fokky on Sat, 8 May 1999 03:59:24 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> The Weekender 085

   . The Weekender ...................................................
   . a weekly digest of calls . actions . websites . campaigns . etc .
   . send your announcements and notes to .
   . please don't be late ! delivered every friday . into your inbox .
   . for subscription info & help .
   . archive (separate msgs) .

01 . brian carroll                . t h e   d e s i g n - l i s t
02 .                 . black screen/Otan suspend ton vol
03 . <infozone>                   . NO EVENT #1
04 . honor                        . AMARC launches international campaign
                                    of solidarity with independent media
                                    in FRY
05 . Michael Gibbs                . The Linguistic Return
06 . bernardo                     . Borders
07 .   . Film-Philosophy: Call for
08 . sylvie parent                . English version of on line magazine
09 . Darko Fritz
10 . Thundergulch                 . Spring/Summer art/technology
                                    public programming
11 .           . emo
12 . verena kuni                  . networking! 8. performance-konferenz
13 . john hutnyk                  . 'A Critique of postcolonial Reason'
14 .                              . "Ultima Ratio"

   ................................................................... 01

Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 11:07:38 -0800
From: brian carroll <>

 ^  t h e   d e s i g n - l i s t

 Design-L is a mail list for discussion and information related to the
 full range of design, art and architecture -- their practice and study,
 aesthetics and ethics, technology and research, critique and dissent,
 advancement and transformation.

 To subscribe send a message to:


 The message:

 SUBSCRIBE DESIGN-L [optional: <your e-mail address>]

 [ 1998 listowner: jya ]  [ 1992 listfounder: .H. ]. ]

   ................................................................... 02

Date:  Mon, 03 May 1999 12:37:17 +0100
From: "" <>
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  black screen/Otan suspend ton vol

  hi ho,

Nous vous proposons :
- Un texte "otan suspend ton vol", (jusqu'à présent en version française).
Vous le
trouverez à cette adresse:
"Faute de mots, un silence noir dedie aux victimes de cette folie meutriere."
projet réalisé à l'initiative de Valery Grancher
We purpose to you:
- A text "Otan suspend ton vol", (till now french version only). You can
find it at this
"Faute de mots, un silence noir dedie aux victimes de cette folie meurtriere."
project initiated by Valery Grancher
thank you,
please change my url (if bookmarked) to
- site: <<>>
- new add: <>

   ................................................................... 03

Date:  Mon, 03 May 1999 23:44:41 +0200
From: "<infozone>" <>
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  NO EVENT #1



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   ................................................................... 04

Date:  Mon, 3 May 1999 14:10:44 +0100
From: honor <>
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  AMARC launches international campaign of solidarity
with independent media in FRY

AMARC launches international campaign of solidarity with independent media
in FRY

1 May 1999

International Campaign of Solidarity with independent media in the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia On 3rd May, World Press Freedom Day, the World
Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) and HelpB92 are
launching an international campaign of solidarity with Radio B92 and fifty
other independent broadcasters from the Association of Independent
Electronic Media (ANEM).

The solidarity action is being launched in protest at the blanket
repression of broadcast and other media in and from  FRY. We call on
supporters of freedom of expression around the globe to join this action to
assure the safety and continuing work of independent media activists during
this time of extreme crisis and war.

Radio B92 and ANEM have won world-wide acclaim for their commitment during
the past ten years to countering nationalist rhetoric, hatred and war in
the Balkans.

The long-term goal of this international solidarity action is to get Radio
B92 and all other ANEM stations back on the air and broadcasting free
information as soon as possible. To enable them to realise this goal, we
aim to twin fellow broadcasters, radio and television stations, freedom of
expression organisations and activists from around the world with
journalists and other staff from these independent media in the region.

The main focus of the launch is the mobilisation of community radio
broadcasters throughout the world, many of whom will undertake solidarity
broadcasts with ANEM and Radio B92 on World Press Freedom Day. AMARC
President, Maria Victoria Polanco, will present the campaign in Bogota
during the UNESCO celebrations of World Press Freedom Day.

