Gregoire Rousseau via nettime-l on Fri, 14 Mar 2025 15:15:17 +0100 (CET) |
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<nettime> Politics of the Machines / Call for Abstract Extended Deadline 29 March 2025 |
The 5th Politics of the Machines Conference: Synthetic Sentience Call for Abstract Extended Deadline 29th March 2025 _______________ The Institute of Advanced Studies The University Of Western Australia Perth, Australia July 16-18, 2025 This edition of the POM-conference will explore the evolving politics of sentience across a wide array of fields, including, but not limited to, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, cultural studies, creative arts, philosophy, bioart, music, psychology, food, and the intersection of art & science. Applicants are invited to submit a 500-word abstract under one of the conference tracks by March, 29th 2025. If no track is selected, the conference organizers will assign the submission to the most appropriate track. We welcome submissions in a variety of formats, including papers, lecture-performances, artistic interventions, and workshops. More info there on the conference and tracks: I co-organize and recommend the track 04 The materiality of sentience: an experimental approach: Track 04 Track Chairs: RAT Research Group We invite submissions that critically re-examine the concept of sentience, moving beyond traditional binary frameworks that classify entities as either sentient or non-sentient. Such dichotomies fail to account for the complex interplay between organic and inorganic, living and non-living agencies, and are often shaped by dominant knowledge systems that prioritize order, logic, and anthropocentric hierarchies. We encourage submissions challenging dominant frameworks and proposing new perspectives on sentience, fostering deeper understandings of relationships between humans and other-than-human entities. We welcome unconventional approaches to the boundaries of sentience, agency, and materiality—whether through artistic research, case studies, essays, or theoretical explorations—with a particular emphasis on critical and speculative methodologies to the sensory, aesthetic, and ethical dimensions of sentience. Most welcome to submit your proposal! ------------------------ gregoire rousseau +358 503365832 Nilsiankatu 10A 00550 Helsinki / Finland -- # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: # contact: