Ricardo Miranda on Fri, 2 Nov 2001 17:29:12 +0100 (CET)

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[nettime-lat] auto-retrato en vivo

hola a todos,
aunque la columna solamente esta en ingles, pienso que el proyecto les
interese.  en mi articulo de esta semana presento el nuevo trabajo de
artista Brooke Singer, un auto-retrato electronico que se encuentra en:
y el articulo esta en la columna "ni de aqui, ni de alla" del Spleen:

Derived from the tradition of Western painting, the portrait was once
used solely by the aristocracy to display an individual's wealth and
power, in SPV2 Brooke Singer updates the self-portrait to the
information age. In an age when our data-selves may carry more
significance than our real, blood-pumping and breathing selves, Singer
has thoroughly investigated various databases that construct her
data-self to assemble a beautifully crafted application.

"SPV2 explores to what extent we are accessible online and what we may
look like through mining digital data... What results is a
reconstruction of the self after it has been digitized, analyzed, shared
and sold." -- Singer

Ricardo Miranda

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