Decklin Foster on Wed, 8 Dec 1999 16:52:54 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> Rest In Peace

nettime's_undertaker writes:

> <>


Nettime-L RIP

The Internet | Posted by Decklin on 1999-12-08 09:08:02
from the thats-pretty-sad dept.

Anonymous Coward writes "In case anyone didn't notice the last couple
times it happened, nettime-l has stopped cultivating original postings and
is just echoing things from Slashdot. It's foremost to make the job of the
moderators easier, but of course it's also so that nettime's subscribers
can pretend they're much too 'edgy' to have to actually *read* that
proletarian rag. I'm doing my resume." 

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