For further information, please contact Brian Carty at:

AMARC European Secretariat,
15 Paternoster Row,
Sheffield S1 2BX,
United Kingdom,
tel: +44 114 221 0592,
fax: +44 114 279 8976,

You can also contact:

Steve Buckley, Deputy President of AMARC,
at +44 114 279 5219

Julia Glyn-Pickett, B92 spokesperson,
at +44 797 108 7184

This action is supported by, among others: Centre for War, Peace and the
News Media; Committee to Protect Journalists; Index on Censorship; Free
Media Movement, Sri Lanka; Instituto Prensa y Sociedad, Peru; Sindicato de
Periodistas del Paraguay; Reporters' Association of Thailand; Network for
the Defence of Independent Media in Africa; Media  Watch, Bangladesh; Media
Institute of Southern Africa; Canadian Journalists for Free Expression;
Article 19; Pacific Islands News Association; Hong Kong Journalists
Association; Freedom House; Egyptian Organization for Human Rights;
Institute for the Studies on Free Flow of  Information, Indonesia;
Periodistas, Argentina; Glasnost Defence Foundation, Russia; Norwegian
Forum for Freedom of Expression; International Press Institute; West
African Journalists Association; Greek Helsinki Monitor; Confd ration
Nationale des Radios Libres, France; Organisatie van Lokale Omroepen in
Nederland; Association of  Non-Governmental Radio Broadcasters of Russia;
National Community Radio Forum, South Africa; Community Media Association,
United Kingdom

r   a   d   i   o   q   u   a   l   i   a


f r e q u e n c y  s h i f t i n g  p a r a d i g m s
i n  s t r e a m i n g  a u d i o

supported by virtual artists (VA)

Help the free media in Yugoslavia:
Support free speech about Kosovo:

   ................................................................... 05

Date:  Tue, 4 May 1999 01:27:28 +0100
From: Michael Gibbs <>
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  The Linguistic Return


Why not Sneeze? is preparing a sequel to its 1998 exhibition (or sub-site),
The Linguistic Turn (
Since we believe that language still lies at the heart of the vast library
we call the Web, we are interested in its return, with or without a
vengeance, and whether such returns are diminished or inflated, happy or

THE LINGUISTIC RETURN seeks to herald the global glossalalia, random
rantings, email epiphenies, ASCII arguments, speakers corners and lateral
libraries that constitute the (im)mediate (im)materiality of networked

If you know what we mean, and would like to participate please mail your
missives, projects, proposals, etc. to
Deadline: May 31st 1999
Why not Sneeze? ( is an initiative of Nondescript
Productions, Amsterdam, in collaboration with Stichting Moufflon.

Yours sincerely and textually,

Michael Gibbs

Michael Gibbs, editor Why not Sneeze?
post address: Overtoom 444, 1054 JW Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tel. (0)20 6836665, fax (0)20 6181802

   ................................................................... 06

Date:  Tue, 04 May 1999 17:28:43 +0200
From: bernardo <> (by way of valentina djordjevic
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  Borders

Bernardo Giorgi, Burkhard Boll and Bartosz Wojcik write:

A live-travel along the Polish-German border is awaiting you on the
This travel will start May 4 and will last two weeks. Every
day new photos and texts by B&B&B - permanently up to

Un viaggio live lungo la frontiera polacco-tedesca ti aspetta sul
Il viaggio inizia il 4 maggio e dura due settimane. Ogni giorno nuove
foto e testi di B&B&B, sempre up to date.
Buon divertimento!

Eine  2wöchige Live-Reise an die deutsch-polnische Grenze erwartet Euch
auf dem Server
Der Server startet am  4.Mai und wird taeglich mit Photos und
Texten von B&B&B aktualisiert.
Viel Spass

Na stronie oczekuje Panstwa dwutygodniowa podroz
na zywo wzdluz granicy polsko-niemieckiej.
Serwer startuje dnia 4. maja i bedzie aktualizowany codziennie
zdjeciami i tekstami Bernardo Giorgi & Burkhard Boll & Bartosz
"Bata" Wójcik
Dobrej zabawy!


   ................................................................... 07

Date:  Wed, 5 May 1999 03:33:27 +0000
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  Film-Philosophy: Call for Reviews/Articles
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id

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    F i l m - P h i l o s o p h y
    ISSN 1466-4615

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-------------------  CALL FOR BOOK REVIEW ARTICLES  -------------------

    The following works have been received and need reviewers:

Rudolf Arnheim, _Film Essays and Criticism_ (1997).
Rudolf Arnheim, _The Split and the Structure_ (1996).
Henry Bacon, _Visconti: Explorations of Beauty and Decay_ (1998).
David Bordwell and Noel Carroll, eds, _Post-Theory: Reconstructing Film
    Studies_ (1996).
Chris Brophy, ed., _INFOG97: AConference on the Impact of Recent
    Developments in Digital Technology on Screen Culture Practice_ (1998).
Peter Brunette, _The Films of Michelangelo Antonioni_ (1998).
Haim Callev, _The Stream of Consciousness in the Films of Alain Resnais_
Cartmell, Hunter, Kaye, and Whelehan, eds, _Alien Identities: Exploring
    Differences in Film and Fiction_ (1999).
Michel Chion, _The Voice in Cinema_ (1999).
David B. Clarke, ed., _The Cinematic City_ (1997).
Arthur C. Danto, _Philosophizing Art_ (1999).
Cristina Degli-Esposti, ed., _Postmodernism in the Cinema_ (1998).
Thomas Elsaesser, _Fassbinder's Germany: History Identity Subject_  (1996).
Thomas Elsaesser and Kay Hoffman, eds, _Cinema Futures: Cain, Abel or
    Cable? The Screen Arts in the Digital Age_ (1998).
John Fullerton, ed., _Celebrating 1895: The Centenary of Cinema_ (1998).
Asim Ratan Ghosh and Arup Ratan Ghosh, eds, 'Postmodernism and Cinema',
    _Views Reviews Interviews: A Journal of Cine Society, Mosabani_, vol. 15,
Asim Ratan Ghosh and Arup Ratan Ghosh, eds, 'Cultural Theory and Cinema',
    _Views Reviews Interviews: A Journal of Cine Society, Mosabani_, vol. 16,
Jean-Luc Godard, _Interviews_, edited by David Sterritt (1998).
Susan Hayward, _Luc Besson_ (1998).
Diana Holmes and Robert Ingram, _Francois Truffaut_ (1998).
Jan-Christopher Horak, ed., _Lovers of Cinema: The First American Film
    Avant-Garde 1919-1945_ (1995).
Richard Kearney, _Poetics of Imagining: Modern to Post-modern_, new ed. (1998).
Stuart Klawans, _Film Follies: The CInema Out of Order_ (1999).
Scott MacDonald, _A Critical Cinema 3: Interviews with Independent
    Filmmakers_ (1998).
Martha P. Nochimson, _The Passion of David Lynch: Wild at Heart in
    Hollywood_ (1997).
John Orr, _Contemporary Cinema_ (1998).
Brigitte Rollett, _Coline Serreau_ (1998).
Alison Smith, _Agnes Varda_ (1998).
Stam, Burgoyne, and Flitterman-Lewis, _New Vocabularies in Film Semiotics_
Andrey Tarkovsky, _Sculpting in Time_ (1986).
Carrie Tarr, _Diane Kurys_ (1999).
J. P. Telotte, _A Distant Technology: Science Fiction Film and the Machine
    Age_ (1999).
Maureen Turim, _The Films of Oshima Nagisa_ (1998).
Dennis L. Weeks and Jane Hoogestraat, eds, _Time, Memory, and the Verbal
    Arts: Essays on the Thought of Walter Ong_ (1998). [For a reviewer
interested in the theories of literacy informing ideas about 'visual
Siegried Zielinski, _Audiovisions: Cinema and Television as Entr'actes in
    History_ (1999).

If you would like to review one of these works then please respond as soon
as possible to:

Do not hit 'reply', or send to this list's address.
A brief statement of interest and experience will aid in the selection process.
Don't forget your postal address.

Length: 2-5,000 words
Deadline: 2 months after receipt of book

-------------------  GENERAL CALL FOR PAPERS  -------------------

Submissions are also invited for papers on any topic concerning the
philosophy of moving images.

Also, reviews of books, films, conferences, and moving image art shows are

Papers should be 2-5,000 words in length, original, and not under
submission elsewhere or previously published.

Electronic text guide: to emphasise words or phrases *quote with
asterisks*; film and book titles should be marked with _underscores_ (_Blue
Velvet_, Deleuze's _Cinema_); instead of tabs, separate paragraphs with a
one line gap; give page references for *all* quotations; use manual not
automatic footnotes.

