Max Herman via nettime-l on Sat, 1 Mar 2025 15:02:06 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Grand Bargain (1950)


Grand bargain
Game of chicken
Good cop bad cop
Burned the boats
Nobel prize

Rebalance power
Spoils of peace
Ducks in a row
Temporary despotism
Green transition

Transvaluate values
Persuade Xi
Avoid bait
Climate control
Mona Lisa Esperienza

Fortuna Caerus
Skip a war
Deus ex machina
GATT sequel
Redemption obsession

Trust deficit
Unacknowledged legislators
Sufi Zen
Indigenous critique
Omnes scientiae sunt connexae


Experience, MN

Town where I dwell
Some call it midwest hell
I call it right on time
Rings out like a bell

Farms and lakes abound
We all go ramblin' around
The buzzin' and the bugs
We like that rocky sound

O, Fitzgerald
Rogers Nelson
Bobby Stinson
(Brenda Ueland)

Experience for sure

Ancient word for veda
Italian esperienza
All the verb we're talkin'
Like a true bonanza

If they say
You rubes have lost your way
Then all a summer's day
Unleash and let it play

Right wings are a-flappin'
Big plans 'bout to happen
Hamilton reminds us
You win by patient scrappin'


"Seeing Art" by Josef Albers (Images 21 and 22)


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