Allan Siegel via Nettime-tmp on Sun, 30 Jul 2023 17:36:51 +0200 (CEST) |
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Re: <nettime> destroyer of worlds |
Hello, I hope you all don't mind this shift in focus - it relates to Oppenheimer. There is a sub-text to the film that I won't go into here; if you saw Nolan's Dunkirk you'll have some clues regarding how he represents historical events of great magnitude. Meanwhile, I am offering for viewing my film on the making and use of the atomic bomb; it includes in interviews with Gar Alperovitz and Martin Sherwin (co-author of Oppenheimer screenplay) as well as dramatizations of the decision making processes. Notably also the dramatized testimony of Leo Szillard the physicist who convinced Einstein to write to Roosevelt and initiate the Manhattan Project. THE BOMBING OF HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI from Allan Siegel, ![]() On 2023. 07. 24. 13:25, David Garcia
via Nettime-tmp wrote:
Amidst all the current Oppenheimer hype, I appreciated Zia Haider Rahman, the author of *In the Light of What We Know* - ' who in a recent tweet declared: |
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