Send outlines and abstracts to:
Do not hit 'reply', or send to this list's address.


_Film-Philosophy_, founded in November 1996, is both an online publication
specialising in book review articles, and an email discussion salon (with
over 500 members from 20 countries). It also has a web resource of
bibliographies, writings and other film-philosophical links (which receives
over 9,000 page requests each month).

Articles are published weekly through the website and email salon.
Contributers include Jeffrey A. Bell, Warren Buckland, Sean Cubitt, Cynthia
Freeland, Harvey Roy Greenberg, Torben Grodal, Samuel Guttenplan,
Jan-Christopher Horak, Douglas Kellner, Hassan Melehy, Andrew Murphie,
Edward O'Neill, Carl Plantinga, Daniel Shaw, David Sullivan, Thomas
Wartenberg, and Nina Zimnik.

To join the _Film-Philosophy_ email discussion salon, send the message:
join film-philosophy firstname lastname


   ................................................................... 08

Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 16:37:48 -0400
From: sylvie parent <>
Subject: English version of on line magazine

The English version of the 6th edition of CIAC's Electronic Art Magazine
is now on line.

In this issue you will find:

   * a review on the event Maid in Cyberspace-Encore
   * a review on a Web site: Snarg
   * ten Internet based artworks commented
   * Interviews with artists: Ian Carr-Harris and Steve Reinke
   * Calendar of international exhibitions/events
   * and more

If you don't want to receive this information, please reply with a short
message and we will remove you from our mailing list. Thank you.

Sylvie Parent
Centre international d'art contemporain de Montr=E9al

   ................................................................... 09

Date:  Thu, 6 May 1999 18:12:38 +0200
From: "Darko Fritz" <>
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  <no subject>

'The Minus 0 Between 0 and 1'
 Saturday 8th May 99
 20.00 - 0.1.00 hrs.
Adm. 5,- INCL. Dinner: 20,-
Location: Baby, Keizersgracht 676, Amsterdam 020.5306666

a.o. Darko Fritz, Natascha Hagenbeek, Robin Brouwer, Body Weather
Laborartory, Edward, Mark Poysden, Marcel Schmalgemeijer, Jonas Ohlson,
Hisayuki Amae, Oscar Hillfinger.
On one evening the doors of Baby open for bUG.

bUG works multi-presentational, open and in development. It shows
perspectives enlightening contemporay culture before and between its

More on bUG project

Darko Fritz will present 'Airscape' bUG-video-installation and sound
work 'End of the Message'.
More on Darko Fritz's work

   ................................................................... 10

Date:  Thu, 6 May 1999 18:03:34 +0200
From: Thundergulch <> (by way of fokky)
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  Spring/Summer art/technology public programming

For Immediate Release			Contact: Kathy Brew, Director
						(212) 432-0900, ext. 223

arts/technology presentations @ various venues around town

	THUNDERGULCH, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council's initiative devoted to
arts and technology, continues its series of presentations -- @ the wall --
@ various venues this 	spring/summer.  The series continues @ The New York
Information Technology Center on 	Tuesday, May 11 @ 12:30 pm and
May 20 @ 12:30 pm.  Then in June, the series 	branches out to other
locations to enable  more of a "salon" feeling, with informal discussions
after the presentations.

Tuesday, May 11: The New York Animation Festival       		12:30 pm
@ The New York Information Technology Center, 55 Broad Street, NYC

John McIntosh, Chair of the BFA Computer Art program at the School of
Visual Arts, 	will introduce a program of SVA work, including a project by
Jeremy Butler and Joel Sevilla, who will discuss the production of their
animation project which was recently selected for the SIGGRAPH Kids
program. This is a satellite presentation of The New York Animation Film
Festival, which takes place from May13-15 at The New School. .

Thursday, May 20: Five29Ninety9
	12:30 pm     @ The New York
Information Technology Center, 55 Broad Street, NYC

This presentation will offer a sneak-preview of an all-day symposium
comprised of lectures, an exhibition, and a SoundLab event. The intention
of the symposium is to open a dialogue and create a network among people
interested in contemporary/ political/intellectual discussions in the
context of cultural production. Five22Ninety9	is organized by: Matthew
Buckingham, Rike Frank, Andrea Geyer, Sharon Hayes,	Kristin Lucas, Joe
McKay, and Andrea Ray and takes place on Saturday, May 29th at St. Ann's
Church,157 Montague Street (corner of Montague and Clinton Streets) in


Monday, June 7: Turbulence
			6:30 pm
@ Harvestworks, 596 Broadway, Suite 602, NYC
A presentation of newly commissioned works for the Turbulence site,
featuring works by artists Zoe Beloff, Jesse Gilbert, Friederike Paetzold,
and Neil Zusman.  Turbulence  facilitates artistic work that explores the
specific characteristics of the World Wide Web medium and makes use of
multimedia and online technologies such as RealAudio, Java and VRML.
Turbulence presents works that allow users to interact with the content,
add to it and feed the results back to the Internet site; and works that
range from hypertext stories to hypermedia works. These may be
music-driven, sound-driven, text-driven, graphics-driven or any combination
of the above. They may include commercial art forms and avant garde forms.

Thursday, June 17: REEL NEW YORK and REEL NEW YORK.COM 		8 pm
@ VOID, 16 Howard Street, NYC
Thirteen/WNET's REEL NEW YORK, an annual television series of local
independent film and video, expands this season by launching an online
showcase of Web-based work by artists in the metropol- itan area.  The
presentation @ VOID will include both independent film/video and some of
the Web-based art.

Monday, June 28: 1999 NYFA Computer Arts Fellowship Recipients	6:30 pm
@ Harvestworks, 596 Broadway, Suite 602, NYC
A sampling of some of the work from this year's 1999 recipients of the New
York Foundation for the Arts fellowships in Computer Arts.

Organized by Thundergulch 				Director Kathy Brew     212-432-0900, ext. 223

Thundergulch is a program of the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council. Funding
is provided by the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York State
Council on the Arts, The Chase Manhattan Bank, J.P. Morgan Charitable
Trust,The Alliance for Downtown New York, and AT&T. @the Wall is made
possible through the generous support of the NYITC, Harvestworks Digital
Media Arts, and VOID. Thundergulch is grateful for support from Materials
for the Arts (New York City Department of Cultural Affairs/New York City
Department of Sanitation).

The Lower Manhattan Cultural Council serves the arts by helping creativity
grow in communities, the workplace, and online. Operating both in our
historic downtown area and throughout Manhattan, we provide technical
assistance and grants to support community-conscious artists and arts
organizations. Our programs promote arts/business partnerships, the
development of new art forms and technologies, the exchange of arts
information, and free arts presentations and concerts. We are advocates for
increased arts resources as well as equal access to artistic experience and

c/o Lower Manhattan Cultural Council
5 World Trade Center, Suite 9235
New York, NY 10048
tel (212) 432-0900
fax (212) 432-3646

   ................................................................... 11


EMO Session 1:

        May 3-5 Basicray and Manuel Schilcher interview Hakim Bey about
conceptual borders of media
        (real audio:  28K,  56K)

        May 6-8 Lev Manovich extrapolates 3D gaming into cultural
navigation in his "Freud-Lissitsky Navigator"

        May 9-12 Adilkno presents their new work on Negativity

        May 13-15 Legendary Patapoe pirates explain how to build a radio
which emits itself

For the next two days EMO features a talk with Hakim Bey about conceptual
borders of media.  This interview is published in real audio standard and
it is available  at

        Stay tuned for the next brand new episode of EMO

   ................................................................... 12

Date:  Fri, 07 May 1999 08:55:32 +0200
From: verena kuni <>
To: Multiple recipients of <>
Subject:  ann! ...  networking! 8. performance-konferenz frankfurt/m.

[sorry, 'internationa'l, but the official programme is in german
only...  and also the website is not working yet... but if you have
questions related to the friday scedule please dont hesitate to contact, for the rest of the programme and general information
please consult -- well, however, if you
are in the hood, feel cordially invited! vk]

8. Internationale Performancekonferenz
13. - 16. Mai 1999
im Kasino des IG - Farbenhauses, Fürstenbergerstr. Frankfurt/Main
Anmeldung: 069/250 328

Netz und Netzwerke sind Metaphern für die Kultur des späten 20.
Jahrhunderts. Dynamische, sich verändernde Metaphern, offene Systeme,
Interaktionsfelder, in denen sich Diskurse und Erfahrungen, Erwartungen
und Ängste aus Wissenschaft, Medientechnologie und -kritik, Kunst,
Politik und Philosophie überlagern, kreuzen und austauschen.

