Heiko Recktenwald via nettime-l on Thu, 24 Aug 2023 19:25:33 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> The ends of democracy

Am 24.08.23 um 19:07 schrieb Brian Holmes via nettime-l:
The point is how to create a social contract on a global scale,
under the conditions demanded and allowed by climate change and AI. In
other words: How to achieve a political liberty that can solve the problems
that individual freedom has created? This has been a major question on
nettime for years.

Just finished a paper on Russian gas and the war in Ukraine. I want my gas back. And it starts with two mottos. The second is the idea that did lead to the construction of the tower of Babel: Let us speak one language. And the first is an idea I heart from somebody smoking his first pipe under a treein a pinstripe suit with the Economist on his table one Saturday morning somewhere in Italy. States have less and less power. People think less and less themselves. How can this project that started in a Greek village survive in our world?

It was probably not his invention but I dont know who said it first.


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