Rinaldo Rasa on Tue, 2 Nov 1999 01:01:10 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> 1952

IT was a death penalty
	i was a children (rinaldo)

IT was...
	i was sitting on child chair
	IN the classroom (silent)
	& somebody (a child)
	said "he was killed!"
	the event was televised on night

THE man,
	death by man
	America, America

THIS was my first time that i think it's impossible
	my father was P.O.W. in India
	he loved english & americans
	he guides me to love english language
	he was a fascist, he was a socialist
	he was a MAN

My mother & father (both now dead) are my angels,
i think this is the same for all of u

	my name is rinaldo

		while songs wades...

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