Verbindungslinien, Impulse und Analogien zwischen den Disziplinen und
Sparten hat es schon immer gegeben. Doch jetzt bilden die Eigenschaften
der Netze als Kommunikationstruktur einen Knotenpunkt des Interesses.
Interaktivität, Dezentralisierung, Selbstorganisation, Nichtlinearität,
Heterarchie sind Begriffe mit denen die spezifischen Qualitäten der
Netzwerkkommunikation beschrieben werden.

Die Performancekonferenz „networking!“ ist Knotenpunkt und
Interaktionsfeld durch das und auf dem die Ideen, Implikationen,
Visionen und die Kritik des Netzes als Kommunikationsstruktur fließen
und mit der künstlerischen Haltung und Handlung der Gäste interagiert.

the art of networking: utopie & kritik
Das Netz ist nicht nur Ort, sondern auch Medium der Kunst. Als solches
besitzt es das prinzipielle Potential, das klassische Beziehungsdreieck
zwischen Künstler, Kunstwerk und Betrachter nachhaltig zuerschüttern -
scheint es doch Interaktivität, Partizipation und Kooperation nicht nur
zu fördern, sondern auch zu fordern. Doch wie immer gibt es einen
kleinen Haken an der Sache: Damit sich etwas bewegt, muss man sich

Das Netz als künstlerisches Neuland, in dem andernorts tradierte und
sorgsam konservierte Strukturen und Machtverhältnisse keine Gültigkeit
besitzen, das ist zunächst einmal nicht mehr als eine schöne Utopie. Wie

wir auch aus anderen Bereichen zurGenüge wissen, ist ein Medium immer
nur so neu/offen/fliessend/demokratisch/subversiv, wie der oder
diejenige, der oder die es benutzt.

Insofern gilt es auch, networking! als Strategie zu begreifen und die
alten Seilschaften im neuen Medium zu kapern:hijacking old boys
networks. Damit sich etwas bewegt, muss man sich bewegen. bittet zum Tanz.Donnerstag
13. 05.1999

Performance Art und Netz

Kaffee & Croissants

12.00 -15.15

Savier Klaro
über netzwerkkommunikation und
rhizomatisches denken
über interaktivität und selbstorganisation,
über dezentrale, nichtlineare strukturen
über schnittstellen zwischen „networking“
und performance art
Performance Vortrag

Hans Dieter Huber

Gerald Hintze

15.15 -16.15

16.15 -17.00

Ruedi Schill
Monika Guenther

17.15 -18.30

Moderation: Sabine Felker

18.45 -19.30

Jürgen Wolfstädter

19.30 - 20.30

20.30 - 21.30

Ulrich Philipp
Jürgen Waldmann

14. 05.1999

Performance Art im Netz

Kaffee & Croissants

12.00 - 12.15

Verena Kuni
the art of (per)forming networks. vision & kritik
ein statement vorab

12.15 - 12.45

Verena Kuni
spiderwoman meets guerilla girls. hijacking old boys network

13.15 - 14.00

Claudia Reiche
koerper mit fenstern oder: der mensch als Terminal
plastinate und computererzeugte koerperdarstellungen
Performance Vortrag

14.30 - 15.15

Helene von Oldenburg
SpiderBug. browsing the brain
Performance Vortrag

15.15 -16.15

16.15 - 17.00

Cornelia Sollfrank
The Art of hacking
Performance Vortrag

17.15 -18.30

the mode is the message - the code is the collective
networking workshop

18.45 - 19.30

Margarete Jahrmann
SUperFEMper4Mans: Konsum LinX3D.wrl
- das internet als handbuch der kommunikationsguerilla
Performance Vortrag

19.30 - 20.30

20.30 - 21.30

Zombies and Cyborgs, Exoskeleton, Extra
Ear and Avatars

21.30 - 22.15

körper/performance im netz
Gesprächsrunde mit:
Stelarc, Jürgen Fritz,
Claudia Reiche,
Verena Kuni,
Faith Wilding,
Connie Sollfrank,
Helene von Oldenburg


Performance Art Netze

11.00   Kaffee & Croissants

12.00 - 15.15

Sabine Felker
Boris Nieslony

Ray Langenbach
Performance Vortrag

Roddy Hunter
The currency of the artist network

Helgard Haug

15.15 -16.15    Kaffeepause

16.15 - 17.00

Wer ist im Bild?

