Christian Swertz via nettime-l on Fri, 13 Oct 2023 10:22:39 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> nettime magazine

Dear friends,

sorry for being silent on the issue for so long. What I could figure out in the meantime is that we are not restricted by technical limits - we can do whatever we want. So - let's fill the emptiness with meaning!
As far as I see, important steps are:

1) Set up a team
2) Configure some apps
3) Publish contributions

For the first step: May I invite volunteers? Please send me a PM and tick what you are interested in:
[  ] I would like to publish contributions (in all digital formats, even 
in those we have only dreamed of so far)
[  ] I would like to convince people I know to publish contributions
[  ] I would like to do some design (creating logos, visuals, colour palettes, font sets, layout) [  ] I would like to keep apps up and running (updating software, checking disc space, writing HTML and CSS) [  ] I would like to become a member of the editorial board (inviting people to contribute, do curating, copy editing, proofreading) [  ] I would like to become an editor (and maybe do things like writing a nettime magazine manifesto)
If you answer, I will invite you to a first meeting where decisions can 
be prepared for the nettime collective.
This will be a really interesting project - I'm looking forward to it!

Liebe Grüße,

Christian Swertz

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