and
Royal University College of Fine Arts (Stockholm) http://www.kkh.se
Exhibition: Färgfabriken
Electronic music: Fylkingen

Coordinator + conference: Estonian Academy of Arts http://artun.ee
Exhibition: Center for Contemporary Arts, Estonia at The Art Museum of
Estonia http://www.cca.ee

ISEA2004 is produced in collaboration with ISEA Inter-Society for the
Electronic Arts http://www.isea-web.org

For further information:

ISEA, Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts
Pieter de Hoochstraat 38-2
1071 EG Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T: +31 20 6120297
F: +31 20 6182359
E: info@isea-web.org

[[If you no longer wish to receive email announcements from ISEA, please
send an email to <info@isea-web.org> with the word "unsubscribe" in the
subject line]]

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