17.15 -18.30

18.45 - 19.30

Frankfurter Übung

19.30 - 20.30

20.30 - 21.30

Irma Optimist

Sonntag, 16. 05. 99

Bootsfahrt auf dem Main

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Date: Fri, 07 May 1999 10:24:22 +0000
From: john hutnyk <>


On Saturday May 22nd you are invited to

A talk by Professor Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

'A Critique of postcolonial Reason'

(she will also be signing her new book *Critique of Postcolonial

in the Ian Gulland Lecture Theatre, Goldsmiths College, University of
London, UK
at 3pm.

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak is the Avalon Foundation Professor in the
Humanities at Columbia University.

This event is organized by Harvard University Press and Goldsmiths

Saturday May 22nd
Ian Gulland Lecture Theatre
Whitehead Building
Goldsmiths College
New Cross, London SE14 6NW
(nearest rail: New Cross Gate)

Watch this space for more details:

or email:



Dr John Hutnyk
Goldsmiths College, University of London

   ................................................................... 14

Date: Fri, 7 May 1999 12:03:28 +0200 (CEST)
From: Geert Lovink <>

ARTLAB-Prospect 3 Exhibition
"Ultima Ratio" - Software and Interactive Installation
 (artist: Daniela Alina Plewe)
May 27 (thu)-June 6 (sun) at Spiral Garden, Tokyo

organized by: Canon ARTLAB
co-operation with: Goethe Institut Tokyo, Spiral/Wacoal Art Center

In "Ultima Ratio," visitors can experience the conflicts of heroes/
heroines in various scenarios in literature, such as Shakespeare's
"Hamlet", movie "Casablanca," "Robocop" and Greek myth "Medea"
etc. remodeled by decision-support-formalism of AI.

The tangled backgrounds and psychological dilemmas in narratives
are visualized and networked in 3-D diagrams, to form visual
databases. Visitors can experience the depths of consciousness
in accordance with changing voices and colors. This work is in the
limelight, not only in the fields of media and information technology,
but also as an original idea to link literatures with multimedia.

The work, first shown at ARS ELECTRONICA 98 in Linz last year, is the
first exhibition of full-fledged installation in the world.

<on Ultima Ratio by Daniela Alina Plewe>

In this Virtual Reality Ambient human paradoxes and dilemmas are
represented as logical strucutres. A decision support system from
AI research reasons then on such issues as: should Hamlet kill
Claudius.., should Ilsa leave Casablanca with Rick..., should one live
for ideals even if risking one's life..., etc.? Thereby exceptions to
rules allow to differentiate the formalization. The system generated
inner monologues of the characters and visualizes them in realtime
as 3-D diagrams. The ambivalence of choices may become captured
as images about mental spaces. The visual language (here of protoype
1) allows also to draw images beyond the logical functionality:
features like 'reasoning running wild' courage "live wrong, but win"
and 'plans of a life' can be expressed within thesemantics of "Ultima

<Daniela Alina Plewe>

lives in Berlin
studies in Philosophy, Literature and Anthropology

1988-89   Video at University of Paris VIII
1991-95   member of the AI-group "Logic, Theories of Knowledge and
                 Information" at Freie Universitaet Berlin
1995        project-artist at ZKM, Center for Arts and Media, Karlsruhe
1995        grant of French Embassy, Bonn
1998        Ars Electronica
1998        grant of Senate of Berlin
1998        honorary mention in the genre of Interacitve Art at Comtecart,

*further information at
   or contact Yukiko Shikata at

Yukiko Shikata, Canon ARTLAB
DK Bldg.5F, 7-18-23, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032 Japan
Tel:+81-3-5410-3611 Fax:3615
ARTLAB-Prospect3"Ultima Ratio"(Daniela Alina Plewe) May 27-June6

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