{ brad brace } on Fri, 24 Dec 1999 22:10:33 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> EXPERTS listen EXPERTS

1) The only real power of expertise lies in retention.  2) Despite the
best will in the world from those who are in what we call positions of
responsibility, the system invariably manages not to reward those who
succeed in communicating between boxes without respecting established
structure.  3) Only a sailor can set them straight. The last person they
want to meet is someone who, freed from the constraints of expertise, has
sailed around the world.  4) Real doubt creates real fear.  5) Westerners
float half awake through a padded world. The mechanisms and significance
of most events escape us.  6) A civilization of answers cannot help but be
a civilization of swirling fads and facile emotions.  7) What a disease
this desire to answer has become, rushing through our veins like rats
scurrying for truth in the endless corridors of expertise.  8) We need to
re-establish the division between policy and administration, and end the
cult of the Hero; widen the meaning of knowledge; end the alliance between
barbarism (the generals, Heroes, stars, speculators) and technocracy;  
denigrate self-interest, meaningless power, cynicism, rhetoric; and for
that matter, simply change our elites.  9) In a civilization which has
mistaken management techniques for moral values, all answers are a trap.  
10) Spirit, appetite, faith, emotion, intuition, will, experience: none of
these are relevant to the operations of our society. Instead we
automatically assign blame for our failures and crimes to the irrational
impulse. Our sense of man as a whole being that is, our conscious memory
has been so fractured that we have neither any philosophical nor practical
idea of how to hold our public and corporate authorities responsible for
their actions. Deprived of our stabilizing humanist roots, we are
horrified to discover that the perfectly natural emotive resources needed
to deal with our civilization easily degenerate into base sentiment.

The_12hr-ISBN-JPEG_Project                    since 1994 <<<<

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+ + +  hypermodern      ftp://ftp.rdrop.com/pub/users/bbrace
+ + +  imagery       ftp://ftp.pacifier.com/pub/users/bbrace

> News://alt.binaries.pictures.12hr / a.b.p.fine-art.misc
> Mailing-list: listserv@netcom.com / subscribe 12hr-isbn-jpeg
> Reverse Solidus: http://www.teleport.com/~bbrace/bbrace.html

{ brad brace }  <<<< bbrace@netcom.com >>>>  ~finger for pgp

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